December 26, 2009

How Did I Miss This?

This news report came out earlier this year, featuring an awesome new prescription medication. My apologies to those who have already seen it by now. (And note to the satire-impaired: Caution is advised; it's from The Onion).

I'm thinking I need to contact these folks about advertising on Cranky Fitness!

Have a great weekend, all, and see you Monday.


  1. I love The Onion...this is great! Thanks. Laughter is the best medicine!

  2. That certainly brought the LOLs!

  3. A part of me wishes this was an actual product, since I know people who could use it. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I deleted my comment because after I put it up I realized it could be taken wrong.

    About freaking time something was done about all those weird-apple happy folk.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  6. I do not collect ceramic figurines, nor have I ever organized a potluck except at someone else's orders, but I can tell I should start watching with an eagle eye for people sneaking things into my food!

    Mary Anne in Kentucky, relentlessly cheerful

  7. Mary Anne, we wouldn't have you any other way!

  8. The new uppers and downers! Take the anti-depressant when you've got the blues, then take the depressant to come down! Love it!

    Thanks for the laughs! (Trying to reduce my diet of white bread and corn syrup.)

  9. Oh goodness. This one was hilarious.

  10. Good stuff, good stuff. Got my visiting parents laughing.

    (word verification: ceduce)

  11. All too often, the Onion is closer to the truth than I want to know!

  12. I had not seen this. TOO FRIGGIN FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. May I have some to have on hand when those annoyingly cheerful "you need to convert to our religion" people come calling?

    Too Funny.

  14. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it!


    I so needed that!

  16. When I grow up I want to work for The Onion.

  17. Oh my God! I've gotta get this for my niece, who actually uses the phrase "cool beans." LMAO.

    Some people just don't know when to quit with the smiling all the time! They give us whiners a bad name. (by the way, did you know that December 26 is National Whiner's Day?)

    As usual, Crabby, you gave me a good laugh with this one. Come to think of it, I've been too damned cheery lately. Got to call my doc. . .

  18. Damn it, Crabby, look what you've gone and went and done. You've spoiled my perfectly good Bad Mood!
    Yes, it's thanks to you that I'm smiling right now.
    It's All Your Fault. Hmph.

  19. Hahahah! You gotta love The Onion News! Thanks for sharing!


  20. I'm hoping they come up with something for those who are not only always cheerful, but those who annoyingly also always make good healthy choices!!!! Laughing at it did help me burn up some of those Christmas calories though.


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