May 16, 2007

'Til Tomorrow

There are two, count 'em two, official new posts coming soon, tomorrow morning to be exact. (Pacific Standard Time).

So this is not an actual post. And as is often the case here at Cranky Fitness, there is nothing in here that has anything to do with Health or Fitness. Except in the sense that laughing is good for you, but that's lame.

Anyway. The ever-resourceful Dawno found this site and it seemed easier to steal her idea than to find or write original material.

It's called the Shakespeare Insult Kit, a do-it-yourself project that's way too much fun.

Some examples of why you should go check it out:

Thou fawning beef-witted canker-blossom!

Thou infectious dizzy-eyed hedge-pig!

Thou mammering boil-brained flax-wench!

See how much fun this can be?

Thanks, Dawno. Next DMV visit, this list could come in quite handy.


  1. I had a really nasty Shakespearian remark, but I remembered that many bloggers are easily offended, skank.

  2. This is not really a comment for a not really a post, but I had to use at least one insult, so:

    fobbing fat-kidneyed flap-dragon

    Princess Dieter --who has no idea what fobbing and wonders where the flap is on a dragon...

  3. Fob is archaic for deceive and/or cheat.

  4. Hi there Spider, thou cockered dog-hearted barnacle! And I mean that in the nicest of ways. And thanks for the "fob" info, which I will forget again in about 20 seconds, but it's always nice to learn something.

    Welcome Mirtika! Ooh, that's a good one. Yes, dragonflaps are sort of puzzling, anatomy wise. Thanks for your visit. (I now realize I may have gone to the wrong one of your blogs to say hello, and may also have misspelled your name, so my apologies for being a such a (fill in the blank with a handy Shakespearian insult here)!

  5. Happy to be of service Crabby to you and your readers!

  6. No apology necessary, Crabby. I have a lot of test blogs just to placehold the names. The only really active ones are Mirathon, Once Upon a Diet, Once Upon a (Uni)Verse, and my Gerard Butler drooly blog, Butlerian Crushgirl. The others are testy ones or placeholders. I really didn't want someone taking a blogspot thing with my name(s).

    Keep on snarking.

  7. Forswear haste. It is but a drunkard's curse on death. --Appleton

  8. Hark, do I hear the literate voice of Appleton come to elevate the coarse level of discourse here at Cranky Fitness?

    Though Crabby is not about to forswear haste. Haste in most things saves valuable time later for important endeavors like napping and daydreaming and eating fine chocolates.


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