March 24, 2008

Ch-Ch-Ch- Chia!

This Guest Post is written by the inimitable MizFit, and she's even included a video--unless Crabby has screwed up the coding, in which case she's included a nice blank space. There's a lot more cool stuff at MizFit's blog, so make sure you stop by if you're not already addicted. Enjoy!

Chia seeds are the new rage (if by rage you mean healthy stuff we're told to eat in the name of longevity----which MizFit does) and, indeed, they are precisely the same seed used to grow the frizzy "hair" on the Chia Pet plants.

(It's the easy joke. It's the obvious joke, People, but it bears repeating: NO, you CAN NOT simply eat your Chia Pet.)

Lemmie explain.

The chia seeds are derived from a mint-related plant known as Salvia hispanica. The seeds are high in protein (to know MizFit is to know she is all about the protein), fiber & calcium. Chia seeds are also higher in omega-3 than any other plant source, including the *amazing* flaxseed, which MizFit hath previously commanded you sprinkle on every, single item you consume.

(Does the above fact change my mind? you must view the video in order to to find out.)

Another benefit to Chia (*sigh* I am forced to admit over my beloved flax seeds) is that it expands in your stomach and, as a result, helps you to feel full longer.

In fact, the ancient Aztecs are rumored to have eaten chia before they commenced long marches (I'm thinking if it sustained them through a 'long march' it can definitely see me through a morning with the Toddler Tornado. We shall see.)

Chia seeds are also GREAT for diabetics as they slow down the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose due to their high fiber and protein content.

(I know. MizFit has lost her mind with ChiaLove & is all about espousing the information today. You'll have that.)

Bottom line? Check them out. Chia is great for your health, will help reduce your cravings with their high fiber content and are easy to use.

How easy? (thanks for asking!) Here's a muffin recipe and please to check out the video below.

It's Chiarrific.

(And big love goes out to my DoctorCrush Mehmet without whom the masses might never have realized this amazing seed maketh more than an inexpensive holiday gift for the officemate you barely know). --MizFit


  1. Excellent post! I am all about the Omega-3 fatty acids. I think the other main vegetable-based source was purslane, which is considered a weed.

    I think Chia is cool because it's both healthy and fun. Plus, it's fun to say :)

    Good job!

  2. So we're just heading out the door--but I have to say, that was a convincing pitch! Will have to look for the stuff although I have no plans to turn it into a beverage.

    I've always had good intentions re: flax but never much followed through because of the grinding. If these things don't taste nasty, I'm game!

    Adios and see y'all in a couple weeks!

  3. MIzfit- Are you SERIOUS?
    I love my ground flax. I'm always hiding the stuff in muffins and sprinkling it all over stuff the kids have.

    really? chia?

    Is it widely available or do I need to go to a special store to get some?


  4. Something new to look in to. Thanks.

  5. When I first saw this post, I thought, "What is she smoking?"

    Ha Ha!! I had my Salvia's mixed up. For those that don't follow this, see Salvia divinorum, obviously your Chia Pet's evil twin :-)

    Nice post, by the way!!

    Dr. J

  6. My new diet battle cry shall be ch-ch-ch-chia!

  7. looooserville.

    population? The MizFit.

    swung by to see if I had any comments.
    yeah, Im admitting it.

    now, I ordered mine from here:

    Im thinking one could find it at trader joes (we dont have em) and at whole foods ---those kinds of places.
    Im all about getting the stuff I eat in bulk as when I eat it I EAT IT :)

    I know, Katieo, it's sad but true.

    now since I HEART the flax I may just do both until Mehmet calls me (he calls *all the time*) and says CEASE & DESIST.


  8. Chia seeds... I never would've guessed!

  9. and merry? crabby?

    thanks for letting me yammer up in herre.


  10. But will they make hair grow all over our bodies...? ;)
    Interesting post, Mizfit - the Bag Lady will be on the lookout for Chia seeds on her next trip to town.

  11. Yeah Miz Fit! I'd read about chia, but you're the first person I've gotten a review from. Very cool!

  12. Great post! Thanks! I will be on the lookout for them...of course I will drive my family crazy with singing the song, but that's ok too!

  13. dont thank me.

    buy me a chia pet.


  14. Ack! Now BagLady has me worried. Mizfit, are we going to start sprouting hair all over like chia pets? ;)

  15. Wha? MizFit is saying something might be *gasp* better than flax? Chia sounds like a super seed (or is a grain? must be a seed since it sprouts chia pets). Might have to give it a try but fear the taste truth be told.

  16. Sounds interesting, I will have to have a look for it.

  17. Not sprouting hair, but maybe sprouting sprouts! Eek! I'll be on the outlook for chia seeds, thanks.

  18. Wow, very cool!! As a vegetarian, I'm always looking for plant ways to get my omega-3s. Do you know how it compares to purslane?? I'd heard that was the best plant source of omega 3's. I can't find that anywhere. I'll def. try the chia seeds though - if I can find them!

  19. Lurve me some chia seeds. I get them at the local health store, in bulk. If you mix them with water - in about a 1:4 ratio of seeds to water, they form a gel. This makes an excellent addition to smoothies. Gives the smoothies that smooth, thick texture that usually requires something like ice cream (not admitting, just saying). You can't taste them AT ALL in the smoothie.
    Other than that, I also eat them straight out of the bag. Check your teeth before you leave the house. Again, just saying.

  20. I've got lots more info on chia seeds on my website.

    P.S. You need to stir the seeds into water and let it sit for awhile before you try drinking it. Your video shows a layer of seeds floating on the surface. So stir it up good and then sip.

    P.P.S. Did you mention that chia seeds are mild in flavor?

  21. What? Chia seeds? Man, I feel totally out of the loop. They sounds great, though!

  22. thanks margaret!

    I did mention the flavor but never was able to get my seeds to disperse in the water (it had been chilling like that for a while.)

    anything else I could do to use them as a drink?


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Wow, sorry for the deleted post, it was in serious need of an edit! I checked at whole foods and had no luck finding Chia Seeds. I can't speak for all of the whole foods, but since I'm in Berkeley and were pretty much seed eating people I would imagine if they carried them they would have them here. I have yet to check trader joes.

    Miz - is the shipping expensive from hidalgo? I guess what I'm trying to say is it worth me hunting around for them or is the shipping reasonable?

  25. PlasticCal, if you were across the bay, I'd recommend you check out Earthbeam. (Then again, I tend to recommend them for most everything. Great store, very friendly people. Did I mention I shopped there for 3 decades?) But I suppose Burlingame is a bit far from Berkeley. Certainly in terms of politics (except for Earthbeam).

  26. MizFit is old and brainweary.


    Ill look and get back to you.

    regardless it was the proverbial cr**load o'seeds so it'll last me a while!


  27. Great video on the chia. You can also get chia seeds from is the Red Opal brand. For the beverage, an easy way to do it is to take a couple of sips out of an ordinary bottle of water (.5L) and add approximately 2 tablespoons of the chia seeds and shake it up good. Wait 10-15 minutes, shaking periodically, and then it is ready to drink. Doing it this way will have the seeds thoroughly mixed throughout the water. ENJOY!

  28. I tried trader joes and no Chia there either, I caved and ordered 12 pounds of Chia from hildago... free shipping whoo!

  29. Start with smoothies!! Add an ounce of chia gel to any smoothie and you won't even know it's there. You can also add the gel to soups and stews, or use it to stretch yer mayo, or cook it up with yer oatmeal! Yum!!

    Personally, I love chia fresca (see my website).

    Buy it at the Vitamin Shoppe.

    But don't give up!!!

  30. Hmm if I can add it to a smoothie and not know it's there....OK I might try it! :)

  31. I feel pretty silly. Twice I told you to visit my website and never gave you the URL:

    Maybe this link will work.

  32. Thanks for your post. Love the Chia seeds, but they are so expensive. Can you share an inexpensive source? thanks.

    angela chan

  33. Oh chia is great i love chia. Black chia and white chia. I bought my chia seeds from hidalgofoods. I think they sell the most cheaper chia seeds. Not only that. Now they have spirulina powder and quinoa powder. Well, i must say that i am one of their fan. hahahaha. yes because i like eating functional foods.
    This is great i like to know more recipes so i can try other menus

  34. You also can find chia seeds by the name salba seeds. It's a special strain of chia. I got sent a couple of bags of salba seeds to review. They're less toasty tasting than flax and much smaller and lighter colored.

  35. LOL I immediately thought of Salvia Divinorum too! >:)


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