January 10, 2014

Cool Stuff We Didn't Write Ourselves

By Crabby McSlacker

Too Bad Oscar's Long Gone...Wonder What He'd Think about Crossfit?

So for the time being, I'm thinking Friday posts might be a combo of a couple of things:

1. Interesting Things Found Elsewhere 'Round the Web... because Cranky Fitness needs to get out more.


2. Blog Chat... 'Cause there's nothing more exciting, right, than a blogger blogging about blogging? But it's a blogger's favorite form of self-indulgence, or at least it's mine.  And especially with changes a comin,' I'm feeling compelled to blather a bit.

Saving the best for last, let's start with:

Blog Chat!
image (before brutal cropping): UpNorth Memories 

Not Quite Yet Introducing: Team Cranky!

You may be thinking these supposed blog helpers are mythical, because I'm taking forever to actually figure out how it's gonna work and get more stuff going with the awesome Team Cranky.

However, the top-secret Swearing In of the Head of the Research Department, Nancy K, was somehow caught on camera by paparazzi before we could flee!

Note: It only looks like we're posing, those are grimaces of fear, not actual smiles, captured right before we broke out into a run. Nancy is fitter and faster than I am, so she escaped unharmed, but the tabloids are gonna be full of pics of me in partially ripped clothing, tears streaming down my face, cursing their dogged persistence.  Sigh.

But anyway, be assured that while all may look quiet at Cranky Fitness, behind the scenes, emails are flying around, folks have started researching and pondering things and hare-brained schemes are popping into my head at an alarming rate. I can't wait to introduce everyone and get this thing rolling!

And hey did ya notice we're posting more often?  We're aiming for 4-5 a week. And we even had a great guest post this week by the awesome Malevolent Andrea about massage etiquette!  (And I'm so grateful that the spunky and enterprising Starving Bitch is helping with the assembly process so we can keep them coming.)

So bit by bit we're going to be rebuilding the Cranky Empire.  Why? So we Cranketeers can achieve world domination! And with that we shall demand Free Fitness Gear and Fancy Electronic Gizmos and Personal Chefs and Trainers and Hawaiian Adventure Vacations Complete With Umbrella Drinks Mysteriously Devoid of Calories for everyone!  So stand by, loyal regulars, as soon I'll be needing your dietary requirements, shoe sizes, and whether you like window or aisle seats or just prefer to sail your way to Maui on a cruise ship.

But... Am I Screwing It All Up By Spending Less Time on Comment Reply?

I need honesty on this one, even if it's not what I want to hear.  The Cranky Community is THE most awesome thing about this blog and I don't want to lose it. For some bizarre reason, I'm all "yay I have a blog!" this year, and am psyched about writing more and finding more content and reaching more readers and making more connections.  But with more posts, the prospect of replying to each comment gets more daunting, and I honestly don't want it to get mechanical and chore-like.

So is it ok if I get a little less conscientious about comment reply, or will all the treasured loyal regulars wander away? I'm starting to try that a little this week but feel a very nervous about it.

I still will always read every comment, and will try to always reply individually to all the Monthly Goal Post reports, and will pop in and add my own comments to most posts and will reply in a more arbitrary way to some of the comments... but is that enough? Especially as there will be more posts?

Give it to me straight, folks. You guys are the most important thing about this blog and your comments make it the great place I wanna hang out at.

OK, now onto...

Some Cool Things We Stubbed Our Toes On This Week Wandering Around the Web:

(And hey, if you have any links you think we should feature, please send them along!)

First up, an interesting take from Sweat Science on the perennial "are you getting enough protein" debate.  Turns out, it may be more about the "when" and not about the "how much."

Next, a great post over at Fit and Feminist about moving away from the Cult of the Body. Here's a brief quote but there's lots more:

"I’ve seen holy wars break out over Paleo/primal/vegan/fruitarian ways of eating. I’ve seen smugnoms tell people with cancer that they wouldn’t be in this situation had they just avoided meat and processed food. I’ve seen people try to recast cruelty towards fat people as something intended to help them. I’ve seen people who can barely articulate a coherent thought brag about spending three hours a day in the gym. I’ve seen fitness and nutrition professionals basically use their platforms to inflict their disordered lifestyles on thousands of adoring followers. I’ve seen people wield their healthy lifestyles and their fit bodies as clubs with which they beat the heads of lesser mortals who may not have visible abs or who might have boxed food in their pantries."
An inspiring post over at The Tippy Toe Diet, reminding us of the importance of Small Wins, something we are very attached to here at Cranky Fitness. Big Wins take way too much work!

Are you an adventurous hiker? Check out the incredible photos of the trail to the Mt. Huashan Tea House in China and catch the terrifying pictures. And if you're NOT adventurous, it's equally fun to shake your head thinking OMFG NO! the whole time.

image: uqpu.net

And lastly, Leah, a favorite Cranky Commenter and blogger at The Goat's Lunch Pail, found this educational and entertaining update on the 2008 "Engineers Guide to Cats."  It's long but well worth giving it at least a few minutes. And um, as it relates to health and fitness? Regulars know we define that VERY broadly here in Cranky land.

Late-breaking update: don't miss Mizfit's sweet post today, I won't even say what it's about but you'll definitely want to stop by!

Any thoughts on anything this fine Friday? Got any fun plans for the weekend?


  1. Awww, thanks for the linkage. As far as replying to comments go, it's cool, Crabby. Start slowly and build down, as it were. I understand and fully support you in your move to do less while giving more.

    1. That means a lot to me Leah! Especially as you are always so conscientious about engaging with your blog commenters. I really appreciate it!

  2. Friday...I had a lunch date that i was prepared to wear a really adorable dress and heels and look my best and I woke up to it snowing. It's official, I had always suspected, but it is official the Universe hates me.

    1. Hmm, but maybe you were gonna trip on those heels and spill something and totally stain that dress, and the universe dumped snow to save you from that fate? :) Hope the day goes better than expected Starving Bitch!

  3. I love that you guys are putting out more stuff this year! I'm expanding my Monday Morning Reading Routine to the rest of the week so I can keep up. No worries about being able to respond to all of the comments, either. I'd say your regulars understand the necessary balance between comment conversations and content, and that might even spark more people to talk amongst ourselves. :-)

    No plans as of yet for this weekend. What we do will depend on how ludicrous the weather decides to be. I vote for lots of loafing, though.

    1. Heather I LOVE when regulars talk amongst themselves and I'm so grateful to you for all your help in keeping things going! Have fun loafing, and loaf some for me too while you're at it.

  4. Dear Crabby - Fret not one moment about getting back to every reply-er! The fact that there are new posts popping up with such incredible frequency is wonderful AND it's a helpful reminder to readers that - hey - we don't ALWAYS have to chime in, right? Sometimes it's better just to take it all in and start a discussion in real life while pointing to your site and saying "Hey - look at THIS!"
    You have and continued to give your readers more than we should expect and we all love ya!

    1. Noooo, anon, for once you are totally mistaken, first time ever I believe!

      You ALWAYS have to chime in... I believe a new law was passed requiring it. Or heck, I may have that wrong but please? pretty please??? :)

  5. Our online time is limited, that's true for anyone who has spouse or kids or job or anything that even remotely counts as "real life." No one can expect others to spend all of their time online replying to everything. You'd make yourself crazy if you tried, and never get the clothes folded.

    Answer what you can, when you can, it's what i've had to choose to do. It's the price i pay for clean undergarments in their right places.

    1. Cosigned. And not all comments necessarily NEED a reply. Sometimes I just want to throw something out there, but it doesn't need to start a conversation.

  6. All lack of commenting is forgiven with the introduction of cool cat scientific research! Actually I would suggest reminding the Cranksters to talk amongst themselves in the comments.
    I like hiking and I like tea but, I see visible nails sticking out of those boards your supposed to walk on and that is a safety violation and I just can't support that!

  7. Darn you Leah and Crabby! ;) I stopped by about an hour ago, watched the video.. then another and another and another. Well you get the idea. It was hilarious. Thank you. :)

    As for responding to comments. I completely understand how time consuming that is. I used to reply to all of my comments but found it to be taking SO much time. I hated giving it up but now I don't feel that pressure to respond any more. I do reply via email (or on their blogs, if I can't find their addie) to those who ask direct questions or if something needs clarification but otherwise, that's a practice of the past for me, I'm afraid. So as much as we all love the feedback of ongoing comment response, it's just not practical for many of us. So of course, you receive a hall pass from me too. :)

  8. This is me trying hard not to reply and thank each of you personally, but Cindy, Hilary, OTF and Messymimi, I really appreciate you guys for your understanding, and hope you know that every comment I read makes me smile!

    God I sound sappy. Sheesh.

  9. I love that you are posting more often - I did a happy dance in my head since I'm too lazy sitting with my feet propped to do a real one!!!
    I saw Cindy's comment above and agree with it - I like that you encourage chatting around in the comments - on most blogs I feel awkward if I reply to someone else's comment.
    And - that hike looks SCARY - I'm a huge wimp!!!

  10. This spate of blog posts is making it harder for ME to keep up with the comments, and I didn't even have to write the posts! You're excused.
    (Apparently I'm not an adventurous hiker. You could get me on that boardwalk-in-the-air at gunpoint--maybe.)
    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  11. I love reading your posts (and guest posts) and definitely do not expect a personal reply.

    As always, I am eager to see where you take me in 2014...please let it be on a boat headed to Maui.

    1. hehe, your comment made ​​me reply

      I read this article and I feel very excited, I do not reply to someone, and you perhaps be the first :D :D

    2. Wow Kimberley, your comments are so awesome you've even attracted a first for Cranky Fitness--a Spam Reply! I won't even delete it right away like I do the usual spams, in your honor. :)

    3. A Spam Reply! LOL! Definitely a first for me. Too funny!

    4. hehe, sorry, I is only passers-by, my english is not good, and I'm also trying to learn English better
      I'm sorry

  12. As a recovering I-Can-Do-It-All-Even-If-It-Kills-Me gal, there are only so many hours in the day...don't waste them on guilt! Seriously, your responses to comments are awesome and make everyone feel connected...BUT your posts are also awesome and getting more of those...well, there's a tradeoff isn't there? We all can put on our proverbial big-girl panties, and still love reading your blog- even without the individual responses :D

  13. As I often do, I've e-mailed the honorary Cranketeer, this entry. He hears me laughing and it would be as ungracious as not sharing my box of Godiva, not to send on the joy. Oscar WIlde, science and kitty videos, not to mention a change of undies (TMI?) even imagining that climb? Loving it all!
    I enjoy your individual replies enormously for two reasons: 1.We get bonus Crabby ;) 2. I am always fascinated and delighted by your unique ability to say just the right thing to each person. Your interactions are always genuine, insightful and well thought out, not to mention gentle, diplomatic and indicative of the fact that you actually read and paid attention to everyone's statement. I am very impressed!
    Having said that, of course it is not an expectation. I don't even know how you keep up with the blog, let alone the individual replies. It is awesome that the frequency of the posts is increasing though that is not an expectation either, just a major YAY!
    I also enjoy the interaction among your very special group of readers, so it's all good!

    1. comma after "increasing". In case I have not said it clearly or often enough, thank you for allowing the option of deleting>editing>reposting replies. That is a kind, kind, thing to do Crabby.
      Oh and I forgot: please give me a heads up, so I can WARM UP my surfboard wax in a timely manner. Thank you!

    2. aaaaaand another missed comma. Bloody hell!

    3. Your kind words and worthy observations are in no need of punctuation, dlamb, and are always appreciated.

  14. And Kim, Solarity and lazy girl, thank you!

  15. Well, a day (no, two days) late. That should help you believe that I totally understand how tough it would be to reply to so many comments! It's fun to hear from you, but I certainly do not expect it to happen every time I indulge myself by commenting here. More posts? Terrific! Those great links? Also terrific - although I may have to retire early in order to read all that great stuff. That hike? Uh, no way. Gonna confine my thrills to bike-commuting across the Golden Gate bridge through strong winds & oblivious photographers.

    1. Your "indulgence" is so greatly appreciated DRG!

  16. I have noticed more posts & just as you start in to this, I most likely will be doing less so... don't get mad at me if I don't get over here.. life is forcing me a different way for now.. may be short or long term, not sure but I will be doing my blog for now but the reading & commenting may be less.

    I know you said in a previous comment about my blog being popular & all that but it does not bring in $$ so... thus the less of me for a bit...

    I will always try to get over here although I may be later than sooner...

    1. Jody, your support has been so awesome and I know you have lots of other stuff going on-- I would never ever ever be mad at you for anything! Well, unless you broke into my house and stole all my chocolate. )

  17. yeah, right. I know you don't read my comments. I JUST KNOW IT!!!!!
    **jumps off cliff**

    1. I hope the cliff wasn't too high Yum Yuck, or if it was that you had a soft landing into a giant pie!

  18. Apropos of absolutely nothing, except, perhaps, the end of my weekend. Is anybody else super excited to see Sam Stosur play at home? Also, if we have any Cranketeers from Down Under, way to go! TWO covered courts and a third one next year. You rule! Wish we had one. JUST ONE!


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