March 26, 2012

Best Weight Loss Blogs: 2012

The votes have finally been tallied in the "Best Weight Loss Blogs" poll, and we have some winners!

Contest rules, many of which are arbitrary and unfair, can be found back at the nomination post. Among other minutia, there is an explanation as to why the latest nomination post comments were not the only source of blog votes. There were also prizes offered to encourage participation generously donated by BodyLogicMDSmartForLife, Popcorn, Indiana Chip’insLife Coach Tim Brownson, and Shakeology Meal Replacement shakes.

Top Weight Loss Blogs

In a nod to the time honored tradition of "being polite to the hostess," so many sweet folks mentioned Cranky Fitness that it placed first, but it seemed a bit tacky to include it. But thanks so much!

The top vote getter of actual serious votes was DK FitSolutions. Congrats DK FitSolutions, you motivated people, sent out the troops, and won a $50 gift certificate and a first place finish!

And here are the other top vote-getters, broken into clumps by popularity (but within a clump, votes were similar or tied):

Top 3 blogs:
DK FitSolutions
The Great Fitness Experiment

Also very popular:
Tippy Toe Diet
Fit to the Finish
Truth 2 Being Fit
Bitch Cakes
Health Breaks Loose
Carb Tripper
KCL Anderson: Before & After
Ryan D. Sullivan (No More Bacon)
Calorie Lab: Dr. J
Nerd Fitness
Oh She Glows
Waisting Time
The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl
A Weight  Lifted
Fit Bottomed Girls

[Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Would this be an opportune time to mention that if you want a funny but sneakily informative ebook to help you on your fitness and weight loss journey, Cranky Fitness: Exercise Your Ass Off is available as a PDF, or for Kindle, Nook or iPad for $3.99? What, it's actually a totally stupid time to interrupt? Oops, sorry! I'll let you get back to the list.]

More Multiple-Vote Blogs:
Feed Me, I'm Cranky
Roni's weigh
Marks Daily Apple
Finding Radiance
My Journey to Fit
Debby Weighs In
Peanut Butter Fingers
Eat Move Write
Loretta's Journey
Jack Sh*t Getting Fit
The Sassy Pear
Starving Bitch
Escape from Obesity

Other Nominated Blogs:
(And note: there are some GREAT ones in here, and they're listed in no particular order, so it's worth at least skimming to the end to see what titles might appeal to you:

Diet Blog 
The Token Fat Girl
Scale Junkie
Chocolate Covered Katie
Healthy Tipping Point
Carbie Girl
Fat to Fit Mommy
Runs for Cookies
Iowa Girl Eats
Coach Vance
Beth's Journey
Flab Mountain-From Cow to Wow
Fat Girl in a Skinny World
Running with Perseverance
Strong is the New Skinny
Ugly Finish
Illusion Free Fitness
Livin' La Vida Low Carb
Keeping the Pounds Off
Happy Texans
Tom Corson-Knowles
My Fitness Pal
Doing a 180
Live for Food
Eden Eats Everything
Freakin' Fitness
The Fitnessista
Eighty Twenty
Journey to Fitville
The Skinny Chronicles
Goals for the week
The Health Guru
Runs for Cookies
My Sumo Weight Loss Blog
The Lighter Perspective
Diet Schmiet
A Life Changing Journey
Big Girl Bombshell
Evil Cyber
Can You Stay For Dinner
Healthful Pursuit
The World According to EggFace
Healthy is Hot
Banana Buzzbomb
Man Bicep
Fit Mommy
Kelly Olexa
I Am Woman Hear Me Run
Wellness Mama
Fit and Feminist
Girl Heroes
Why the Weight?
Peas And Thank You
Carrots and Cake
The Kim Challenge
Tricia Minnick (formerly Endurance Isn't Only Physical)
My Bizzy Kitchen
Katie J is On Her Way
Miss Zippy
Something Brilliant is Brewing
From Fat to Fab
Skinny Hollie
Outsmart the Fat
My Journey To Fit
I'm Just Puffy

Is Your Favorite Blog Missing Or Underrated? Discover a Broken Link? Looking for More Ideas? Stop by the Comments!

It would be great to get more recommendations, hear additional praise for favorites, or discover errors or broken links. This post may be updated occasionally and stuff from the comments incorporated into the list.

Note: suggestions for sites that are not really sincerely trying to blogs but are aimed at selling a weight loss services or product, even if these products/services are legitimate and not total crap may, at my discretion, be deleted anyway.

And now that we're done and your head is reeling and you may be more susceptible to brainwashing attempts by struggling bloggers, would anyone care to hear about that ebook again?

Click on it... if you dare!

Thanks for stopping by!

Note: Lipton Cup Photo: Cape Cod Times


  1. Congratulations to all the winners.

  2. In reality I need new blog reading like I need another hole in my head. HOWEVER, since this list has some great ones I know about, I'll have to do my due dilligence and check out the rest. Yay!

  3. Outsmart--I know what you mean! It was fun and stressful compiling the list because there were so many good ones and I don't have much time for surfing anymore.

    And hey, how come you're not on there? I'll add you next time, since you were perhaps too humble to self-nominate.

  4. Congratulations to all the winners and to all those that are trying harder to make the list next year.

    I have just started a fitness blog myself and would love to be on this in the year 2013, I'll do my best.

    Anyone keen on checking my blog out? You can find me on

    and so so so many new ones to me too :-)


  6. Thank you! And thank you for an amazing blog list all in one place! I've been desperately wanting a list!

  7. Yeehaw - I didn't win but I won!!! Thanks for the great list - I see some on there I've not read, so this will be nice to check out!

  8. I love love your site. I’m putting together a huge giveaway in conjunction with a novel about a runner. We’ve received some amazing sponsors for our giveaway and hoping you will be a part of it. I sent you an email with more details. If you didn’t receive it please email me at

    Abbie Anderson

  9. woohoo people still read my cranky ass blog! what an honor to be in such great company! thanks for compiling this list, Crabby! I'm so excited to check out all the other blogs I was unaware of 'til now!

  10. Shelley, you're not on there either? Damn.

    I didn't use all my votes (and it's my damn contest) so I may be making a few additions based on comments today.

  11. I love the top 3! They're totally awesome, as I'm sure the rest are, but as of right now I don't even have time to beat the crap out of the one blogger that I nominated to get her to post, let alone read another one. It's the main reason I get the subscriptions, otherwise I'd never know what any of you peeps were up to.
    Congratulations to the winners and all the others nominated. Have a Fitventurous week, everyone!

  12. Is it just coincidence, or why are most of the bloggers on the list female?

  13. Don't think it's a coincidence, evilcyber! Women seem far more concerned about weight loss & Cranky Fitness tends to attract more female readers. Or have you got any other intersting theories?

  14. I need that bioidentical stuff but since I am broke & no health insurance, I am stuck with hormone crap! ;-)

    LOVED this Crabby - great blogs out there!

  15. Ummm I never turn down finding a new blog especially when there is an attractive male on the other end of it...Off to read Get Fit 4 Good!

  16. Hi Crabby, great list. There will be a link back post on liveforfood on Friday!

  17. Once again, a great list of blogs. Thanks very much!

  18. Crabby, I hope it isn't so, because from my experience the epidemic of extra pounds spans the entire species :)

  19. Thank you so much, both for the kind mention and for compiling the list. I see some old favorites and some new-to-me blogs, and I'm going to enjoy exploring. Thanks again!

  20. I love lists like this as inevitably I find a fantastic blog I knew nothing about! I have to admit though I was completely SHOCKED to see that my blog was nominated. And now I'm humbled.

  21. I'm honored to be on this list:) And happy to have some new blogs to check out.

    Much thanks to those who nominated me:)

  22. I am shocked I am on there! Thanks for compiling this list. I know it can be VERY time consuming and I appreciate your effort.

    Off to scope out some new blogs!

  23. Congrats to the winners! Can't wait to check out some I haven't heard of!

  24. Hello. New to your site via Cammy's mention of this list on her site. Congrats to all mentioned blogs. I look forward to finding some new sites to bookmark. Thanks for all the links.

  25. Thank you!! I am honored (and surprised) to be mentioned in a list of some of my favorite inspirational weight loss/fitness bloggers. Where else could a slacker blogger like me be grouped in with such blogging rock stars other than Cranky Fitness. Thank you!!!

  26. Thanks MB, and glad you're on the list!

    And "slacker" is considered a compliment at Cranky Fitness!

  27. Woooow!
    I can't even believe that I was mentioned here. Thanks!

  28. Thanks for the list! Now, my Google Reader is overwhelmed.

  29. Congrats fatties. I'm glad I discovered My Sumo Weight Loss Blog, thanks for the list.
    I am a fellow manly weight-loss blogger, and hope to be on the 2013 list (but I'd settle for being 100 lbs lighter).

  30. Oh my!! Thank you for the mention! :-)

  31. All of my favourites are there!!! Congratulations to the winners!

  32. I love it here! Yay - for all the winners!

  33. Awesome list! I need to add a few of these to my reading list

  34. I vote you make a list of blogs of people who finally got on with their lives even if it took having surgery to do that.

  35. I mean, can't you start a list of the best corgi blogs or the best mental illness blogs? Cuz i might make that list.

  36. Wow! I was wondering why my page views went up so much. Thank you to whomever nominated me. I'm in shock that I was included in the same class as some amazing men and women.

  37. Congrats' all the winners, and remember, dieting should be enjoy and not forced!

  38. Oh my gosh! Thank you to whoever the kind soul was that nominated me! Woot! I came by yesterday when Karen (KCL) Anderson said she had been nominated. Thought I might find some new and interesting blogs (And I did - thank you for the list). I did not even see me right there at the bottom!

    I am a stickler for details as you can see.


  39. Whoa, I can't believe i was nominated for this. Thanks to whoever thought of me!

  40. Well deserved nominations! I think it's actually kind of adorable that some of you with awesome fun & funny blogs that inspire and motivate all kinds of folks are surprised to find yourselves noticed. Sure hope you continue to share your great observations and insights!

  41. Here is one that I wanted to share

    Thank you,

  42. Congratulations to the winners. I hope to make it in the next list.

  43. A huge congrats to all the weight loss bloggers on this list. Well done!

  44. some of these(those i have read) are very good weight loss blogs and everyone are inspire and motivate for takes that awesome knowledge.Congratulations to all the winners.Spa Kennewick

  45. What a post! OMG so many weight loss blogs to follow. Certainly an overwhelming post :-)

  46. Wow. I think that it is great for sites like these get recognition. Congrats to all of the deserving winners!

  47. I'm so glad I found these sites on here... this is awesome!

    My own journey is at and I gain so much inspiration from these other bloggers!

  48. Congrats to them and those blogs in you list are also great.

  49. I also want to be a part of this blog:)

  50. Well I assume at first the intention of this post was to make a contest, who would have guess this would have turned into a mini database of quality weight loss blogs :D

    Regardless, congratulation to the winners and congratulation to you for being indexed by Google in the very top on searches like "weight loss blogs". Your article it's a great source for people looking for such blogs.

    Have a nice day and keep fighting them carbs and fats! :D

  51. :) Congratulations... I have been following your blog, for all the tips and exercise to fitness and weight loss and feel very happy and proud that it won best WL blog for 2012. :)

  52. Thank you for this wonderful list. Your page is bookmarked. You might see a visit from me daily on this page :-)

  53. Great job at your weight loss journey! More weight loss information can be found at

  54. Congratulations for all the winner of best weight loss blog contest 2012.i am a regular reader of your blog and also following your tips like exercise,dieting,diet plan etc for weight loss.

  55. I'm late to this party, but my own journey is focused on making it fun.

    Pretty Sneaky, Sis

    Search tag: healthy gamer for the weight loss posts.

  56. Wow, Awesome list Crabby and congrats to all the winners. I am coming across a lot of weight loss blogs i have never seen before and there amazing.


  57. Hello,

    What does it take to get on the list of blogs?

    Would you please review our weight loss blog at

    Anthony H.

  58. Hey Crabby!

    When are you accepting nominations for 2013 blogs and how do you nominate?

  59. Thanks for giving so good suggestions for weight loss. I have also a blog named

  60. Great list of blogs!! Enjoyed checking them all out...well almost all of them! :)


  61. This is really handy as most of these are completely new to me so it'll be fun to go through them and see which ones to add to my favourites.

    I've just started a sport/fitness blog as well but with only 2 articles so far, I'll have to aim for inclusion next year :)

  62. Tracking all my ups and downs here:

    Thanks for the great list!

  63. Great list, I really enjoyed checking out these blogs!

  64. Awesome list! I am going to visit all of these blogs. I have started my own weight loss blog. I am down 53 pounds so far. Feel free to check it out :)

  65. Wow, huge list of great resources; my wife's blog is taking off...we hope to have it featured in this list in the next round!

  66. I love Best Weight Loss Blogs: 2012!
    I'm looking to lose a little and am getting some great healthy eating information from these blogs.

    - Tanya

  67. I'm working hard - writing quality health and fitness information so that Fitness321Go makes this list soon. Health and fitness first!

  68. Being fit and healthy I feel is very important. I built my own website & am regualerly adding new information. I like the blogs here as this will help me to connect with many people who share the same ideas as I do.

    I look forward to make my contributions here.


  69. This is awesome. I just started a weight-loss blog. It is about me losing weight but for the first time having time to do it. I am a young american living in a small town in Mexico. It will be about my weigh loss adventures and many others too. Please check it out I posted my first blog today

  70. Awesome list of blogs! Thanks.
    CUT the SUGAR!

  71. o my God there were number of blog to weight lose and all of them were looking useful. I was feeling myself crazy reading one after the other and finally i decided to work on it. I am really feeling good that the tips to lose weight are working. Hope i get my target to lose 10kg.

  72. Thanks for compiling such a great list. I've found several of them, but there are lots more to check out.I'm like Outsmart, so many blogs, so little time, but I will eventually get around to checking out many of them. (Does the laundry really need to get done today? :))Hope to be on there next year!
    Thanks again.

  73. Great list of blogs. I subscribe myself to 4 of them! I'd like to add my own:

    Keep up the good work, everyone!


  74. This is a great list. I don't have an awful lot to lose....I'm 'hovering' now after losing 26 pounds, with 70 left to go, but I have been reading a ton of blogs over the past week and I am finding them absolutely inspiring and motivating. All of you 'losers' need medals, putting your lives out in public like you do. I applaud you all. :-)

  75. Great list!
    I was able to find 2 of them that I now subscribe to. I don't feel so alone after reading all the blogs and comments. Some days are really tough.

  76. I love lists like this as inevitably I find a fantastic blog I knew nothing about!

    Weight Loss Made Easy With Food Lovers Diet

  77. Just started my weight loss regime because unfortunately I have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and my doctor said that it is extremely important for me to lose weight. I have lost 1 lb in 1 month so I know it is very slow but I guess steady.

  78. Wonderful post, very informative! The best diet for losing weight is Weight Watchers, according to the experts who rated the diets below for U.S. News. Biggest Loser, Jenny Craig and the raw food diet came in close behind. Thank you for sharing it.

  79. I loved a lot of these blogs I read! So inspirational! I am trying to use my blog to make me more accountable in the weight loss process.

  80. This is a great list. No doubt MizFit and The Great Fitness Experiment are included in the top three blogs. I'm an avid read of these sites and both are very informative. I will check out some of the blogs you posted. Great job! Keep it up.


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