October 10, 2008

Workout Wear Giveaway

Time to Update Your Gym Outfit?

Has a fair amount of time passed since you've bought new exercise clothes? It happens to the best of us.

Photo credit: No idea. Hollywood, please don't sue us!

Where are the Weird Workout Wear War Stories?

Many of you have written amusing blog posts about the less-than-optimal state of your own workout togs. Or you've talked about "creative" outfits you've worn under duress, or hideous things you've seen other folks sporting at the gym or on the trail. And I fully intended to send readers to some of these hilarious posts! But unfortunately, despite my amazing memory, I've mostly forgotten who posted what and when.

I did at least remember that Charlotte had a great post on what not to wear at the gym. However, the always amusing Nitmos at Feet Meet Street is going to be perplexed/alarmed if he checks his stats to see someone rummaging around his blog looking for "golden shorts" -- I could swear he had a funny post, including a picture, about said shorts but I couldn't find it. [UPDATE: Turns out this because I had the wrong amusing guy running blogger and the wrong color. It wasn't Nitmos. (And no, it wasn't Vanilla either; he's more likely to wear a skirt). It was Steve wearing yellow shorts! Thanks, Xenia, for your assistance in the comments).

Anyway, faced with my inability to locate examples of amusing workout wear to entertain you with, I naturally thought: Describe some of your own hideous gym outfits! Make the readers supply the funny examples!

Share Your Sad Story and Win $150 Towards Cool Gym Clothes at Fit Couture. International Readers Too!

So as part of this week's giveaway, we want to hear why you might want some new workout clothes. This could also be a chance to tell us about weird, decrepit, or otherwise appalling workout clothing you've seen on other people--you don't have to humiliate yourself personally. We'll take your word for it that you need/want new stuff.

(Not feeling clever or amusing? You can still win with any kind of comment. It's just that the funny ones have a better chance.)

What Kind of Items You Could Win

Part of the $150 gift certificate at Fit Couture goes to shipping; that's how we're including international readers. But the balance can go towards nifty items in their catalog like:

Sports Bras and Crop Tops

Or you might be interested in some tank tops or camis,

Or some yoga pants!

Or heck, some other popular item in the Fit Couture line of workout clothes. It's up to you.

How the Contest Works

Leave a comment below telling us why you'd like new workout clothes. Or share an unfortunate gym fashion faux pas you've witnessed. Or explain why you don't wear any clothes at all while working out. It's all good. You can leave more than one comment if you're feeling chatty, but only the first one counts.

All entries are automatically assigned one number; entries I find particularly funny or compelling get 2 additional numbers. Winner is chosen by random number generator.

Contest deadline is Tuesday Oct 14 at midnight EST; winner announced Wednesday Oct 15th; winner must contact us by Friday Oct 17 to claim the prize.

Please Stand By For Some Blatant Sponsor Worship:

Can you tell I'm really excited to have the Fit Couture folks on board here? Their stuff looks really cool and practical, and they're offering a 10% discount on $100 or larger orders to Cranky Fitness readers. We even have a CRANKY promo code, how cool is that? Plus, as an additional bonus, their ads don't blink, sparkle, float, spin, play tunes, or promote empty-calorie processed snack foods or miracle weight loss cures!

So we're hoping even if you don't win the giveaway contest, that you might consider checking out their stuff in the coming months. (The sidebar ad takes you to their catalog) and perhaps keep them in mind if you find you need/want workout clothes.

More Free Stuff at Healthbolt!

If you're not grossed out enough by the prospect of old nasty sweaty smelly gym clothes that need replacing, Healthbolt has what it promises is a disgusting video (I decided I wasn't brave enough) as well as a Halloween Candy Giveaway! Check it out if you do the Halloween candy thang, it's a Harry Potter Cauldron of some sort. And have a great weekend!


  1. What can I say, I'm mommy, and mommy still works out in the same ancient workout shorts she got when there was a K-Mart in town and the free t-shirt from an exercise and health talk she went to years ago. It's a good thing I work out at home.

    The worst workout outfit I've ever seen was once on my own child. When Little Girl was only 3, she woke early and decided to join mommy in front of the tv for a video workout. She went and found her sister's too big for her polka dot shorts and her older brother's by then too small for him camo t-shirt with the holes in it, and sandals (couldn't get her own tennies on). I kept losing my balance from trying not to laugh at her trying to exercise in that get up.


  2. Crikey pressure to be funny, pressure, pressure, pressure.... aaah can't do it!!!! I just want to win something and it's open to International Readers!! Yipeee... I qualify!

    I used to wear two bras to hoping to help my large boobs to behave when exercising but it never quite worked so I finally bit the bullet and bought a proper sports bra and I've never looked back!

  3. You're supposed to wear clothes when you work out.....?!?!?!? Oh, wait, you're talking about stuff like jogging or yoga! Oops.
    Well, as you know, the Bag Lady doesn't 'work out' in the same manner as most normal people. Her "work-out" clothes consist of green rubber boots, old blue jeans, T-shirt or flannel shirt (or both, depending on how cold it is!) and the rattiest red coat you could ever imagine! She catches it on all the metal parts and pieces sticking out from her loader and it is torn and ragged, with stuffing hanging out, and the occasional mend with different coloured thread!
    But if she had fancy workout togs, she's pretty confident she'd be jogging and doing yoga with the rest of ya!

  4. My workout clothes are starting to get too big because I'm working out in them and losing all this fat! So count me in. :-)

    I just have to ask all you ladies, how *do* you manage to get into a sports bra if you're not a contortionist? Seriously, I just about broke my arms the last time I tried to wrestle my ample bosom into one of those devices.

  5. Nevermind, count me out. I just looked at the site and their biggest size is 16.

    I still got a looong way to go before I'm that small. sigh.

  6. woo hoo. Im in!
    new clothes make me GRIN.
    I need me a smile
    (new sh*t? been a while!)

    I not funny.
    I shouldnt win.
    RNG? You pick me?
    Cranky pick again.

  7. Great ones already!

    April, sorry about the size thing, let's hope they add some larger sizes as they get bigger.

    And having once been trapped in a dressing room at an outlet store for about 15 minutes trying to get back out of a sports bra without ripping it to pieces, I've discovered I need the kind that fully opens, either in the front or back. 'Cause if it's stretchy enough for me to get off an on without opening it, it just isn't supportive enough!

    Smaller gals I think can use the stretchy kind. The super supportive constrictive kind really should open all the way up!

  8. Oh yea Crabby, getting back out of it is even more fun than getting into it. I work up more sweat doing that than I do for the entire workout! haha

  9. Given that I've fallen in love with the hooded jacket, I'll tell you about my winter "look"... thank heavens I run when it's dark out!

    My winter running clothes are either from college (20 years ago) or Goodwill...

    On the bottom I wear long johns which are more holey than anything else but they've been on every winter run since 1987. next layer is a pair Goodwill lycra-ish yoga pants that are about a foot too long. Final layer is a pair of grey sweats from 1985... a high school graduation gift!

    On top, a long underwear top which is the parter of the above-mentioned long johns. Depending on the cold -- next is either one or two goodwill turtlenecks in colors like horrid yellow or puck green. Then comes my beloved VIRGINIA sweatshirt -- now so worn and thin it's a VI G N sweatshirt... Finally -- a windbreaker that I got from my friend. It was her mother's before she passed away. I suspect it is pre-1980, but I may be wrong.


  10. I wear the floppiest, loosest T shirt and shorts I can find. I exercise home alone so it's okay, but my recumbent bike is in front of the living room window. I don't know my neighbors well. Maybe that's why.

  11. An international giveaway! Alas, I don't really have any funny stories related to workout wear. :(

    Unless you count the yoga pants that were always trying to fall down in class. That was not fun. I'd be trying to flow through the poses and it would be like: Upward facing dog, downward facing dog, mountain pose, yank up pants...

    But that's all I've got.

    Looking forward to reading all the other stories though!

  12. Sorry, I am not a funny creative type of person or would could come up with something.

    I have never actually owned "workout" clothes. I did get an awesome sports bra from Mizfit (thanks!), but other than that I usually wear tank tops and shorts. I can't afford an extra wardrobe just for working out, so this would be awesome!

    I can see the benefits to having workout clothes. My shirts get sweaty and stick to me and, I feel like my shorts sometimes keep me from fully using my complete range of motion when I do squats, lunges and stretching.

  13. I have never gone out and bought myself workout clothes unless buying a really crappy sportsbra counts (i have to wear an extra bra with it :)

  14. This couldn't have been more timely for me... all summer long while running, I kept smelling funny things - then realized it was me. No matter what I did, the smell just would not come out of some of those clothes. Then I realized they were 7 or 8 years old and had probably lost any properties for wicking, odor control, whatever long ago. One Saturday I came through the door after a 15 mile long run and I knew it was time to throw the crap out when my husband, who usually isn't home on Saturdays but was this time said, "Okay, that's enough. Your stink, stank, stunk preceeded you. Do you need money to buy some new stuff?"

  15. How weird is it that I've never heard of fit couture before when technically I own more workout clothes than real clothes??? I will definitely be spending some precious alone time droooooling over their catalog!

    As for funny stories - man, I need to do another post! (Thanks for the shout-out btw!) I am the queen of wardrobe malfunctions, often because I workout in some crazy stuff on occassion. For instance - this H'ween, TurboKick is having a retro 80's night. I'm wearing a gold lame (as in la-MAY) halter leotard with leggings, leg warmers and an elastic belt. Only problem is the leotard is cut to my freakin' navel. I'm voting someone gets mooned that night. I'll post pictures:)

  16. I need some new sports bras! I was running last week and kept hearing a weird sound I culdn't identify. After patting myself down (while still running of course), and still notlocating the source, I gave up. It must be a fluke, right? When I got home and changed, I noticed my sports bra had disentigrated while running! The band had turned to powder adn 'my girls' were all over the place!

  17. Count me out, too. I won't try to be funny, I'll just be cranky instead.
    It's me and the allergies again. This is what I got when I searched for cotton in their site's search bar:
    "It feels soft like cotton, it breathes like cotton, but unlike cotton"
    which leads me to believe they don't have any real cotton. Sorry, I don't wear anything else next to my skin. (Which is why I quit wearing bras about thirty years ago. No, I don't do much Bouncy Exercise.)
    Exercise clothes? No, I don't wear anything to do my yoga during the warm weather. What I wear for work (pulling, pushing, lifting dogs, bending and twisting to reach parts of them I'm working on) is not at all restrictive for any other exercise I might get.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  18. Oooh, so when I started working out, I did it in cotton t-shirts, because that is all I had. But THEN I discovered the joy of stuff that wicks - but I haven't been anble to spring for more proper sports clothes... so I have 2 great shirts and a pair of awesome pants, but work out more than that, so I'm stuck breaking a sweat in cotton tees. ICK. I sweat a LOT (very sexy, let me tell you - although it does give me pleasure at the end of a class to see the ground around the spin bike all spattered with sweat - like I marked my territory!) and the worst is trying to cool down in the sweaty t-shirt, because I get cold and clammy. Brr.
    So I would looooove some new gear... and I've lost enough to fit into the 16s! (Keep at it April!)

  19. Please enter me in the contest....all my leg warmers are getting worn out.

  20. New workout clothes would be great to bust out of my old college/high school sport tees and baggy mesh shorts rut. It's about time a added a little more style to my work out ensemble,

    As far as crazy workout wear goes, my experience is lacking, however it does bug me to no end when I see jeans in the gym, which surprisingly happens a lot. How on Earth is that even remotely workout friendly, let a lone comfortable?

  21. My favorite favorite favorite work out garb goes like this: 15 year old OSU (Oklahoma State University) tshirt that now has HUGE holes in both armpits, paint splattered all over it and a rip in the bottom hem, along with my size 16 cheap Walmart brand track pants (I'm currently a size 12 so they pretty much fall off of me when I try to run), and my old, so very old New Balances. OH, and I too have to wear 2 sports bras cuz the girls can get some pretty good vertical bounce if I run fast enough. So as you can plainly see, I truly need some fancy new work out gear. I might even venture OUTSIDE the garage to work out if I didn't look so slovenly!

  22. Crabby, I think maybe you've got Nitmos confused with Steve Stenzel at "Steve in a Speedo?! Gross!"


    He wears little yellow shorts in a lot of his races. The man has no decency. That's why I keep reading his blog. ;)

  23. I'm here because of the "recipe for constipation" comment you left with Charlotte. Naturally, I like the way you think... but then to see you have this wonderful contest... I must participate.

    One of my first ever posts was about a horrible pair of yoga pants I wore to a kickboxing class, that I have since dubbed my "French Tickler." Here's a snippet: "...the seam in the crotch of my yoga pants drove me to distraction. It was so inappropriate. Pam nailed it when I told her about my situation on our run this morning: "It's like that boy in high school who just couldn't get it right." Worse, really, because the time and place were all wrong. I wanted to wiggle away from that seam and couldn't escape. Did I mention I was in the front row? Mirrors everywhere? In a full class? Surrounded by windows, too, so the muscle heads could see me struggling to get my pants out of my ass?" The whole post is here if you need more degrading material:-)

  24. Okay, I just went and checked out the Fit Couture website and found out they have different lengths available for their pants. I'm in love! Thanks Cranky. :)

  25. Workout clothes...what fun. It seems as everyone has a horror story, or two. ;)

    I've done it all--forgotten a sports bra, walked on the treadmill in flip flops (so unsafe, I know, I was in high school), worn the rattiest thing in my closet (usually something with paint stains), etc. However, I've never--knock on wood--had a really, really embarrassing moment when it comes to clothes. Hopefully I can keep it that way!

  26. why wear clothes? I have been working at home... alone... no need to cover up. but suppose i need to leave the comfy confines of my own home, I guess I should hope to win some new gear!!

  27. honestly, those clothese are so ridiculously cute and sporty. I choose to share a story of the most horrific outfit I ever saw at my gym. Twas a woman whom, despite my best feminist intentions, I am guessing was a stripper purely by her dress/demeanor/assets. She was wearing a teeny little sportsbra that looked more like a bra (think underwire and cups) and skintight leggings with her thong purposefully pulled up around the hips. She was on the elliptical, giant boobs high in the hair, tossing her hair around (what, u thought she had it tied back?) and then, as everyone was staring, she stopping ellipticizing, dramatically bent over and UNZIPPED each side of her leggings from the ankle up to the upper thigh. And she started working out again, so her pants were all flapping open, showing the entire expanse of leg. There were actually audible gaspes in the room.

  28. hmmm...I too have the "problem" of my workout clothes being too big now that I have lost weight. So please spare me the embarassment of having my worn out old drawers fall down around my ankles when I am on the treadmill which will then cause me to trip and be flung back against the wall, breaking all of my old bones thereby rendering me incapable of EVER WORKING OUT AGAIN! Plus I would be laughed at, which as everyone knows is worse then getting hurt.
    There is a young guy at my gym that wears those old people solid black wrap around sunglasses when he works out. Think that counts as odd...

  29. Man, I really need to take my camera to the gym. If I could snap a picture of "Pa" the guy with suspenders on his gray sweat pants...I'm sure he'd win.

  30. I can aways use new workout clothes, mine are all too big and I workout so much that they get worn out quick!

    a trainer I used to work with said that she once saw a girl get on the treadmill wearing bike shorts, and the entire seam along her butt had split and her bare butt was hanging out for all to see! I think whoever that is needs new workout clothes more then me, but hey, I'll take them too!

  31. I'm always on the hunt for new workout clothes. Why? Because my favorite pieces seem to disappear just when they are in peak condition.

    For example: I had this little green T-shirt I found at a thrift store. It hit at the top of my hips, wasn't too baggy, wasn't too tight, I cut the neck out so there was none of that strangling sensation when I ran, the wording on the back had fallen off leaving an artistic pattern of holes (the latest in next generation ventilation), and the shirt almost matched with the unevenly faded navyish-purple, ragged cut off sweatpants I wore. But best of all, the shirt was so soft, like goose down, like 2 cent silk.

    Then one day, tragedy struck. The shirt disappeared. I searched my drawers, my closet, my husband's drawers, I made covert raids on my sisters' wardrobes to see if they were to blame. But the shirt had vanished.

    I tried not to read too much into the fact my husband would never quite meet my sad eyes whenever I lamented the loss of my dear, green, perfect workout shirt.

    Slowly, I broke in another thrift store shirt and then *gasp* just when I managed to rip out half the back, it too was savagely abducted. And once again my husband wouldn't quite meet my teary but suspicious gaze.

    So for the sake of saving innocent thrift store shirts from the evil kidnapper that (lives in) raids my home, I'm throwing my name in the pot for some official workout clothes. They may not have been processed by decades of sweat to reach super-softness or uniquely ventilated in the back, but wow, I might actually match for once in my life!

  32. I'm joining the groupies - I wear a ratty old pair of shorts and a shirt that's about 4 sizes to big. Party because I've lost some weight and party because I'm too damn cheap to buy stuff. But since I workout mostly in my basement on my treadmill, I don't embarrass myself in front of anyone but the cats.

    However, a few years ago when I lived in the great St. Louis and DID belong to a gym...I actually saw a gal on a regular basis wear tights, with a thong leotard. On the treadmill. On the weight machines. And this wasn't 20 years ago in the Jane Fonda hey-day. It was 2000. At least she made me smile every time I went. I think she had about 10 different sets all in different colors.

  33. I always need new workout clothes, because I never seem to have enough and end up in big t-shirts teaching class!

    There's another instructor at the gym who's a serious fashion faux pas. Let me paint a picture.

    -On his feet: bright orange sneakers
    -On his ankles: paper towels (only saw this once, no idea what the towels were for...)
    -Regular shorts
    -Here's the kicker: he takes a t-shirt, rips the bottom off until it comes just below the nipple (so he can show off the six pack). Then he rips it up the sides to the armpit, so it's just held on by a thread (is this to show off the lats? I don't know).

    The manager at one point forbade him from teaching in that getup. But we have a new manager now, so he's back to his old ways.

  34. Great topic -- especially as I was just thinking I could REALLY use some new workout gear...

    I have an oh-so-attractive pair of bright cyan jogging pants that are ever so slightly too short in the crotch, leading either (a) a horrific exposure of muffin top or (b) a rather uncomfortable experience for my, ahem, nether regions ...

    My trainers are literally falling apart. The insides are being held together with sticking plasters.

    Yes, I am really cheap when it comes to work out gear...

    My t-shirt is black (clashes horribly with the bright jogging bottoms) and one armpit smells odd. However often I wash it.

    So I would very much welcome some vouchers, if only for the good of those better-dressed types in the gym who probably cringe at the sight of me...


  35. I would LOVE some new workout clothes!! In the past few months I've lost 15 pounds, so while I used to be more than happy to hide under my oversized tshirts, I wouldn't mind showing off a few of my curves now! Those tanks look adorable, not to mention super comfortable. (Plus I'm running my very first 5k in a month, and a new outfit would be GREAT!)

    I fortunately do not have any horror stories, but I generally avoid the mirror while I'm wearing workout clothes.

  36. My clothes are fine, but i alwas forget to shave my arm pits and then wear tank tops. is there a giveaway for that?

    Kelly Turner

  37. I would love some new workout clothes! I wear the same line up of sad old stuff all the time and it’s so hard to find the extra money to invest in stuff you’ll just sweat in. I’d love to try out this company’s clothes – I haven’t before. Thanks!

  38. I need new workout clothes because I've lost 100 pounds and the first wave of stuff I bought is way to big now. I look like a bag lady running down the street. So please Pick Me Pick Me! :)

  39. Is it time to replace my tube socks with the stripe at the knee?

    I neeeeeeeed a gym-dork makeover!

    So please pick me.

  40. I tend to go for basic workout gear - black yoga pants and whatever t-shirt isn't fit for non-gym wear anymore. But there's a large crew of women who work out in the morning at my gym who wear REALLY fancy workout gear - fancier than I'd wear to a wedding, actually. Favorites include appliques, liberal use of Swarvoski crystals, fake leather,and cute sayings spelled out in rhinestones. I haven't seen in firsthand yet, but my husband reports that the latest trend is spandex workout pants that are designed to look like jeans.

  41. Ah...I could do with some newer runwear...my old stuff is too big (yay) and constantly slides down as I run. Nothing says class like hiking up your pants every 10 feet.

    Also, I could buy some stuff for the guy near me who bikes to work every day in (wait for it) a black unitard. Yes it's true. Leaves nothign to the imagination and looks like some german performance artist with scurvy. It's all I can do to nt start snickering whenever I run into him. Then there is the 68 year old running guy with a very dark tan who runs about in pink shiny run shorts and no shirt regardless of weather, with his mid back length blonde hair flowing out behind him in the wind.
    I live in a land of crazies...makes for a fun run in the mornings. Never know what you might see :)

  42. Xenia, you're right! will correct.

    And you folks are totally cracking me up!

  43. Can I enter this contest on behalf of the chick at my gym who wears spandex shorts she probably bought in the 80s that have holes in the crotch?

    How do I know this, you ask?

    She LOVES doing deadlifts in front of me.


  44. I don't think I have anything particularly funny or interesting to tell about my gym clothes. My gym pants tend to slide on my knees rather than remain on my hips these days, and I should really buy a new form-fitting T-shirt or two, instead of those unisex things that make me look like a cylinder rather than a woman, but in itself, it's nothing funny.

    When I was still in junior high, though, I had those horrible apple-green, very ample gym pants (Mommy's conception of being overweight was: "hide yourself as much as you can, but preferrably in clothes that will make you ridiculous"), complete with a long bright pink T-shirt. That I didn't die of shame in those is a wonder.

  45. I need workout clothes because mine are so old, it's laughable. I need to get with this decade! I still have legwarmers...and matching headbands. I have to win! cdziuba@aol.com

  46. My pants don't like fitting because I haven't bought new pants in years. And I could really use a sports bra that, oh, actually gives support.

    And my body's adjusting to my new job in habitat restoration, so I hope to gain muscle and that will shift things further... oh dear.

  47. I tend to wear the same running shorts and boy's undershirts for workouts, but the WORST thing I see consistently (at the gym, outside, etc)....

    is when people who are heavy sweaters (you know who you are, I am one of them) and you wear light colored shorts, and you get that weird butt sweat circle creeping down your crotch, and it draws everyones eves in..and especially if you are on the stairclimber/escalator type thingy they have at the gym which means you sweaty butt is exactly at my eye height...

    ugh. wear dark shorts. do us all a favor. oh, and underwear too (men only) I don't need to know what side you favor.

  48. Did I see the word "candy"?

    I wear sweatpants that I got when I was in grade 7 when I work out. I also have only one sports bra and my sweater (for cold mornings) is unraveling at the seams.

    I am in need of some new workout gear:)

  49. Since workout gear implies working out, I think it would just the ticket with the winter coming to motivate me to get rid of the fat that has inhabited my body since my thirties and give it a new home anywhere else but on me.

  50. Remember those Dove shorts? Or Dolphin shorts? The ones that were 2-toned with a tiny dove or dolphin applique near the hem? With one color leg in the front, and another color on the other leg, and then the back was the opposite? Well, that's what I wear to run. So vintage!

    I pair those with a tube top. The tube top is kind of old and I can't seem to find new ones anywhere. It's really stretched out, so I fashioned some Mork from Ork rainbow suspender-like straps to hold it up. The suspenders match my headband, circa Olivia Newton-John's "Physical."

    During the winter when it's chilly, I wear pink and blue striped legwarmers. They look really nice with my L.A. Gear pastel pink hightops.

    People tell me I really need some new workout clothes. Does Fit Couture have a nice selection of tube tops?

    Please help me!

  51. Whether in my home or in the gym
    whether alone or with my twins

    I sweat to the oldies and r and b
    to be a skinny mom for all to see

  52. I need workout clothes because I have not yet...worked out! I am finally joining a gym, quit smoking, and am almost ready to change my life, but I have nothing but old, stained t shirts and sweats, so I could use this win!


  53. When I work out, I wear my husband's old sweats and t-shirts. Even if I start getting more fit, you won't know it because of these baggy things. I really need some cool workout clothes badly! Thank you for the chance!

  54. Oh I so need new workout clothes because I have been exercising daily for decades. Workout clothes are not only costly, but hard to find in my area. thank you for the contest

  55. I'm still wearing the same stuff I got to workout in when I weighed 240lbs. I'm now right around 165lbs. I think we can all visualize the problem here.

  56. My workout shirts of choice are boy's size large t-shirts, in a wide variety of Super Hero motifs. I've got Superman, Flash, Batman, Wonder Woman and Venom/Spiderman.

    Pants are what I really need. I've got two pairs of black capris with white stripes down the side, and the waist-band elastics are getting a bit stretched out--when I do anything with my arms above my head, they start sliding down my hips. They've never totally slid down to my ankles, but I've had some close calls.

  57. My workout-wear story is about my workout-wear on someone else. And unfortunately, it was a bathing suit.

    Turns out I am the same size as a previous male coworker (I am female). We were counselors for a camp at the time this happened...the kids decided to collect money and then PAY the male counselor if he would wear my bathing suit and run in the lake, and then run back about 2 lengths of a football field. I happened to be not around at the time, but left my bag with my suit in it on a picnic table. I come back around to see this dude wearing my bathing suit (and nothing else) and sprinting back from the lake. Awesome. And I got none of that cash.

    So although I now need a new bathing suit and this giveaway doesn't have that...I also have really stinky running shorts that could use replaced :). Thanks :).

  58. the most unfortunate work-out ensemble i've ever witnessed was on a middle-aged gentleman at the gym who was workin' up a sweat on a treadmill. he was wearing jean shorts, which men shouldn't wear anyway, working out or not and he had some tall tube socks and... some brown sandals. bless his heart for just getting out there and doing it!

    and if that's not good enough, i really need some new workout clothing because i'm 6 months pregnant and all my workout pants are giving me a sweet muffin-top and my stomach is starting to hang out of the bottom of my tank tops. yuck. help me not be a fashion faux pas myself!

  59. most of my workout clothes are from when I weighed 70 pounds more than I do now. There's something awesome about hitting the treadmill at the gym & holding up my shorts with one hand so I don't flash everyone.

    Also - I just want a damn sports bra that is high motion control for the larger-endowed so I only have to wear one while running - but they are a) ugly; b) expensive; and c) not brightly colored (I want purple!)

  60. I recently started a Couch to 5K running plan. My old spandex bike shorts and oversize t-shirts seem suitable for this activity to me, but last week as I sat on a bench in the local park after finishing my walk/run, a little old lady walking her chihuahua attempted to press a $5 bill into my hand with the admonition that it was not to be used for alcohol!

  61. I'm glad you corrected the whole Golden Shorts fiasco. I would not wear gold shorts. It clashes with my spray on tan.

  62. If I could look classy working out maybe I would be more inclined to workout.

  63. I occasionally wear running skirts. One day I got home from a short run and realized when walking past the mirror that my skirt was tucked up in the back exposing my spandex covered butt. You know what I mean, it's the skirt tucked up into your underwear or pantyhose nightmare. Although I was wearing fuill coverage spandex underneath (so I wasn't flashing anybody) I still felt embarressed to have been running the streets with my butt hanging out, almost as much as if I had been walking with my skirt tucked up showing my underwear on my way to work...

  64. Like April said, I have a ways to go before size 16.-- like I'd have to be a lot younger (17 years old) and a lot thinner (I think I was a size 16 in high school).

    I guess the fact that they ONLY go UP to size 16 could reinforces the notion that anyone naturally larger and beautiful (such as myself) should continue to 'couch potato' what remains of their slovenly lives in front of the boobtube while watching America's Next Top Blobs.


  65. I have gained some weight, so I don't fit in my exercise clothes... then I don't exercise and I gain more weight. Stop the vicious circle! I need new workout clothes.

  66. It's starting to get cold here in the High Desert, which means I will wimp out and stop running outside, which means I should probably join a gym, which means I should probably wear something besides my Chubby Mommy Sweatpants I got at the grocery store close-out aisle two years ago, which are feeling a bit snuggish anyway these days.

    New clothes always cheer up my exercise routine, which helps me exercise more, which is good for me and everyone, because my mission is to spread cheer to the brave exercisers of all sizes, Chubby and non.

    Which is why I want to win this contest most of all!

    If I win, I will continue to pursue my mission of encouraging others to "Try Not Cry!" and I'll look better doing it, and there will be a logo on my chest to remind others of the generosity of the givers.

    It is a nobel thing I am attempting, and it is good for the earth and the people of the earth and the advertisers and sponsors who care about the earth and the people of the earth.

    Because: if all Chubby Mommy Runners are in good shape and eating more vegetables, this will trickle down to an increase for the global vegetable economy, which will be better for everyone. See?

    I leave the fate of me, and the other Chubby Mommy Running Club evangelists, and the farmers of the world in your hands.

    That is all.

  67. I dont have any workout clothes. I could really use some.

    rebbi511 at peoplepc.com

  68. They make special clothes for excercising??? Seriously, I've been working out in sweat pants and old t-shirts for 15 YEARS! I would LOVE to win some actual work-out clothes.

  69. because I don't have any.

  70. There once was a time that I had workout clothes. Or workout clothes that fit, I'd say. After Baby 1, I worked long and hard, got that stomach back and flat, could ear the exercise tops belly showing, taught and proud! After baby 2 -- had ganed a lot more weight that time -- but worked to get in the best sharpe of my life! On the way wore my husbands XL t-shirts and gym shorts that I'd have to try to contort to stay on and not look like a big sack of potatoes! Now, baby 3 had been here for 8 months. I've lost all the weight but 3 pounds. But everything has moved, changed and there are rolling skin things that weren;t there before! I think the clothes will bring back the muscle tone (I hope!) so I will have every thing back to where it is supposed to be on my body! (and no more of my sweet daughters telling me that when I was pregnant it was like trying to hug a basketball! :) goofy girls....they may have their day!


  71. I need the clothes because you have me working out so damn much I'm losing weight faster than I can afford to replace my clothes ;-) Time to retire these old baggy rags and wear something hot! (My doctor was thrilled for my physical yesterday when she realized I had lost 20 pounds and even more so when she realized I did it by quitting dieting (and overeating) and doing lots of exercise!

  72. The girls need a new holder since mine all are worn out and I have to hold them if I jog! Isn't that enough to put me in the contest?

    Just about gagged and laughed so hard I peed when I read Charlott's post. Hillarious. TMI? I've seen the guy in short, short, shorts and not wearing undies. Nothing surprises me anymore.

    OH, and the candy (bob's stuff) isn't *that* bad...unless you have a weak stomach. Then back away slowly :)

  73. I am getting a family membership to the YMCA, and I don't want to look like my fashion sense is two decades behind.

  74. I need new workout clothes. But I think the lady with (HoneyPot) written accross the behind of her joggers need it too,

  75. Maybe if I had some new workout clothes, I would, workout that is. Great contest. Thanks.

  76. I wear my boyfriend's mesh gym shorts and t-shirts to the gym! I think that's pretty sad, especially because the elastic's falling out and that doesn't look too classy at my newfound favorite class, yoga!

  77. Babies got back, front, and sides! I need to get some new workout clothes to inspire me. I've only lost 5 Ibs. so far, but at least I'm on the right track. Thanks for the contest. Charlotte

  78. I only shop at Goodwill and thrift stores for "new" clothes. There are no funds available for real "new", the prices of which are ridiculous! I have a couple of 6 year old yoga pants that I like to wear around the house in winter instead of pjs as I telecommute, because they are warmer, and are softer than jeans. I don't wear them for yoga! For that I usually wear a pair of spouse's boxers, since I spent a couple of years trying to get him exactly the right kind of underwear for winter, and everything I bought was "flawed"- he is the second biggest fussbudget I have ever known! They were a half inch too short or he didn't like the material or the size was off. On package after package.. So I said go buy your own, he didn't like those either. So now he rotates through 3 pair he will actually wear or goes commando, especially if he's worn the same pair for two days and I make him surrender them to the laundry.

    So I sleep in or stretch in or ride the exercycle in boxers and a tank top that is about 25 years old, maybe 30, it's a ribbed gray cotton blend and it's so soft.. I have tried tossing it and just can't do it! I'd love some new tanks but never find the kind I like in thrifts; I usually am looking for Hawaiian shirts and jeans. I picked up 4 Aloha shirts and a Territory Ahead Santa Barbara madras shirt, plus a Saks wool and alpaca sweater and a Liz sweater, gorgeous! last time through my fave shops, for about 35 bucks.

    The only "nice' authentic exercise wear I own is a couple pairs of really slick Pearl Izumi bike shorts that are about 6 years old, and two biking tops that are made to wick and vent, but they can't be worn without a bra. I used to ride in them and love them, but I don't feel like I have much protection in case of a crash so don't wear them anymore, we do too much urban biking now, and if we're on dirt I wear cargo shorts.

    I don't go to a gym because I have nothing to wear there, indeed have no idea what to wear (but a good idea from previous posts what NOT to wear! ;D), and can't afford a membership. The dog doesn't care what I wear when I walk him!

  79. I only work out at home because I figure I'd be laughed out of the gym wearing the funny stuff I wear to work out. I'm just getting into working out again, so all my workout clothes are too small. Here I am, size 14 wearing size 9 mesh pants (pants, because my fat thighs chaffe if I wear shorts), a NURSING BRA because it's the only sports-type bra I own that still fits my engorged breasts, my husband's old work shirt with oil stains and holes in it from battery acid (he works on Army tanks), and the only pair of shoes that fit me after a 1 1/2 size jump during pegnancy, those ugly velcro-closure "mary jane" sneakers that you buy for comfort when you are carrying an 8lb. baby. Oh, and all that with tube socks, ewwwe! This had better be hideous enough!

  80. I think even the poor Random Number Generator is going to have trouble picking just one entry... these are some good reasons for getting new workout clothes!

    (And I too would like to say Thanks! to Fit Couture for offering this giveaway :)

  81. Well, aside from the fact that workout clothes are comfortable, I need them because my old ones are about worn out and Wal-Mart has stopped carrying much in the line of quality workout clothes, so I have to search for them elsewhere. Maybe this is a good place to start!

  82. Some funny stories here! I love that it is an international giveaway Crabby, but alas I am no size 16! I do like the fact they offer different leg lengths, so when I am down to a 16 I just might have a look again.

  83. New work out clothes give us all the incentive, encouragement and motivation to be losers!! ruthing73@hotmail.com

  84. After having baby #3 anyone could catch me at the YMCA in my crappy sweats and oversized shirt..oh did I mention I actually jogged in my nursing bra? Yeah and the latch would always come undone and I'd have to go down my shirt(still jogging-what a women) and reattach the bra! So I'd love to get some new workouts cause baby #4 is due in Nov. and we don't want this to happen again! Thanks

  85. if by workout clothes, you mean the shirts and shorts i steal form my husband's drawers,than i got plenty of horror stories.

  86. My worst outfit was one of those spandex bodysuits. It was bright blue and you couldn't miss it. Oliva Newton John I'm not. Thank goodness the 80's are over.

  87. Oh I need noew work out clothes! I havent worked out in years and my stuff really is not flattering anymore!

  88. My workout clothes are "okay", which means they fit and cover my excesses, but I'd love new ones. I was at the gym one time, using that thigh machine where you sit and pull your legs apart and push them back together. There was a large woman directly across from me with a "ventilated" crotch and nothing underneath. Oh my gosh, where do you look? I moved to another machine very quickly.

  89. I definitely need new workout clothes just because I realized I don't have any of those cropped legging-type pants and am always sweating to death in my long leggings. Is that what they are called?

    One of the worst workout faux pas' I have witnessed was a woman wearing ill fitting bike shorts, that she had (yikes, I even hate to say it) a camel toe. Embarassing.

  90. I'll admit to some workout faux pas of my own (overly tight spandex, sweat stains and shorts with a rip in the crotch) but yesterday I was stretching behind a large woman with white spandex shorts on. She bent over and she had a yellowish sweat stains in the crack of her spandex- talk about not okay!!

    oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

  91. Oops, I'm anon at 8:02pm on 10/10....lukedoggllc@yahoo.com

  92. I have a tshirt that I wear to the gym. It was a freebie from a peanut butter company. It has their logo on the front, which is a thin black line (representing a smile) and a bright red tongue curling up. It's a cute shirt, but would be much cuter if the tongue didn't fall on such an inappropriate location on my chest.

  93. I need something to motivate me more to work out. If I could look better, rather than looking like a slob in an old mens tshirt and my only pair of torn workout capris, I just might workout more!

  94. I do need new workout clothes in a bad way!! Mine are old and dingy but I just never think of buying some new ones for myself. Thank you

  95. When i have new work out clothes, I feel better and work out harder

  96. After losing 75lbs, none of my workout clothes fit any more. Lately I have been wearing my flannel pj bottoms and a tshirt. Pathetic.

  97. Um, it's bad. Really bad. Bad enough that I won't go to the gym, and keep my window-shades down while I'm getting my Turbo Jam (yeah, yeah - say what you will, the infomercial really got me)or Pilates AM Stretch on...
    Let me explain:
    The sportsbra: I've only got two, and since I'm not exactly the laundry queen, the good one is always in the wash. So I'm usually wearing the one I bought in college, TEN years ago. Do I need to point out that I've gone up two bra sizes since then?
    The top: An old Flashdance t-shirt that I cut the neck, sleeves and bottom off for an eighties-themed party a few years back.
    The bottoms: my black leggings that I also use for painting in, complete with multi-hued drips and drabs.
    It's sad and pathetic, and I'd even be willing to post a picture if you were to demand it!

  98. New workout gear to go with new resolve and a modicum of self esteem that I hope to grow - ---, so I can dispense with old habits and shrug off old self image. A new start with new wardrobe would be heaven sent. Thanks for this chance.

  99. I need new gym clothes because I've lost a lot of weight recently and my clothes don't fit! I don't want to spend a lot of money on workout clothes, so I continue wearing them well beyond when I should. Not long ago, I was on the treadmill walking normally. I decided to start jogging, and as soon as I did, I could feel my pants taking a dive off my hips! I'm glad I realized what was happening, and decided to go on the elliptical instead. On another occasion, I almost lost the same pair of pants when it started to rain as I was walking out of the gym. My pants were heavy with water and I could hardly keep them up. I had to literally hold them up with my hands as I ran through the parking lot.

    And finally, I need new clothes because most of my shirts have got the funk. You know, the funk from constantly wearing a shirt while sweating and wearing a lot of deodorant.

  100. I need new workout clothes. I ususaly jut wear an old short and old short/sweats. Would love to look classy when I work out. The craziest outfit I think i've seen was a man wear loafer and khaki pants with polo shirt running on a treadmill.

  101. Ugly old sweats is what I wear and the worst thing I seen faux paux is the lady with no bra.
    Wonder if jamie lee likes the photo you picked out :o)

  102. I have just started going back to the gym and you know what I wear my sweats at home, the have baby burp and spit, food, dirt..they look old but the biiggest one was I was not aware there was a light leak stain from a pad overload and it didn't wash all the way out and went to the free center in that and my old free shirt and looked like, well I looked like I lived in a car

  103. Well thanks to my thunder thighs and my tight budget, my work out clothes have to take a beating and like it. And at the moment all of my workout pants have holes in the inner thighs, which have been sewn up in a very unartful manner.

    And as I'm sure you'll understand, this can lead to some very embarressing chafing issues. So once I win my new wardrobe, I might actually be able to start having sex again. Yay!!

  104. I was running in place at the gym and flipped right off the running board. It was a hard fall, but I wasn't hurt. However, it startled me enough to skip the gym the next few days.

  105. HA! I haven't thought about that outfit in years. I don't even remember what all it was, but I do know that it partly consisted of a shiny aquamarine bathing suit that didn't quite fit. Knowing me, I probably just wore it over my knickers. Should I be admitting that? :(

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. The worst thing I've seen at the gym is when quite overweight women wae those thin,stretchy,tight pants which makes the cellulite very visible-ends up looking like waffle butts! I commend their effort of being at the gymn but please just wear some regular track pants or shorts.
    Elaine R

  108. I would like a new set of workout clothes because it might inspire me to more consistent in working out!

  109. The Beddy Bye Baby game is new!

  110. i need new workout clothes because i just started working out and don't have any workout clothes.

  111. I could use some new workout clothes. :)

    lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net

  112. OK,I wear a sports bra that I got on sale for $2.oo @ Wal mart a few yrs back(I actually got put on a morning radio show as I exited the store and they were broadcasting from there,raving about what a great deal I got on clearance sports bras-but I digress..)Then I have a cut off Tshirt that I got free from a festival(Does anyone else cut off their workout Tshirts midchest or am I just strange that way?) A pair of Panama City beach shorts I got for $1.00 while on vacation there from one of those multiple Florida souvenir stores they have down there. Add a florescent green hoodie I tie around my waist to hold my Ipod and Mace-I get too hot running to actually put it on,but I don't run without my Mace!I think I look pretty foxy(and for a thrifty price!) my neighbors may disagree but what do they know about fashion anyway?

  113. I must admit that I've just recently started regularly exercising. I've been doing it every day for about 20 minutes at a time with the hopes of increasing the time soon. I have no workout clothes. I don't have the extra money to get them. I usually work out in my pajama pants and a t-shirt. This would be great to win so I could actually own some workout clothes.

  114. I need some new workout clothes, beacuse i just had 2 children and can;t fit into my existing wardrobe. I need a hot new outfit to sweat the pounds off!

  115. I have no funny stories sorry Working out in a serious thing to me I have lost 25 lbs and need to lose at tleast that mush more for health reasons All my clothes are falling off me It hard to exercise if your constantly pulling your pants back up I need some new clothes despartlly

    Bonnie in FL

  116. my workout clothes consist of sweatpants and shirts with holes in them! help me out!

  117. Since I began working out, I've lost 25 pounds. Now my clothes just hang on me.I can't tell what I look like underneath the clothes. I'd like new workout clothes so that I can see the improvements I've made to myself. The funny fashion faux pas that comes to mind is the workout outfit that one of the characters from the new series, Kath and Kim, wore. She was wearing a thong over a pair of tights and every time she turned around and I saw that, I busted out laughing.

  118. It always helps mentally when you look good when working out and new workout wear will help.

  119. I've gained weight -- and REALLY need to work out -- but all of my gym clothes are obscenely tight! HELP!!

  120. I'd like some new workout clothes - I just wear whatever large t-shirt and pants I can find. Not very fashionable

  121. I need workout clothes because I don't have any.

  122. I had never taken a class at a gym before, so when my aunt invited me to work out I wore a purple sweatsuit. It looked horrible compared to the sleek outfits others were wearing and it was extremely hot.New workout wear might inspire me to join a gym this fall!

  123. well i just wear some old large tshirts and shorts. Although after looking at some of these comments I think I need to try to find some good workout wear with wicking properties and all

  124. I work at my gym and go through gym clothes like crazy.
    Oh the other day I saw the weirdest thing somebody do at the gym. There was this guy who was running on the treadmill with no shoes just socks on. Of course I had to tell him to put them back on and he looked at me as if I was nuts.
    Anyway, thanx for the contest.

  125. hmmm, what could be my WORST outfit ever? Well, for one they never match. I've been known to wear bright blue shorts and a maroon shirt, or other crazy variations upson that. but... my favorite was when I had pink glittery hair spray in my hair because it was hippie day at practice. we got lots of strange looks at breakfast that morning

  126. I work out 5 days a week- and I have the same outfit on all the time. As pathetic as that is- I'm comfortable in my ouitfit and have no others.

  127. I need some new workout gear since I wear the same outfit all the time

  128. i really got interested in working out when i had a two month, three times weekly strenuous physical therapy. i found i liked it, it made me feel great!!! what wasn'nt so great were the clothes that i tried to make into workout clothes. what an emberassment. well my PT is now opening a wellness center, and i really want to go-- but go looking good, like i may know what i'm doing. you know, look great, feel great, workout well.

  129. I don't need new workout clothes, I need workout clothes in general, as I recently quit smoking and started working out.

  130. angelina115@hotmail.com

    I am a mom that loves to work out but don't have cool clothes to work out in. I would love to win this prize, since I never owned a nice piece of excersize clothing.

  131. My workout wardobe is non-existent.....but that's not funny....it's sad......

    What IS funny is the picture at the beginning of this post.......looks like Tony Curtis cut off his suit pants and made them into shorts...so shiny......and his socks are very interesting and long. It made me laugh and forget about my lack of stylish workout wear!

  132. I wore my "antique" yoga pants to my tennis lesson. Apparently they had shrunk a bit. OK a lot. But I was running late and didn't really care. The tennis instructor said "Did you get your pants mixed up with your 10-year-old's?

  133. I would like tolose weight and go to my local YMCA but have nothing to wear that will not make me embarassed about my weight. It would give me an extra boost to get moving.

  134. because mine are all of the clearance rack, would be noice to have nice nice workout cloth :0)

  135. Have lost some weight so I need new workout clothes

  136. Alright, that picture just made me bust a gut laughing. I need new workout clothes because I have lost weight. Thanks for the chance

  137. Thank you for having this! I am a mom of 3 young children. They always come first so I am still lucky enough to work out in holey sweats and shirts. But it gets done :) Thank you!

  138. I think if i had some great looking workout gear i'd feel better about working out - as crazy as that might sound lol. When you look good (or at least when you t hink you do) you perform better. With some new clothes, instead of the old raggedy tshirt and 10 yr old shorts, I think i'd feel good about working out and build confidence when at the gym or park.

    Great contest! I hope i'm the lucky winner!

  139. I need new ones. My old one are just sweats.

  140. Thankfully I generally work out at home with a DVD or the Wii Fit. But my "workout clothes" are pajamas, and let me tell you, it's hard to feel inspired when you're wearing flannel pajamas! Thanks for the contest!

  141. I would really love to win me some new workout clothes! I just started as an assistant in my jazzercise class and attend 4 or more classes a week, yikes I only have a couple tops and one long pants and yes it is winter here in Canada.
    The closest store to buy workout wear is a walmart that is 1 1/2 hour away and we buy our gas by the liter, works out to over $5 US gallon.
    I love the Fit Couture line of clothes, this would be such an awesome win! Though even if I do not win I may have to treat myself to a piece of their clothing anyway! good luck all!

  142. I need some new workout clothes to INSPIRE me. Really! I am in desperate need of inspiration.

  143. I took time off from my workouts to study for an exam, I could use a little bit of a fashionable motivation to get back into it.


  144. Some new workout clothes would make me feel strong

  145. I tried to find a picture to link to but alas-no can do. Does anyone remember the thong-back leotard that was around in the 90's? You wore this bad-boy over a pair of coordinating tights so although encased in latex, your cheeks were hanging out nonetheless.
    Except for the catalog models this was not a good look-nor was it practical-trust me. By the end of a good aerobics routine you felt as though you were being garroted
    from the other end.


  146. I've lost 40+ pounds since last February. I bought my workout gear at my heaviest weight, and now, it's all hanging off. Imagine running in biker shorts, slowing down frequently to hike them up to avoid the dreaded plumber's crack at the gym! My teenage daughters tell me that my stuff is ghastly, and somebody in the gym is probably taking pictures of me on their cell phone to post on their blog with the caption "What in the HELL is she thinking?!"

  147. I don't have the cash to purchase new jeans so I can't spend on workout clothes. I workout at home so at least I don't have to go public with my awful outfits. I have some raggedy old yoga pants and a couple raggedy old Tees that were the hubs. I have been working out religiously for the past couple months so I would really look forward to some new togs. Maybe I will break my plateau if I look more stylish. Even if I don't, I would love to feel better about what I am wearing.

  148. I do strength training exercises in my everyday clothes, new workout clothes would probably insprie me to take the exercises seriously.

  149. At 59 I just started to exercise daily and wanted to wait until I firmed up some before buying new workout clothes so for now I am in a tshirt and shorts.

    At the gym the other day, I saw a lady exercising in stretch pants that could not expand anymore and a sequined top!

  150. There is a mother/daughter team at my gym that always works out in no joke, acid washed denim shorts. Get down, get down!

  151. hmm, my excuse so far has been that I don't have any clothes suitable to work out in!

    Maybe winning these awesome clothes would actually force me to go workout!

    ...many LOL's to previous posters!!


  152. I'm always on budget so new workout clothes are never something I buy and I always end up working out in old tee's and shorts/pants. I definitely could use a stylish update! Thank you :-)

  153. i could use this because i have just lost 71 lbs and i need new workout clothes.thanks bill110@optonline.net

  154. I'm not the funny comdian but My hubby has been off work for 6 months due to a near fatal car accident and money has been really tight and not had the money to pay bill much less to get clothes. I need some clothes because everything else is holier than me..hehe
    ezziriah at gmail dot com

  155. I would like new workout clothes because I just started a membership at a gym and it would be great to have some new work out clothes! :)

    :) Thank you for the great giveaway! :)

  156. My biggest problem is that my workout clothes fit me when I used to work out. A job change made working out impossible for quite some time. Now that I have begun again, I can see just how much my body has changed due to the lack out working out. What a sight! I wouldn't let ANYONE see me stuffed into my workout clothes. I have taken to wearing old shirts and sweat pants. Unfortunatly, these aren't "work out friendly".

  157. The worst faux pas I've seen at the gym in the ladies with really worn out and thin white leggings. I mean really, they don't look good on young and fit young teens, but they are just downright wrong for middle age women with cellulite.

    My workout clothes aren't quite that bad, but I've got some sweats that have seen better days! Thanks for the great giveaway. Would love to win.

  158. I am exercising and trying to lose weight. I am 1/2 way towards my goal. I could really use some new workout clothes to help me along! Great giveaway thanks! senekers@comcast.net

  159. After a recent surgery, I'm going back to the Y for some diligent exercise three times a week. Boy, do I feel like having some new workout clothes.

  160. I don't actually have workout clothes because I'm on a student budget and most of the workout-type clothes at the thrift store look really bad, so I'd like some new workout clothes because I think they'd be more comfortable than trying to do sit-ups in blue jeans.

    I'm used to seeing people in worn out sweatpants and t-shirts, and that doesn't really bother me. What did: a guy wearing really tight bike shorts and a baggy t-shirt with a sexist slogan across the front.

  161. I am embarrased to say this, but since I get up early to workout (when I actually get up in time)my workout clothes are usually my jammies! I could use some proper workout clothes. Enter me too!

  162. I'd like to win workout clothes because I don't have any. I've just been wearing shorts and a tee.

  163. I have recently joined a gym and started working out again. Needless to say all of my old gym clothes are badly outdated.
    So this would be great incentive for my to work out even more.
    And i could definitely use the incentive.
    Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
    I would LOVE to win !!

  164. Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'd like new workout clothes because I find them inspiring! A new outfit to me always signifies the "new" me, which fits right in with why I'm working out!

  165. All I can say is "whatever happened to drawstrings???" Whoever designs these ultra cool new workout outfits needs to demo them doing burpies! The constant adjusting in bootcamp makes me cranky. I've lost 36lbs in the last 5 months:), so I've had to buy new workout wear. My pants are not too big and they have freaking spandex in them, what gives?? PLEASE, I need help to keep my pants on!

  166. I am facing a divorce after 36 years of marriage and new workout clothes would give me incentive to get in better shape or my new life.

  167. I just started doing Yoga in April of the this past year. This along with some changes in my diet has helped me loose 27 lbs. I am loving it! I just wish I could look as cute as all the other girls in the Yoga class. It is no fun being the chubby mommy in the class!

    By the way I love that picture you found it sooo cracks me up!

    ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

  168. I've lost 130lbs. I need new workout clothes for a new body.

  169. I workout in faded black stretch pants and one of my husbands t-shirts. Not so cute.


  170. Wow could I use some new work out gear...I usually work out in old sweat pants cut up into shorts and a raggedy old Tshirt. I so need new gear NOW!!! It would also help me when I walk my 2-3 miles a day...I'm sure people stare at me with nothing good to say but eeoo-nast-eee!!!!!

    Please count me in as you would be helping me TREAMENDOUSLY!!!!

  171. I don't want to be on the receiving end of this post -- I need workout clothes that fit. The gym in my town closed down 6 months ago, so I'm a wee bit heavier than I used to be... the old gear won't fit! I think any woman who dresses to show off her hoo-ha's or wickedly-short shorts at the gym is a faux-pas. I'm there to work out, not be flashed!

  172. I dont work out because I literally dont fit in my work out clothes and its bad enough you have to work out but when you cant afford new stuff and you dont want to show up in clothes that are way too tight anyway its just the ultimate in discouraging! Not to mention they are like ragged! You cant show up fat, in clothes too tight and ragged! Please choose me! I was told by my mamogramolisit that I need sports bra's no underwires allowed (they put me at a higher risk) and when did these things get so incredibly espensive? Guys dont have to spend $40 for underwear and they wouldnt tollerate it! Their jockey shorts are like $6- $9. Thats what sports bras should be. Not to mention sport pants. Need desprately both. When did these extra pounds appear and how soon can I get these clothes to help them dissappear? No, it couldnt have anything to do with just being thyroid deficient right? LOL

  173. I bought a whole bunch of stylish workout clothes before I had my son. I used the heck out of them and haven't had the time to replace them. I hate dowdy workout gear and would love some new threads!

  174. New clothes always gives me a mental lift.

  175. I am so glad the days of "let's get physical" leotards and dental floss butts are over!

  176. Would love to try and get my pre-baby body back!

  177. I'm in desparate need of some new sports bras. I got "professionally fitted" for one at a local running store and the darn thing makes my boobies bleed on my long runs (and yes, I wear Body Glide...this is one devious sprots bra!). Seriously, scabby boobs has to win me double entry points!!!!

  178. All I have to exercise with is big T's and sweats. I would like new exercise clothes that look cute.

  179. My workout pants are so old, I've sewn up the crotch at least a half-dozen times! I think it's time for some new ones ... or new undies at least! LOL

  180. Oh, I really need to be inspired. Maybe some new workout clothes would help, d'ya think? Thanks for the contest.

  181. I need new clothes because I only have 4 sports bras that still allow me to work out pain-free. Meaning that I'm constantly doing laundry.

    Also, the yoga pants were supercute.

  182. I would really like new workout clothes because I have lost 51 pounds since May 1st! All of my clothes now are super baggy and falling off of me! lol! Thank you for the contest!

  183. I need workout clothes because I have lost so much weight that my trousers fell down while I was doing a shoulder press!

  184. I just started working out again and could some clothes that fit and look cute

  185. I used to live in the international dorm, and in our nearby fitness center, I got to see some...cultural differences in work out gear. My absolute favorite was the person on the treadmill without shoes.

  186. I workout in whatever I have on. My mom says that I don't care about my cloths. I suspect I don't. I'm not very good at laundry. The funny thing is I am more likely to handwash workout wear than a suite or dress. I suspect my priorites are right. Those yoga pants look awesome, something you can go to the store in and workout in. Those are the best type of workout cloths.

  187. I don't know if I'm the only one that this has happened to or not but here goes.....Within the last year (since my son was born) I really tried to start working out. I needed a sports bra and purchased my first one. I bought it in my normal bra size and when I got home I put it on by rolling it down over me. This sucker was tight, so tight that once I got it on I literally could NOT get it off. I struggled with it,I would have had to dislocate my shoulder to pull it off myself and had to ask my husband for help. I need the money so I can purchase some sports bras that fit! I'm scared to buy another one so I've just been wearing 2 regular ones. I think when I do get one it will be one with a clasp!

  188. I wear yucky old sweats & DESPERATELY need something new!

  189. Oh my gosh! My week, no, month, would be completely made if I won this.

    I usually layer a few old, ratty tank tops at the gym. Yuck. :(

  190. Me please! I wear old softball tournament t-shirts from when I was in middle school (I'm now 25). Please help!

  191. i work out in old sweats and a big tshirt.

  192. After 2 kids, my body is just not the same. My old clothes don't fit right anymore. I can finally start going to the gym now. I had to wait for my youngest to turn 6 months for the childcare at the gym. I really need some new clothes to help motivate me. thanks

  193. I currently work out in very baggy sweats and a tshirt. I've lost 30 lbs and my workout clothes are ready to fall off!

  194. I have gained a considerable amount of weight from back to back to back to back pregnancies! The only thing I have that fits are my really baggy grey sweats and a couple of maternity shirt!!

  195. I wear yoga pants and a big t-shirt for everything but work.

  196. You've touched a hot button with me because I know I need new workout clothes, I truly know this but I can't bring myself to get them. I'm wearing the same workout clothes I wore after my first child was born 20 years ago. They're completely 80's in style. Remember how we wore tight midthigh shorts under regular shorts for that cute layered look (lol) and then add the matching colored workout bra top. I'm still rocking the 80's here only the shorts on the outer layer are stretched out, holey, separating at the waistband and just downright frumpy and glumpy. I can't stand sleeves but I want to cover myself a little bit when working out so I did freshen the look and now use my daughter's old cheerleading tank tops from when she was in middle school and wear those with my outfit. Seriously, I'm a complete mess. Assistance required big time.

  197. I would appreciate new workout wear because after shaping up a bit my pants are all so baggy they get hung up just when I walk aroung the equipment and if they didn't have a drawstring would be falling down! They are all threadbare too and I don't dare to workout anywhere but home!

  198. One time I had workout pants on and was working out on the treadmill at the gym. They felt really uncomfortable and i couldn't tell why. I thought i was loosing and not gaining weight. I went to use the bathroom and realized I had my pants on backwards the whole time!

  199. I could totally use some new workout gear! I have some cotton capris that I have been wearing. I lost the little drawstrings (I think the cat ate them) so the pants are a little loose. No problem, I thought. I was out for a walk around the neighbourhood and I felt a little draft...weird, I though. Turns out my pants were halfway to falling off! Real classy. I quickly hauled them up and motored home to change. I had to hold my pants up the whole way home!


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