Hey, it's Friday, whaddya expect?
Photo: Roozbeh Rokni
What have we got this week? Well, something that may be even better for you than green tea, sunscreen alternatives, why people made miserable by allergies may actually be lucky, and the usual half-assed "health research lite" from Crabby McSlacker!
Let's get this party started, shall we?
First off, I'm making yet another plea for reader help! You guys were so awesome about helping out the Cranky Fitness Facebook page . Every new "like" brings joy to this Crabby ol' heart! So I feel a bit guilty asking for another favor. But what the heck, here goes:
If in your webtravels, any of you run across a recent health and fitness post or article at another website that you think Cranky Fitness folks might enjoy, wanna send me an email or leave me a comment about it? I'd like to start including reader suggestions in the weekly lazy links post sinceI'm so crappy at research you folks are so well-informed. I know there are tons of great health and fitness bloggers out there and I'm not getting around as much as I used to, and I don't want to be stingy with the link love.
This week in Blogland:
If in your webtravels, any of you run across a recent health and fitness post or article at another website that you think Cranky Fitness folks might enjoy, wanna send me an email or leave me a comment about it? I'd like to start including reader suggestions in the weekly lazy links post since
This week in Blogland:
So I confess I'm intrigued by the Diet Blog post on Matcha vs. Green Tea. Sounds like Matcha could be even healthier, and better tasting? Anyone tried it yet? Is it hype or something worth looking in to?
Do you have the vague sense that Greek yogurt is good for you, but can't remember why the heck that is? Marsha at Fit Woman has you covered with the nutritional nitty gritty on why Greek yogurt rocks.
Love watermelon? Find out why you can feel smug eating it at Fit Bottomed Girls.
At Vitamin G there's a sneaky trick for staving off hunger without eating any extra calories.
More links? Sure! There's a Healthy Candy link roundup that includes foods that fight fat, ways to get more out of your workout, and suggestions from some obvious crackpot on how to make smoothies.
And remember a couple weeks ago when I wrote about my Stand Up Desk experiment? Well, I'm still standing as I write this, and I'm just gonna trust that I'm getting all those nifty longevity benefits. (Though as to the supposed calorie burn? I haven't exactly been plagued with drastic unstoppable weight loss). But I was pleased to see that Carrie at FitApproach also decided to take a stand for fitness! Check out her post for some more ideas on how to stand more and sit less.
Next up: this week's health and fitness research on Twitter:
Another reason to get strong & muscular, besides feeling all bad-ass & confident: you can lower your risk of diabetes. http://bit.ly/oi7dMZ
Loss of Memory Due to Aging May Be Reversible: http://bit.ly/rmewys. Best news I heard all day! But heck, its the only news I can remember.
Only 15% Use Calorie Info at NYC Fast Food Chains http://on-msn.com/q9PLRn
Well duh: Smoking After Heart Attack Raises Risk of Dying. http://on-msn.com/nTpHQ2
Seriously? No cure for cancer yet but there's funding for: "Medieval Armor Drained Soldier's Energy, Study Finds" http://on-msn.com/mUmDuF
Just got lectured by my dermatologist, so I'm not gonna ditch sunscreen. But @Mark_Sisson has natural alternatives: http://bit.ly/oAReSp
Allergies driving you nuts? Silver lining: research suggests you may have lower cancer risk. http://nyti.ms/pDeqVL
Glad Dr. Mike is dissing "detox" diets in Shape magazine: http://bit.ly/omo2Us. But "cut out caffeine?" Ain't happening!
Is there some conspiracy afoot to get me to try yoga? Studies show yoga can cut hot flashes by 31%. http://ow.ly/5JvFI
Mmm, a great excuse for apple pie? Cinnamon compound may help prevent alzheimers: http://bit.ly/pvgD6x
This week in "Weird Ways People Found Cranky Fitness," we have the somewhat creepy: "circuit training ideas for two year olds," "cannibal rice ball," and "whales having sex." But low-carbers may relate to this one: "atkins cranky how long?"
And finally, the most hilariously terrible public service campaign ever is apparently still ongoing! But don't ignore the message behind it. Read this vintage CF post so you don't die this summer please.
One last reminder: Don't forget to enter this week's New Balance UV workout wear giveaway! And I won't spoil the surprise, but next week's giveaway is really awesome: not only is it for a great, gender neutral fitness product, but Canadians will be included too. Hooray!
Happy Friday, everyone. Got any thoughts, advice, fun weekend plans, jokes, complaints? It's all good!
Do you have the vague sense that Greek yogurt is good for you, but can't remember why the heck that is? Marsha at Fit Woman has you covered with the nutritional nitty gritty on why Greek yogurt rocks.
Love watermelon? Find out why you can feel smug eating it at Fit Bottomed Girls.
At Vitamin G there's a sneaky trick for staving off hunger without eating any extra calories.
More links? Sure! There's a Healthy Candy link roundup that includes foods that fight fat, ways to get more out of your workout, and suggestions from some obvious crackpot on how to make smoothies.
And remember a couple weeks ago when I wrote about my Stand Up Desk experiment? Well, I'm still standing as I write this, and I'm just gonna trust that I'm getting all those nifty longevity benefits. (Though as to the supposed calorie burn? I haven't exactly been plagued with drastic unstoppable weight loss). But I was pleased to see that Carrie at FitApproach also decided to take a stand for fitness! Check out her post for some more ideas on how to stand more and sit less.
Next up: this week's health and fitness research on Twitter:
Another reason to get strong & muscular, besides feeling all bad-ass & confident: you can lower your risk of diabetes. http://bit.ly/oi7dMZ
Loss of Memory Due to Aging May Be Reversible: http://bit.ly/rmewys. Best news I heard all day! But heck, its the only news I can remember.
Only 15% Use Calorie Info at NYC Fast Food Chains http://on-msn.com/q9PLRn
Well duh: Smoking After Heart Attack Raises Risk of Dying. http://on-msn.com/nTpHQ2
Seriously? No cure for cancer yet but there's funding for: "Medieval Armor Drained Soldier's Energy, Study Finds" http://on-msn.com/mUmDuF
Just got lectured by my dermatologist, so I'm not gonna ditch sunscreen. But @Mark_Sisson has natural alternatives: http://bit.ly/oAReSp
Allergies driving you nuts? Silver lining: research suggests you may have lower cancer risk. http://nyti.ms/pDeqVL
Glad Dr. Mike is dissing "detox" diets in Shape magazine: http://bit.ly/omo2Us. But "cut out caffeine?" Ain't happening!
Is there some conspiracy afoot to get me to try yoga? Studies show yoga can cut hot flashes by 31%. http://ow.ly/5JvFI
Mmm, a great excuse for apple pie? Cinnamon compound may help prevent alzheimers: http://bit.ly/pvgD6x
This week in "Weird Ways People Found Cranky Fitness," we have the somewhat creepy: "circuit training ideas for two year olds," "cannibal rice ball," and "whales having sex." But low-carbers may relate to this one: "atkins cranky how long?"
And finally, the most hilariously terrible public service campaign ever is apparently still ongoing! But don't ignore the message behind it. Read this vintage CF post so you don't die this summer please.
One last reminder: Don't forget to enter this week's New Balance UV workout wear giveaway! And I won't spoil the surprise, but next week's giveaway is really awesome: not only is it for a great, gender neutral fitness product, but Canadians will be included too. Hooray!
Happy Friday, everyone. Got any thoughts, advice, fun weekend plans, jokes, complaints? It's all good!
I've never tried Matcha and frankly, the description doesn't help. I see it contains Theobromine. That' the good stuff in cacao. Why go to ground up leaves when I can get that in chocolate?
ReplyDeleteAll good and interesting stuff, Crabby. Thanks.
I've never tried matcha, but maybe I will. I'm a big tea drinker. I love Greek yogurt, the full fat stuff. And if you spend 1 hour chewing almonds in the afternoon, it's then time for dinner. I tend to chew my nutty snacks fast to get them in my stomach. Good links again.
ReplyDeleteThanks especially for the link about memory. It's one i'll have to look up before my slippery over-40 memory loses it.
ReplyDeleteUmmm.... great links. I think I need to check out the memory thingy again, though, because I seriously cannot remember what I was planning to write as my comment. In the millisecond between when I clicked on the comment icon and the page came up, I forgot.
OK, lots for me to read here! Glad I lift weights! I pile on cinnamon on everything, I might have to add yoga with my sweat/hot flashed that have gone on for years!!! My poor hubby. I was the one that was always cold when I was younger & now I freeze him out cause I always need a fan. I run HOT & not in the Paris Hilton type of hot!;-)
ReplyDeleteHave a great one!
well, if I could move my right leg at the hip, I would be trying the yoga for my hot flashes! Alas, it will have to wait until I get a new one.