March 04, 2009

Crab Update

What, this is supposed to be a health and fitness blog?

Sorry! These are just some pictures from Part 1 of Crabby's cross country trip. Many thanks to all who left good wishes via comments or email! Internet has been lacking until today, which is both a Bad and a Good thing.

Our first stop, Montana de Oro, a favorite park of ours.

Not much sun, but it's always lovely anyway. Plus, whales! (Not pictured, of course.)

Next, a "hello!" from the Lobster!

But I'll spare you 97 blurry pictures of birds and rabbits we took along the trail.

Then it was off to San Diego...

Why did the drive take so long? Oh, you're not supposed to let the cat take a turn?

This next campground featured a great beach for running, which I was doing while Merry was busy informing us of why it's good for your bones! Alas, my knees still hurt, so I suspect what's good for the bones is not maybe so good for the joints. (And no, I don't run in my jeans; this was later).

Book proposal? Um, well, yeah, I worked on it a little!

And that's it for this trip report. Miss you all! And stay tuned for Guest Posts and for more Merry!


  1. I love update photos. It feels like you're taking us along for the trip. Nice to see pictures of the three of you. My mind is so entrenched in snowy/icy images that San Diego is like a dream to me. Keep safe, and thanks for sharing. :)

  2. I'm lovin' this trip so far! Keep us updated and be safe!


  3. You always can tell the beginning of a trip by the smiles on your face. I envious of the beach time and just being outside in shirt sleeves.


    Austin is hoping for a visit.

    xo xo,

    Miz & ThE ToRnAdO

  5. More more more more......

    (Want to take a trip so bad! But this is the next best thing.)

  6. Good to see Crab and Lobster in their natural habitat.
    And how thoughtful of The Moo to take a turn behind the wheel.

  7. I love Montana De Oro too, right there in the shadow of the nuclear (nook ya lure) reactor. Beautiful place. Can't wait for more photos. I hope we can't see thru you in the next ones.
    Lobster looks fab.

  8. Thanks for sharing your trip with us! It helps add fuel to the fire of jealousy burning in my chest!!
    Kidding, really! Good to see things are going well - keep us posted! (and do you have hand controls for Moo? such short little legs for driving....)

  9. Love the photos! Thanks for letting us share vicariously in all that sunshine and scenery :)

    Hand controls for the Moo? Isn't that what the cat-alytic converter is supposed to do?
    (Whaddya mean it's too early for lame puns?)

  10. Great pictures!

    For some reason I feel like the moo and I wouldn't like each other...

  11. Looks like you are having fun!

    You have good timing. If the weather here on the Western slope of CO is any indicator, you're going to have a great drive.

  12. Keep on with that sense of humor - love reading your blog - and yeah, even if it supposed to be about fitness, we strive to get healthy so we can do things like take trips and fit comfortable behind the wheel! Good going and safe journeys. Vee at

  13. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Your trip looks wonderful. I'm jealous, especially if your cat who has such fine traveling companions (and a beautiful fur coat). You guys look so happy. I've always wanted to go to Montana!

  14. Cheers for beach running! The only time in my life I was able to run more than about thirty yards before my knees and ankles started hurting was on a beach. I've never lived near a beach, though, and when I'm at one, I'm all about the water.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  15. i love the update photos as well! Have a safe and FUN trip!

  16. love the road trip pics.....I'm jealous.....keep them coming ;)

  17. Thanks for the update! Love the kitty shot;) You guys look like you're having a great time!

  18. I LOVE Montana de Oro - I've camped out there a few times. Driving in through the eucalyptus grove in the fog is still one of my best Cali memories...aahhh. Drive safely!

  19. Great photos, Crabby...enjoy the trip!

  20. Montana de Oro was the first camping trip with my architect! And it was FRIGID! It was also the first time we said I love you. awwwwwww.......

  21. Fun! Take care of those knees now :)

  22. Never let your cat sleep and drive!

    Give that Moo a hug... he reminds me of how sane my old cat Gray was on his cross country trips.


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