August 07, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance: the winnah!

Did you see the finale of So You Think You Can Dance?

Good. Then you can tell me who won. I got invited onto George Clooney's yacht for an evening of drink, debauchery, and decadence involving chocolate eclairs stuck doing blog work.

I was , of course, solving global warming persuading Mr. Random Number Generator to pick three winners of the So You Think You Can Dance Get Fit exercise DVDs giveaway. After much persuasion, threats, and bribery, he consented to pick:

Katie! (The 63rd comment of the SYTYCD Review)

Tina from Team Potter Cycling (The 23rd comment)

Lynn from The Hungry Little Caterpillar (The 18th comment)

Please drop an email to Crabby McSlacker at gmail dot com, with your name and a USian mailing address where you'd like the DVDs to be mailed. We need to hear from you by Wednesday, August 12th.

And when you become rich and famous for your dancing skills, we'd like you to tell the world that all your success and riches were due to reading Cranky Fitness.


  1. My eyes might be going, but I only see 1 comment on the review by someone named simply "Katie." The blogger profile # was

    Mr RNG said the 63rd comment was a winner. Unless my counting is off, the 63rd comment was this:

    Katie said...

    I would LOVE to try these! I've never seen the show but it sounds like a really fun way to shed some extra flab!

    August 5, 2009 8:56 AM

  2. Congrats winners. I so wish I could dance like those peeps on SYTYCD. I pretty much have the same 3 moves that I do over and over and over and over and.....


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