July 01, 2011

Health & Fitness Research Round-Up, Lazy Blogger Edition

So I'm thinking I may start a weekly feature that pretty much just recycles recent health research and other miscellaneous stuff culled from my Twitter feed.  Health blogging doesn't get any lazier than that!

Why stoop so low?  Well, it occurs to me that (a) not everyone on the world is on twitter (b) my sidebar twitter widget probably isn't visible from most blog readers (c) even people who do follow me on Twitter may be following thousands of others folks and sadly, may not be holding their breath every moment of the day waiting for the latest from @CrabbyMcSlacker, and finally (d) if I'm going to waste away hours tweeting about health and fitness anyway, maybe I can leverage an additional blog post with almost no effort!

These little snippets will be edited a bit--I notice that Twitter staples like RT's, @ symbols etc  tend to make non-Twitter types cranky. Some hashtags may stay just 'cause I like 'em. But it means that credit for finding links probably won't be given where it's due. Sorry 'bout that, tweeps.

So here goes practically nothing!

I love when a study says to eat MORE of something!  Study: soluble fiber may reduce belly fat http://tinyurl.com/6kyvy9t

Study says working out an empty stomach won't burn more fat & may deplete muscle: http://nyti.ms/lamUtO

Hey, no fair: older women with more wrinkles also more likely to have low bone density. http://bit.ly/kNpyV7

Weird (but fascinating) study: Ovulation boosts women's "gaydar" http://on-msn.com/jgaWuX. Seems to be about mate choice; only works on men

Study on low-carb vs low-fat diets say both effective: http://on-msn.com/lOuL2h. Low carb faster at first, low fat catches up.

Average American gobbles up 580 calories a day in snacks. I'm guessing that's probably not veggies & hummus? http://on-msn.com/mjMQj1

Y'all have no doubt seen this, but if you missed the Whole Foods Parking Lot video, it's hilarious: http://youtu.be/2UFc1pr2yUU

Florida medical board says rape conviction no reason to keep doctor from practicing medicine: http://cbsloc.al/mNatek #gladIdontlivethere

Silver lining department: if you're over 65 and get breast cancer, you're more likely to die of something else. http://on-msn.com/k1ziyu

Calcium supps may help (a little) with weight loss: http://bit.ly/kiDM0m But they can mess with heart health: http://bit.ly/jX08qa

Study: folks who scarf chips, fries, sodas, red meat & watch tons of tv are fatter. http://on-msn.com/jW1DMi Gosh, who woulda thunk?

WTF? Fat substitutes actually lead to weight gain? http://bit.ly/luzMbs

Note: new post coming out early next week (I think!) and it's actually (a) new and not recycled and (b) health and fitness related!  And it will be appearing here at Cranky Fitness and will not be another sneaky attempt to send you over to my life and wellness coaching website.

Th...th...th...th...that's all, folks!  Have a happy Canada Day and a festive fourth of july weekend!


  1. Well dagnabbit, I forgot again to log in as Crabby! This J Graham person is REALLY getting annoying.

  2. You could be J Graham-Cracker. In 1829 Rev Graham developed it as an antidote to the current health issue of the day: Overweight and unhealthy eating.

  3. Great graphic. I enjoy blog posts that link me up to little tidbits of info I may otherwise have not read.

    I feel much more informed now that I have seen the Whole Foods video! LOL! That had me laughing!!!

    Happy 4th of July weekend to you!

  4. Haven't caught up to Twitter yet, so i do appreciate this.

    That one about the Florida doctor is horrifying.

    Have a Happy July 4th!

  5. Nice Idea. BTW, I am not on Twitter as well, so your efforts (?) could pay off .... lol.

  6. I don't do Twitter cause all this other stuff I do sucks up time like no tomorrow so I am afraid Twitter will make it worse - and for a person looking for work, I need to be away from these new fangled things! ;-)

    So eating a bunch of crap makes us fat. Where can I get a grant to do another study on that - ah, duh!

    Thx for the links! Have a great one!

  7. You could always emerge reborn as Crabby Graham or Jaime McSlacker :)

  8. Very timely, since my twitter feed is borked and working two jobs this month means I don't have time to fix it.

    (I don't think link-finders want acknowledgement as much as they want to see the links they didn't find.)

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  9. Well, a couple of comments. In my opinions, the Florida doctor situation is a bit murker than the title suggests, and that one about a "full stomach" was poorly presented in the NYT. If your goal is to lose fat, exercising in the AM before eating will give you a better result.

  10. Good post, Crabby. Ideally suited for those like me with the attention span of a gnat.

  11. I found this article very helpful to me ...thanks for such a good work


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