August 04, 2009

Giveaway: So You Think You Can Be Cranky... and Dance (DVDs)

Everybody has been talking about So You Think You Can Dance. No longer just a mere hit Reality show, it's now broadened out to include exercise DVDs featuring dancers from the show: So You Think You Can Dance Get Fit: Tone and Groove and Cardio Funk.

I decided to see what all the fuss was about. (You ain't nothin' until you've met the So You Think You Can Dance And Still Be Cool Cranky test.)

Not only did the kind people send me the DVDs to review, they suggested we give away both exercise DVDs. If I liked the DVDs, they said, then why not share them with some deserving & cool Cranky Fitness readers?

Hmmmn. That's what I said.

Actually, I said a bit more than that over on the Cranky Fitness Product Page.

To enter the giveaway, you need to leave a comment On The Review Page! Which is linked to above.


  1. I read all about it BUT I am just so NOT a fan of that show & the judges & choreographers drive me crazy!!!! Mary Murphy, I think that is her name, looks like she is permanently paralyzed from her Botox! Even all that yelling can't move her face!!! :-)

    I watched it the first season & that was enough. I tired easily after the second season started.. although I will say that the kids on there are great dancers.. the ones that are picked for the finals.

    Thx for the offer to those that want it though! Dancing is fun!

  2. Those outfits look straight from the 80's. I'm having flashbacks of my double socks over my stirrup pants

  3. I have been a huge fan of the show until this season! I don't know what it is that is lacking this year but whatever it is ... I miss it!

    Going to read your review now!

  4. Commenting here because I do not want to win this one...I have NO sense of rhythm and the only time I could ever "fast dance" was when new wave music was popular - you just jumped up and down. (Come to think of it, I was very thin back then - coincidence???) I have brought my trainer to belly laughs when she tried to have me do "jumping high knees" - I am like a gallumping clod!

  5. Dance porn? No thanks, I have Cinemax.

  6. Just got back from Disney where I tried dance revolution for the first time. I'll stick to dancing the Hokey Pokey with the 1 yr old in public, but I'm not past dancing in private yet

  7. I've watched it a couple of times at my mom's house. All the pre-dance and post-dance commentary bores me to death, but I love it once everybody shuts up and they start dancing!

    I'd love to give it a shot. If nothing else, it should provide my husband with hours of hilarity as he watches me try to follow along.

  8. My sister ordered the Dancing with the Stars exercise DVD. She nearly broke her neck trying to do a salsa move in the kitchen.

  9. Ooo this looks like a fun workout! Count me in!


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