December 06, 2009

Christmas Gift for Crabby

Bdaiss of Prairie Trails just sent me this nifty idea for a Christmas present. C'mon guys, it's only $25,000!


  1. OMG, that is just to friggin funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I where a millionaire, I would buy it for you! Unfortunately, I don't even have enough money to get my teeth fixed! :-)

    Loved that pic!

  2. Surely we can all go in together on it! :)

  3. On second thought, maybe I'd rather have 12,500 $2 cupcakes!

  4. Damn, and here I was all set to get you a brand new Slanket!

    But maybe it's not the fashion statement it once was. I heard Brittney Spears was going to come out with her own version of that snuggie, called a Skanket.

  5. I'm fantasizing about all of that frosting (if it were real). I'm already twitching for a fix.

  6. They don't pop out of there in their birthday suits, do they (like at a bachelor party)? Maybe THAT'S why it's $'re paying for a little somethin' extra-extra.

  7. For all 3? What a bargain. But, I ain't buying unless it comes with the sweet drivers.

  8. Now that got a big chuckle out of me!!! If/when I win the Lotto, you pick one and I will get it for you.

  9. I can't believe they actually sell those things! Although after reading Gina's comment I'm beginning to see the market for them;)

  10. Let's all chip in.. chocolate-chip in, even.

  11. Shucks Cranky.... just when I was about to buy you a few cans of Slim Fast ('cept they recalled the horrible stuff... um.. although that's not what the adverts would have you believe) and now you're making us fantasize about frosting 'n all????

  12. A bargain I tell ya!

    Very cute. :)

  13. I saw these on the tube. Maybe if they had wings, I might want one!


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