March 30, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different

Blame The Blogess. It's all her fault.

(If you're having any trouble seeing it, try this link instead).

Avoiding some unpleasant task and need a distraction? Take it from the Queen of Procrastination. You can go to the xtranormal site and fritter away lots of time making your own dopey cartoons. (And if you do, please leave a link in the comments so I can watch it!)

Oh, um, health news? Well... here's something: don't drink your tea too hot! Apparently drinking hot tea can lead to throat cancer.

Sorry you asked? Here, have a nice dancing bear video. Mondays are hard enough without scary health warnings.

And my apologies to you folks with dial-up connections, as well as to those who have serious jobs and no headphones. Normal posts with actual words instead of videos will resume shortly!


  1. HAHA loved it!! Hilarious! Now that's a great start to a Monday morning!

    Thanks Crabby!

  2. Great vidoes, Crabby! Loved the cartoon! And the pole-dancing bear was hilarious!

  3. ...and THAT"S why I love technology!

  4. don't get me started on making movies!!!!!!
    but I loved it.......

  5. I saw the teaser "why drinking very hot tea could be a bad idea..." on TV and forgot to follow up. I thought that maybe it would crack your teeth. Bad news for me b/c I drink my tea, coffee, water at as high a temperature as possible.

  6. ...and I love your movie. Can't wait to see more episodes.

  7. LOVE THIS!!!

    Every Monday morning should start with a pole dancing bear!

  8. HA! love it.. great way to start a Monday!

  9. Hey, I protest!

    "Normal posts will resume shortly"?

    "Normal" posts? On this blog? Never!

  10. Hi Crabby,

    Fabulous videos and perhaps we should all exercise like the bear!!


  11. Great monday post! Needed the entertainment :)

  12. Well that works out well for me I like my tea, a little above lukewarm. I did switch to Agave Nectar in my tea and it was yummy!

  13. Loved both of them! Poor bear has no idea that was being taped...wonder what other critters in the woods do when no one is around???

  14. Oh sure...another place to go to watse time...eep.

  15. Ha! Very funny! A good start to the week indeed! Thank you! :)

  16. Thanks for the bear pole dance.

    I needed that.

  17. Hilarious videos! The dancing bear brings back visions of the "pole dancing v. exercise" blog a few days ago. Keep 'em coming!

  18. Thx for the smile!

    I don't like tea, unfortunately because I know certain ones are good for you but since I like my hot liquids HOT, I guess it might be a good thing!

  19. Both videos were pretty sweet.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  20. Ha! Well done. I put together one of those animations for Frank just yesterday. And no, you can't see it. :}

  21. Just found your blog and I love it! You crack me up.
    And the cartoon is great. I am going to have to try that.

  22. I'd love to hear an Australian accent when my conscience is berating me!

  23. Your cartoon (or whatever you call it) was so much fun, I wasted half my day making my own. Then the site lost it when I was trying to save it. Maybe that's good....

  24. LOL on big ted.

    More bad news for tea drinkers though. Adding milk to your tea negates the health giving effects of the polyphenols. You have to drink it black. I'm English. It just isn't right, I tell you.


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