June 30, 2014

Bringing the Cranky to Fitbloggin' 2014: The Good, The Bad, and the Weird

By Crabby McSlacker

So I'm just back from the Fitbloggin' conference, a large annual gathering of fitness and weight-loss bloggers which was held in Savannah Georgia this year.

Being a cheap-ass tightwad thrifty sort of blogger, I've never sprung for a conference before, so this was my virgin experience. (It's not so much conference fees, which are very reasonable for all that you get, but it's the damned travel and hotel expenses I hate to cough up).

So, what did I learn? What was awesome? What was really surprising? And, this being Cranky Fitness, what kinda sucked?

And yep, as usual I couldn't seem to blog, post to facebook, or tweet more than a quick thank you or two while the event was happening... so the whole live-blogging thing didn't happen. But welcome to the Official Cranky Fitness Deadblog of Fitbloggin' 14!

Here are A Few Things I Discovered:

1. Roni Noone (and her Mom and her whole crew) Are Awesome

So OK, you guys already knew from my annoying Roni Noone interview that I'm a big fan, but I can't really say enough about this amazing woman.  Putting together something like this, with all the planning and thought and logistics and unpredictable variables, yet being all warm and accessible and inspiring and helpful the entire time... plus all the other stuff she somehow does besides this conference... all I can say is: Holy Crap. And all the folks working with her also were nothing but helpful and pleasant.

There were TONS of great seminars and activities and opportunities and events and it all seemed to go flawlessly.

2. It's Worth "Stretching" A Bit for the Right Event

As I mentioned before, I'm getting over a longstanding flying phobia, and am a pretty introverted weirdo. So getting on a tiny plane to get outta Provincetown, and going to a conference and having to walk up to people I don't know and introduce myself, over and over again, well, it seemed a bit daunting.

But... so glad I did!

And yeah, there were times I retreated to my room for some alone time when I could have been doing something more social.  But overall, I tried to get out there, introduce myself, ask questions, foist my business card on people, and all that networky stuff one does. It was such a friendly comfortable crowd it was easier than I thought, and I did a lot more schmoozing in a few days than I'd normally do in probably a year.

3. Savannah in the Summer: WTF?

I ain't gonna sugar-coat it: it was really f--cking hot and humid.

I don't know how people live here and ever go outside. I coped by going for 6 a.m. walks (or on one day, bootcamp) and hiding out in air conditioning most of the rest of the time.

Also, for additional exercise, I took advantage of this lovely hotel feature:

The pool!

Here was the shocking thing though: I did my weird-ass aqua aerobics (and some conventional laps) 4 different times. And for 3 of the 4 swims I had the pool entirely to myself.  During summer in a hot humid city in a hotel filled with families with kids and Fitbloggers!  

And for the one time pictured above where others were present? I discovered that you can plow right past kids frolicking and they don't really give a crap who the crazy lady swimming, running, jumping, and being an all-around ass is.

4.  Well, OK, Savannah is a Beautiful Freakin' City Even when it Hurts to Be Outside.

5. Fitbloggin' Sessions and Activities:  Really Terrific but Sometimes They Made Me Feel Like Crap

And I'm not talking about the physical kinda crappy from doing boot camp with younger fitter folks in the heat, that was actually kind fun, especially once it was over and I was face-down in a plate of bacon and eggs and blueberries.

No, I'm talking about the constant reminder of how much more there is to blogging than blogging itself, and how necessary all that shit is if you want people to find you and read you (let alone throw any $$ your way).

Media kits, instagram, pinterest, videos, twitter, facebook, legalities, networking with other bloggers and media folks, web redesign (I am still on Blogspot, if you can imagine), newsletters, local and national press outreach, radio, workshops, ebooks, etc, etc.

Plus, just watching people snap photos and take videos and tweet and post things constantly the entire time and to feel so hesitant and conflicted and paralyzed myself... it was a bit overwhelming at times.

Where am I going to find time for that? How much money is going to be involved in redesigning and better equipping myself? How am I going to become more the sort of spontaneous person who can share shit more easily and frequently without totally over-thinking everything?

It makes me feel nostalgic for a time when blogging was mainly about, well, writing blog posts.  How freakin' quaint.

6. Fitbloggers: They're Not Who I Thought!

First off, I met some really lovely wonderful bloggers! But if I start listing and linking to some, then there will be that awkward cutoff point or else the post would go on forever and I'd still miss some and feel terrible, so... screw it.  You will be directed to their awesome blogs later, bit by bit, with a little more context when you might actually want to go visit.

But more generally: I was kind of surprised by the crowd.

I knew there would be some weight loss bloggers just beginning their journeys and plenty of folks who don't buy into the myth that you have to be a chiseled hardbody to be fit, but it was really interesting to see how much the Fitbloggin' crowd looks pretty much like a cross-section of people everywhere. Yay!

It is a very comfortable place to be no matter what your size, age, fitness level, physical disabilities etc.

There was also a reasonable amount of racial diversity, probably not to ideal levels, but it seemed like a pretty inclusive vibe.  But you'd probably have to ask a person of color if it felt comfortable.

A couple of things kinda bugged me about the demographics though:

Why are there so few gay and lesbian fitbloggers?  I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I didn't happen to run into anyone else--which seemed weird at a conference that big. Obviously it's not the organizers fault; my impression is that there are very few of us.

And it wasn't like anyone had a problem with it, no one batted an eye when I mentioned my wife (which still, btw, feels weird but I'll get over it.)

But it's kinda weird, isn't it?  In the old days, it used to be that even straightest of straight gals got labelled a "dyke" if they were the least bit active, because the sporty lesbian thing was such a stereotype. And now it almost feels like we lesbians don't exist at all in the fitness world.  What's that about, anyone have any guesses?

Few Men, But Bigger Presence:  It was an overwhelmingly female gathering, but the guys who were there seemed about twenty times more likely than the average woman who was there to be speaking or presenting or leading something.  More on this later; I'm reading a book about gender differences in self-confidence and perceived authority; it's definitely worth a whole post or two on. But I found that kind of depressing.

7.  Free Things are Wonderful and Horrible

Sponsors provided swag and edible treats; Yay! And yet Not Yay!  Trail mix in particular is my achilles heel, and the cruel almond people kept us so well supplied that  I must have eaten 17,000 calories worth. And sadly, I don't think that' s much of an exaggeration.

But a total conference highlight for me?

Look what I won, just by being old enough to recognize songs by Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond and blurt their names out relatively quickly!

It's a fancy-pants Terry Butterfly Tigel bike saddle (and some cute Terry socks) via Brooklyn Fit Chick! (Who also gave an inspiring and kick-ass presentation and has a great blog/vlog. And yeah, I'm breaking my rule about not linking to anyone in this post because, duh, I'm not such an idiot that I wouldn't thank someone for such a fantastic prize).

I can't wait to give this a shot as my current bike seat is not nearly as amazingly ass-friendly as this one looks to be. 

8.  Sponsors Hate Middle-Aged Bloggers Apparently

I really enjoyed the over-40 blogger session. It was a great bonding and networking opportunity with some fantastic women. But it was interesting and infuriating to discover that in the sponsorship world, being over 40 makes you about as enticing to sponsors as dog crap stuck to the bottom of their brand new Air Jordans.

Hmm, active athletic adventurous middle-aged bloggers and their followers constitute one of the largest, most loyal, most likely to have purchasing power demographics you could imagine... but you wouldn't want to pitch them anything but denture creams and incontinence products?

9.  Fitbloggin' 2015 in Denver:  Damn it, I Just May Have to Go.

I didn't realize how sinisterly addictive the experience would be. I thought I could go once, check it out, and then maybe go again someday when it happened to be in a city I live near or have family/friends in.

Is it hard to justify paying travel and lodging and meal and conference expenses to nurture a blog that is more of a time-suck expense rather than a powerhouse revenue-generating enterprise?

Hell yeah.

But you may just see me there anyway.

 photo swiped from Fitbloggin.com

Have you guys gone to any conferences you really enjoyed? Any you have your eyes on?


  1. Good for your for getting out there and stretching yourself. Go you! It sounds like a wonderful time and well worth it for you.
    "...younger fitter folks in the heat," which I insisted, repeatedly, on reading as younger folks in heat and decided I wouldn't want to be around them at all.
    As to conferences, I went to a hypnosis one in Lewiston, Montana a few years back and thoroughly enjoyed it though hadn't the desire to go to any since then. Any other conference I've attended has been as a reporter. They were okay, interesting even, but I was there to report, not enjoy.

    1. Ooh a hypnosis conference sound very en-trancing Leah!

      And nah, no young fitbloggers bloggers in heat, but you're right, that would be a bit disquieting!

  2. Glad you enjoyed it (overall!) Last year was my first year and I was torn on how I really felt about it. I came in from a professional background thinking the conference was going to be like the academic one's I attended, and then I saw it was more like a summer camp. So, this year I went with the mental plan of having fun with friends and had a much better time (although I also have to go back to my hotel room and curl up into an introvert ball often.)

    All of the information in the sessions can be overwhelming. I try to only go to 1-2 a day to absorb more. I hadn't noticed that about the almost total lack of gay/lesbian bloggers. Out of 200+ people you'd assume at least 5% would be given recent stats.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Erica!

      I felt a little weird about the summer camp atmosphere at first--just because I was a "new" kid and there were already so many groups of people who were hanging out together with friends. And there were a few rounds where the sessions were more chatty and less about substance, but overall, seemed like a lot of info and advice to absorb!

    2. I actually think I may suggest to Roni a special 'first timers' session on Thursday/Friday morning in future conferences. It's hard to walk into Fitbloggin when SO many people there already have their 'tribes' set up. I think something specifically for all the first years would help.

    3. What a great idea Erica!

    4. I 100% agree with this. I said this exact same thing to a friend about how we kind of felt like it was summer camp too and felt a little out of place since we had never been before. Having something for first timers would have made me feel a LOT more comfortable.

      Overall I had a great experience. I LIVE here in Savannah so the heat and humidity isn't new but it is still overwhelming. Glad you came! Wish we could have met :)

  3. I also at an entire bag of the trail mix I made within 5 minutes.

    1. I hope you don't mean that you just had ONE baggie? I kept going back for more... and more... and more... sigh.

    2. I made myself stop going back after my second bag was completely filled with cinnamon crunch almonds. I probabably matched you with eating 17,000 calories in almonds alone over the weekend.

  4. ((kisses you full on the mouth. I adore ye.))

  5. It sounds amazing, and i have my once a year sanity retreat. It's no conference, but it does take getting myself out there to meet new people and do new things and go new places and cough up money that i could put in about 17 other places instead.

    Congratulations on going and making contacts and learning stuff and winning stuff! It was a bit over the edge of your comfort zone, and you did it!

    1. Thanks Messymimi, and a sanity retreat sounds like an AWESOME thing to do! Can't do much without at least a little bit of sanity. Though sometimes I try....

  6. Great recap! This was my first blogging conference and I really enjoyed it.

  7. The gay and lesbian bloggers are all here in Toronto at World Pride Week!!! I notice the whole not marketing to over 40s thing and I don't get it. We have money and needs I guess we must not impulse buy or something. Actually I am a cheapskate myself and I thoroughly research everything I buy. I kind of ruin my vacations looking at the hotel bill and moaning.

    1. I KNEW there was a reason I loved Toronto Cindy! (And yeah, I think part of the reason some of us over 40's have money is we are definitely cheapskates about some things... but I think most of us are willing to part with it for the RIGHT stuff in line with what's important to us, whereas kids are more likely to throw it around more impulsively.)

  8. Fellow BLOGGER blogger over here...I know we're "supposed" to switch over to WP or whatever, but dang it, I can make Blogger work for me, and I don't want to have to learn something new. I share your conflicts about how much we should be doing to make blogging work, but like you, I actually like the writing part of it. I'm not all that willing to put in the effort to tweet and instagram and network - and I'm OK with it. But I suspect if I went to a blogging conference where they pushed that, I'd second-guess my OK-ness. Keep doing what feels right for you, my friend.

    1. We need a support group Shelley!

      My problem: I like what I do, but I'm greedy and want more lovely readers and commenters! And to do that, I gotta let the right people know Cranky Fitness exists... must ponder evil schemes...

  9. Us baby boomers are just not networking like the young-in's are. It is hard to find blogs that have successful bloggers over 50 that are new to, or writing about, fitness and weight loss stuff. btw, I've been through Savanna several times back in the 70's. Yes, it is very muggy!!! Denver should be better next year. :)

    1. Sherri, I do think you have a point about our network-neglect, at least some of us. I just need to enslave a 17 year old as an unpaid social media minion, got any ideas how I might do that? :)

    2. Hmm, 17.. I'm thinking these days tequila shooters and porn would probably work better, but yeah, let's go with candy!

  10. Very interesting! I am fairly tech/web savvy, but think that Blogger is also just fine for what I want to do with my blog... which is... write. :) One of my favorite fitness bloggers is http://www.diaryofanaspiringloser.com/ – she is in her early 40s, and quite popular it seems! Maybe suggest for the next conference to have some LGBTQ blogger topics? Or at least an acknowledgement of LGBTQ fitness bloggers?

    1. Amy, my fear would be I'd be the only one attending!

      I don't fault the conference at all for who decides to attend, it just seems weird to me that there are so few LGBTQ out there blogging about fitness, and I probably picked a dumb place to complain about it!

      And will have to check out Diary of an Inspiring Loser, if I haven't already (I'm terrible about remembering this stuff) thanks for the tip!

  11. I loved going to conferences when I was an elementary teacher. It's so fun to interact with like minded people. Not to mention, getting out of the classroom. I would always come back a bunch of new ideas to try out on my students. Yeah. It keeps it fresh. Glad you have a good time and put yourself out there.

    1. Thanks Bob Ben!

      My problem is that my head is about to explode withe new ideas! But I can't figure out how the hell I'm going to find the time/energy to implement them!

      Have they figured out the cloning thing yet? Just askin'...

  12. I am so happy you went & enjoyed & stretched! :) I have seen a lot of posts & fun!

    The older 40 comment makes me sad & one of the reasons I am pulling back - well biggest is money & you need money to make money & I don't have money for all that stuff you outlined we need to have.

    I am super tired of being looked over due to age. In my 40's they did not want me but now more 40's peeps are getting some stuff but older that that & your are kinda not much.. super frustrating to me!

    1. Ah well Jody, the good thing about being our age is the ability to say f--k 'em and not take it personally and know THEY are the ones missing out on our great demographics. Would be nice to see the $$$ though!

  13. Ooh I'm excited to read your post about gender differences- I've had a few posts on that floating around in my head for some time now as well. Glad you enjoyed the conference!

    1. Oh good HH, let me know if you get around to it before I do and I'll be sure to link! I'm reading the Confidence Code now, only about half way through, but it's fascinating!

  14. Note to self…copy comment before hitting publish. Eaten again! I can't ever remember what I wrote.

    I know I was impressed with you getting on that little airplane, loved that you won a prize and had a lot of trail mix.

    I have only attended work related conferences and the only fun parts were the travel (train for me as I had the choice), the hotel and the restaurants being paid for.

    1. Oh crap Kimberley I'm so sorry! This makes my vague plans to move to WP seem a little more urgent.

      And yeah, this was the "fun" kind of conference; one day I dream of combining the two and getting paid for one but I'm not sure what devil I'd need to strike a deal with to have that happen. Hmm, maybe Dr. Oz is hiring...

  15. This is a super interesting recap.

    I have noticed the things that bloggers (who want to make a living off theirs, that is) are having to do some real interesting things these days. Sure, you get to take a neat trip, but then you have to instagram and tweet with a hashtag that's the brand name of a phone. Or you are a running blog, but you get sent on a trip to visit a company that does fashion subscription services (as in, not workout gear, just regular clothes) and so you have to talk about getting a blowout on your hair at a dry bar, and the silly cocktail you had to drink.

    I haven't blogged at my blog in over a year (because of many reasons) so I'm certainly not the target demographic for talking about monetizing blogs, but I have to say, getting together with a lot of fitness folks and doing workouts and eating fun stuff sounds like a super neat weekend.

    I was in Buffalo this weekend, so got my share of humidity, and it wasn't that hot. So as a wimpy San Diegan, I might have been right there in that pool, too!

    1. Also interesting on your observations about age/sexual orientation. I am already nearing rage stroke levels because of another issue everyone is talking about* online today, so I am just going to sigh over those.

      * Trying to be cagey so that we don't get into anything here, which is NOT the place.

    2. OMG OTF, so with you on the rage if we are talking about the same thing, does it perhaps involve a Supreme Court decision?

      And good point about the selling out required for some of this corporate sponsorship. I'd never want my blog to turn into that kind of thing, though I'd probably quaff a couple fancy cocktails if required. :)

  16. I think we would have had a grand time and you could have shown me how to have fu in the pool!!
    Now I wonder if Fitbloggin isn't the conference I should try to go to just because I truly have zero desire to turn my blog into anything other than what it is right now - as it is I'm stretched to the max and trying to make my blog better and doing all of the other social media would send me completely over the edge!!

    1. Kim, it was entirely possible to avoid the monetizing/marketing stuff and just focus on the fitness and community aspect; it was my own curiousity and greediness and narcissism that had me signing up for workshops that told me I'd actually have to DO SOMETHING to grow my blog other than engage in wishful thinking!

      Think about Denver, we could have a blast!

  17. I don't go for the blog-optimizing stuff, I go for the people. I do a few of the blogging biz sessions just to see if I missed anything. I think a session on Blogging While LGBT might be an interesting addition to the small group discussions.

    1. Good for you Toledo Lefty, it's great to have your priorities in order.

      But I do wonder if FIRST the LGBT bloggers need to come out of the woodwork and start showing up before we can start wanting programming aimed at us. Because I'm thinking not many straight folks would be all that interested!

  18. Besides the not-blinking at "wife" there's the other reaction: I still, every time I hear someone say that instead of "girlfriend" or "partner" get this silly (triumphant) grin.
    And that plane? You got on that plane that, with a little help from your friends, you could pick up? You WIN!!!
    Blogs are for writing (or photography, or both.) The other stuff is optional, sort of like souping up your car instead of just leaving it the way you bought it: cars are for driving. My blog is not a fitness blog, of course, it's a whatever-I-feel-like-writing-about blog, but I have it because I enjoy writing it.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

    1. Aww, that silly triumphant grin is awesome Mary Anne, and some day I wanna stop by your neck of the woods and see it in person!

      And thanks for the airplane encouragement; I think to most people it wouldn't seem like a big deal but you've followed me long enough to know all my fears and foibles!

  19. Also, gender differences. Thirty years ago when I was going to library conferences, the participants were more than ninety per cent female, and the presenters were at least seventy-five per cent male. Sigh.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

    1. Grrrr.... that stuff really does get my goat.

      But, hmm, maybe it means its time for me to put myself out there more? (Eeeek!)

  20. I experimented with WordPress and I don't see what the excitement is, it was a pain in the ass to work with. I am on blogger still, although more of a "hobby" blog. I am actually impressed you found it as diverse as it was! Sounds like it could get more so. It will be interesting if thing change once this younger group goes into their 40s. :) It sounds like you got a lot out of it! Sam

    1. I didn't like WordPress either and am still with Blogger. I have my own website that I could use instead, but I am not in it to make money. Blogger fits the bill for me. I do dislike that they will junk your oldest photos though. bah!

      I am turning 60 this year. It is hard to find inspiring blogs in my age group. I have many physical issues that keep me from doing what younger people can. I work around them though.

      Now I am going to go make a quilt. :)

    2. I have such mixed feelings about making a switch! Blogger has a lot going for it, but there are so many more useful plug-ins for wordpress, and then there's the whole recurring comment problem here. I HATE when people aren't able to comment!

  21. I'm so glad you got over your phobia and got on that plane! Wouldn't have had the chance to meet you and hang out with you if you hadn't. :) I completely agree about the almonds. Does it make you feel any better that I packed up an extra baggie "to go?" Hey, I needed a snack for my drive home! And yeah, all the stuff that's out there that we have to do if we want to go anywhere with our blogs is extremely overwhelming. I'm not sure there's enough time in the day to cover all the bases! I mean, I have a full-time J.O.B. that helps pay the bills, I have a training schedule, and dammit, I need to sleep.

    So, looks like we'll probably see each other in Denver. #fishbait :)


    1. Just ONE extra baggie? And you didn't run up to your room 10 minutes later and snarf it down? You are a stronger woman than I.

      And as to #fishbait: #thinkImHooked :)

  22. I do very much fail to understand the discrimination against the over-40s. We spend money. Is the (mistaken) assumption that we're not interested in fitness? Or that we don't read blogs?

    1. Actually, I think we are the ONLY ones reading blogs as younger folks have fled to much sexier social media outlets! It is indeed a mystery.

  23. And I was so grateful too to get to hang out with you!!

    I'm really looking forward to checking out your suggestions, they sound awesome!

  24. I've never attended a conference in my life. I'm not fit. I'm not blogging for revenue. I'm not gay. I've never been to Georgia (though I'd love to see it). I can't answer a single one of your questions but I found your post to be was totally amusing and enjoyable. And I strongly suspect you'll be doing this again in a year.

    1. Thank you so much Hilary, and I think you are right in your suspicions!

  25. I expect a Small Group Discussion submission by you next year. Just saying. :)

    1. Wait Roni, you mean actually be proactive and DO something rather than just ponder gender confidence disparities in the abstract, in the safe confines of my own blog?

      Er... um... yeah, I think maybe I will!!!!!!!

  26. Well, there was at least one other gay blogger there (hi!)...and I'm male, so two birds with one stone! :)

    Seriously though, there have been more gay bloggers in prior years, and there are plenty of us out there, I just don't think many of them could actually attend this year. As for men, the number rises every year, which makes me happy. At the very first Fitbloggin there were only two of us, and I was the only guy who was just an attendee.

  27. Hey Steve, sorry I didn't have my gaydar settings properly calibrated! Would have loved to have chatted!

    Good to know there are others, and again, I don't fault the conference, but I think in particular the absence of gay women is puzzling. Did all the former tomboys and baby dykes give up their interest in sports and fitness? Or have they all gone straight? Sigh. I can't figure it out! :)

  28. I'm on blogger too and it was my first time at Fitbloggin! I agree that it's overwhelming/I felt there were lots of monetizing your blog type sessions. I did a post on reflecting after Fitbloggin and talk about how I don't think my blog will ever be my full-time job or money maker. I like writing and sharing. Blogger is fine. I do want more readers and to work with brands, but I don't have time to conquer all social media forms. I'd love to meet you in Denver next year!

    1. I'd really like to meet you too Lauren! And it's funny to realize how many of us might have been feeling overwhelmed.

      I actually sought out the marketing and monetizing sessions, and then got all depressed that it seems that you gotta actually DO a lot more than Ive been donig. I appreciated the information, but I gotta say it threatened my comfortable level of denial about that stuff.

  29. It was GREAT to meet you and spend some quality time together...I've been to every Fitbloggin since the get-go and have made some lasting friendships as a result.

    I see that someone else mentioned Mara, Tara, and Meegan...I was going to do the same. :-)

    I'm not sure I will be in Denver (have another trip to California already planned in April), but if Fitbloggin comes to the Northeast (I heard maybe Providence in 2016) I will definitely be there!

    1. I SO enjoyed seeing you there Karen, and hanging with you, and dang, was hoping to see you again next year Karen! But Providence in 2016 is just a short drive from where I live, so I am SO there if that happens.

      And OK, I must must must check out this awesome trio of bloggers!

  30. Seriously, how did we not chat more in Savannah? Must've been the heat. Yeah, as Steve mentioned, there are DEFINITELY more LGBT and male Fitbloggers (and some who are both) who didn't attend this year. But they're out there! If you're in Hillcrest this November we can meet up to cheer on the Double Chin sisters as they complete the 3-Day. Or we can just grab a drink at Great Maple.

    1. Margo, dang it, wish I could have cornered you, so much to talk about! But yeah, no shortage of watering holes in our 'hood, and you'll have to explain the Double Chin sisters, this is something I know nothing of but they sound intriguing! In provincetown we have the Hat Sisters, don't know if there are any similarities...https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Hat-Sisters/65875010684

  31. I'm still with Blogger too. And I enjoyed the Over 40 Blogger discussion!

    1. You're still with blogger too Kim? I really enjoyed that session too! Hope to see ya in Denver!

  32. I loved your good, bad and the ugly recap of Fitbloggin'. You brought up many valid points and I remember we had a moment during 6am Boot Camp where we looked at each other like we were utterly miserable yet throughly enjoying it. I am sad that I did not partake in the trail mix because the avocado blueberry muffins called my name (repeatedly) and that pool looked like a welcome respite for the heat.

    As a POC, I felt comfortable but I'm also in an interracial marriage with biracial children so I'm used to belonging, not belonging etc. I don't even notice! Many of the bloggers I knew from previous Fitbloggin, other conferences, etc but I made it a mission to smile, talk up, and try to connect with as many people as possible which was hard during workouts, sessions, etc. Thank goodness for the mix and mingles and breaks. I am thankful that I got to go out to lunch in Savannah with a group I did not previously know (except for one) and it was awesome.

    I wish we could have connected more but we have Denver for that and I hope you bring your wife and make a vacay out of it. I love Colorado and can't wait to head back!

    1. Thanks so much Aliah! You had such positive energy the whole time, and it cracks me up how much more extroverted you are than I am... The mix and mingles and breaks were the most challenging parts for me!

  33. And I agree small group discussion from you on LGBT issues and whatever else you want to educate and speak on--I want to hear your voice!

  34. Okay. So I have to fess up. When we introduced ourselves before Ignite, I didn't realize who I was talking to. You've been on my blog roll for-evah! Between just rushing in and the noise and my daughter and everything, I never settled down long enough to realize I was talking to someone I've read for years! (Insert shriek here!)
    So we'll reenact that whole meeting in Denver, yes?

    1. Too funny Sue, because I did the same thing another of times. I had a whole conversation with Alexandra at Fun & Fit, who I totally admire, not realizing it was her. Then totally busted myself by tweeting that I was sorry I'd missed seeing her there! Accck!

    2. Sigh. "another" = "a number." More coffee, comin' up!

  35. This was in Savannah? And I didn't go?! What the hell is wrong with me? Honestly, there's so much to blogging these days that I can barely wrap my head around half of it anymore. I think I get the actual blogging part, and I'm getting better at headlines and self-promotion, but media kits? Monetization!? My head, it swims.

    I really appreciate reading your recap. It makes me think that maybe I should consider going next year...

    1. Caitlin, yes, yes, you gotta go! Would love to hang, and heck, even if it weren't for the great workshops and camaraderie, I suspect Denver may have some weather advantages over Florida in late June?

  36. The almond bar...oh the almond bar. Seriously, between that and the "to go" cups I think I consumed and extra 15,000 calories.

    This was my 2nd FitBloggin and I was much more interested in socializing than the "how to blog" sessions. I'm on blogger for my personal blog and write for another site that's on wordpress. For me, blogger is fine and I have no desire to make money. That being said, I'm one of those over-40 bloggers and would love more companies approaching me for product reviews and the like. I'm just too lazy or shy to go out and seek them.

    1. Hey Bari, great to meet another over-40 shy blogger-platformed trail mix abuser, and hope we get to hang out next year!

  37. Most LGBT (way to leave out the bisexuals and transgender folks btw) bloggers are more concerned with activism and community and less concerned with active, self centered narcissism.

    1. Wow, and I thought I had a corner on the "cranky" market. :)

  38. I don't get the age break off either, i have based my purchace of items on your reviews and checked out things youve raved about, khule pants for instance. I like reading what you write because you entertain me. When you say a product works great i trust you mean it and havent been suckered by a cool lable. Go figure

    1. Thank you so much AA! And actually, I wore my Kuhls most of the time during the conference! And yeah, I am SO not influenced by what's hip and trendy, being rather fashion-backward, but am way more interested in function.

  39. I'm so glad I found your blog!!! I wrote it in my phone and then deleted it by mistake. Ugh. Anyway, enough about me - I loved your recap and agreed with so much of it. You ask a great question about gay/lesbian fitness bloggers - what gives?? I was also surprised by the "everyone" feel there and not being surrounded by chiseled fit bloggers. Weird, but I liked it. Great meeting you (and slapping dirty hands) at Boot Camp. Can't wait for more follow-up posts :-)

  40. Allie, I believe you were the most fit and chiseled person there, and it wasn't until your Ignite speech that I knew what a rockstar you are! But I was hoping that just by shadowing you in the bootcamp class some of your awesomeness would rub off.

    Loved your recap too and thanks so much for stopping by!

  41. It was great to meet you at FitBloggin and I'm so glad to find another funny and irreverent fitness blog! I loved reading your recap and agree with many of your points. I hope we'll get to meet up again in Denver! xo

  42. I never knew there was a "fitbloggin", i will have to look into it and go one year, sounds awesome!


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