Crabby loves newspaper articles like this one:
"Legal, Intense Hallucinogen Raises Alarms!"
What's so great about this investigative report? Well, it's informative and interesting, and it tells Crabby all about something she's never heard of--a legal hallucinogen that goes by "Salvia," or, the more colorful "Magic Mint" or "Sally D."
But that's not why the article piqued Crabby's interest.
Why then? Because the whole point of the piece is that there's a Possibly Scary drug out there that's unregulated, that can cause brief but intense hallucinations, and could be a health concern if lots of young people start using it. But it hasn't been much of a problem--mainly because not that many people know about it yet.
Hmmm. So how do we keep curious teens from finding out about it and trying it?
We write a front page news article telling them how freaky it will make them feel and how easy it is to get some!
Now of course Crabby is doing the exact same thing. But she has reasons. Excuses. Rationalizations. Whatever. Anyway, here they are:
1. Cranky Fitness is a tiny blog, not a big metropolitan newspaper;
2. The stuff actually doesn't sound all that dangerous, compared to other things out there;
3. Anyone who finds this blog post by Googling Salvia Divinorum already knows about its supposed hallucinogenic effects--otherwise why would they be Googling it? But most importantly:
4. Regular readers of Cranky Fitness do not tend to be teenage recreational drug users.
(In fact, on that last point: Apparently the title of this blog, "Cranky Fitness" has led the folks at Adsense to believe you are all quite elderly and in need of modified exercise equipment and lots of milk. Crabby is going to boot out Adsense in favor of something else, anything else, in the very near future. But she believes they may be right on one point: most of you are not impulsive teenagers looking to score).
So here's a little more info on Salvia Divinorum, courtesy of the S.F. Chronicle:
It's a plant from Mexico that has been used by shamans in religious ceremonies. When chewed or smoked, it can causes intense hallucinations. Sold in smoke shops, herbal stores, and over the internet, it costs about $15-$50 a hit. The high is "a dream-like state" that can cause out of body experiences. It typically lasts anywhere from a few minutes to more than an hour.
The drug has been outlawed in a few states already, and no one knows if it's truly safe or not. However, medical researchers haven't found negative side effects yet and it doesn't appear to be addictive. What concerns folks the most is the potential for trouble when people are hallucinating and try to drive or whatever. (There was even a murder and a suicide supposedly linked to Salvia use, but others were not convinced there was any connection).
The feds want to ban it of course, but researchers say salvia might also have beneficial effects and they want to study it.
And Jodie Trafton, an addiction specialist, didn't see the need for regulation. "People who use this aren't going to continue using it," Trafton said. "You're never going to get more than low-level use. The effect is too short, so by the time somebody starts freaking out... it's over. It's not something that's going to bombard emergency rooms."
Crabby would be way too chicken to try any "intense hallucinogen," as her brain functions weirdly enough as it is. But she tends to take a "lets license and tax the sh*t out of it but not ban it" stance on many recreational drugs. She wonders if readers have any thoughts or relevant experiences. And in particular, if readers who are parents might have different opinions than those who are not.
I'll pass on hallucinogens, thanks. I have enough trouble dealing with what IS out there. I don't want to get started on what isn't.
ReplyDeleteBut as for whether anyone else should or shouln't, I figure that's their business as long as they don't bother me and don't try to drive.
I am actually for legalizing drugs myself. I think that it is safer to do that then what is going on right now.
ReplyDeleteI am also too chicken to try salvia. I had creepy hallucination dreams when I took melatonin.
Ah, indeed, an article in a big newspaper is the best way for news of this to not spread. ;) Although, given the power of internet and modern communications, I suppose that those who could be tempted to use it would already be aware of its existence... no?
ReplyDeleteI agree with this lady from the article:
ReplyDelete"If you have something that's causing people to have very intense, out-of-body experiences, that's pretty concerning"
Anything that alters one's consciousness that much even for a short amount of time is just a bit scary to me. While it may be harmless to many users, it seems like if it is taken by someone with sever mental illness, depression, etc, the effects may not be so benign. I'm also typically skeptical of anything/diet pills/drugs/whatever that's brand new and a "study" or "medical research" says something to the effect of "doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it!"
I think it's just to early to really draw any real conclusions.
I miss the days when I could be mistaken for a teen with poor impulse control rather than an old lady with poor bladder control...sigh.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I agree with Kery - anything reported in the mass media about youth culture is undoubtably old news on the street. The question in my mind is not "how do we keep curious teens from finding out about it and trying it?", but how do we teach our teens how to make healthy choices.
What concerned me in the article was this quote: ""My friend told me he did cocaine, and salvia was more intense than that. And it's legal, so I figured it wasn't as dangerous," said Phuong, a 23-year-old from San Jose who has tried salvia twice. " So, you hear about a drug that's more intense than coke, and figure it's safe cause it's legal?? Where's the independent thought? yikes.
I'm all for legalization and regulation rather than this idea that the gov't is going to take care of us by telling us what we shouldn't do. As a mom, I will be trying to teach my child how to think critically about any situation, and eventually make her own choices based on her values and goals.
At least, that's the plan;)
Hi Bunnygirl--I'm with you, reality is complicated enough without adding hallucinations!
ReplyDeleteSamantha--my Significant Other had the exactly same experience with melatonin! (I find it works fine for me for jet-lag adustment). But I don't think I have the right brain chemistry for anything stronger than that.
Yeah I'm sure you're right on that--the kids are always way ahead of us anyway!
Good point. It's probably way to early to conclude that it's anywhere near "safe," in fact, as you say, hallucinations for someone who already has mental health issues isn't exactly safe. Guess it's hard to say whether the answer is: more study and information, or ban the stuff? And there's a libertarian part of me that always hates to ban stuff.
I know, those mean Adsense people aren't making me feel any younger either!
And you make such great points about independent critical thought (or lack of same), and the necessity of teaching kids to make healthy choices!
Always something new and dangerous out there. I shudder to think what my "old" brain would do if I ever tried something like that LOL I get high off Life who dids an artifical stimulant anyway.
ReplyDeleteLady Rose (I am addicted to COFFEE though)
I don't know "the answer", but I know the "War Against Drugs" hasn't been doing all that hot for years.
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of people of the wrong idea of who your average, recreational drug user is. It's most likely some college guy who smokes some pot a few times a month until he finds better things to do.
One of the problems is that people lump various drugs together. Pot is a whole different animal from coke and that's a whole different animal from LSD. Personally, I don't think smoking pot is "morally wrong" or more dangerous than drinking or smoking tobacco. Cocaine on the other hand is freaking dangerous. LSD could be put to use for treating people with psychological issues (there were many studies done on this before it was outlawed in the late 60s).
As for this new drug, I think a lot of studying should be done before ANYTHING else. I'm with Katieo that it's probably way too early to be saying things like "It's totally safe." But maybe it could be put to good use like LSD could have.
(Sorry for the long, rambling comment, hehe)
I'm going to make every effort to contain myself here. This irks me no end. We'll boot out divinitory sage, but we'll keep nutmeg (which is deadly in small amounts) on the shelf.
ReplyDeleteWhat next, Crabby? What do we do when they find out about Morning Glories? And what are poppies made into?
We'll get self-righteous about Erythroxylon Coca yet it is filled with vitamins and minerals not the least of which is calcium. It's only a problem when it's processed into cocaine. Just like barley and assorted other grains are fine and healthy except when they're processed into alcohol.
Seems to me we like the look of certain members of the datura family, too, and like to have them in our gardens.
Oops, okay, sorry. Promised to contain myself so I'll do so, knowing there are plenty of other happy plants in the world and they'll never find 'em all.
Hi Lady Rose!
ReplyDeleteYeah I hear you on the coffee! If they ever decide to ban that, I'm in serious trouble.
Hi Lisa,
Not too long or rambling at all! And quite sensible too; I totally agree with you. I still think its bizarre that in this country, guns meant to kill people are perfectly legal but you can go to jail for possessing pot! We have really screwed up priorities in terms of protecting people from what's dangerous.
And hi Leah!
Please never "contain yourself" okay? Especially not when you have so much amazing and useful information to contribute. (Um, I had no idea about the nutmeg, should I be worried?)
"Crabby would be way too chicken to try any "intense hallucinogen," as her brain functions weirdly enough as it is"
ReplyDeleteSame here.
According to "The Herb Book" by John Lust ingesting as little as two whole nutmegs (Myristica fragrans) can cause death. It's a mild hallucinogen and can bring on stomach pain.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record, I regret deeply not ordering divinitory sage a few years ago so I could have it in the garden. The seed co. only had it as a started plant and they didn't have a good track record when it came to sending live plants. Also, my husband was quite adamant that I shouldn't use it for anything except as a decorative, sacred plant in the garden. I, on the other hand, would have tried it in a heartbeat.
There's a world of difference between sacred use and getting high and...sorry, must contain self. Must. Contain. Self.
no worries, i will not be trying that. i never got why people would want to lose their minds. i mean, i love a nice buzz from drinking but hallucinations? no thank you!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's safer to leaglize drugs as well. Especially 'safe' drugs like pot -- when you consider that alcohol is legal but not pot it all seems kind of stupid.
ReplyDeleteNot to highlight or endorse drug use on this healthy minded blog but seriously there are soooooo many drunk driving accidents every day. Pot smokers don't drive they sit around and order pizza (okay, they try to order pizza).
Plus on the whole, "let's keep the kids from finding out stance" 20 to 1 some kid wrote the article in question. Kids are so much more knowledgeable than some people give them credit for.
Sally D, huh! I thought that was the red head down the road!
ReplyDeleteNZ had just legislated to ban "party pills" based on BZP. I believe they are already banned in USA and Australia. Over the last few years we have had several deaths blamed on them. Last night's news tells me they retailed for $50 for a pack of four.
I guess this means that we'll be inviting Sally D to come visit!
PS My honest take on what will stop drug use. Show videos on TV of real humans stuck in nursing homes at the age of 26 due to drug use. When I was in hospital clinicals in college I worked on a drug ward for a while -- the saddest case I ever had was a woman my age who had been habitually drinking I think some sort of drain cleaner or other type of chemical which produced the same affects as pcp.
ReplyDeleteOf course you can't just casually sit around drinking Drano without something pretty bad happening. She was almost a total vegetable but you could see she had some use of her brain still because she'd get sad when her 10 year old son would come to visit.
It was without a doubt the worst thing I ever saw in clinical -- her son would come and and sit by her bed and say, "when are you coming home mama". She died.
It was the only patient situation I think I cried over. But I always thought hell, video tape this and slap it on the TV so people can see what really happens when you take the really bad hallucination type drugs.
I forgot about this -- but thought it needed to be added.
Hi John! Yeah, you and me both!
ReplyDeleteLeah, thanks so much for the nutmeg info. Who knew? (Well, you did of course!). And interesting, the distinction between sacred and recreational drug use. Though I don't condemn "mind expansion" for either purpose--i just think it can be dangerous depending on the substance and people should be well informed before ingesting anything that could mess with their brains, for whatever reason they want to mess with them.
Hi Kelly! Yeah, I personally I prefer Merlot or Chardonnay for my mind-altering experiences. But to each her own, if caution is used.
Hi Dawn,
"Sally D" sounds like something out of a potboiler crime novel, doesn't it?
I'd actually never heard of BZP, but wonder if it's not just a alternative acronym for something we call by a different name. But then I'm way behind the times!
Hi Jennifer!
You make a great distinction between the dangerousness of different drugs, and how irrelevant legality can be when it comes to dangerousness. Pot is not nearly as responsible for health problems as alcohol or even Drano, both legal. I like your idea for the nursing home video--sounds much more effective than the lame anti-drug stuff they do now.
Guess what, Crabby... you ROCK! And I've just given you an award for being such a rockin' gal -- come see my blog for details. This is an award and not a meme, though if you want to, you can certainly pass it on to other bloggers who you think ROCK. :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you're having a super-great week, rockin' blogger!
I think it is so so funny what you said about Adsense.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I enjoyed your list, as to why you can write about this drug (which, I believe sounds too much like my name..) and the newspapers, really, shouldn't.
Thanks for keeping me up-to-date!
Sylvia C.
It is human nature to want to alter the senses. That's why children spin around until they're so dizzy they fall down and why kids of all ages enjoy the gravity-distorting rush of roller coasters. Drug use has been around probably as long as our species has and always will be. We have free access to any number of legal drugs that alter our brain chemistry -- alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco being merely the three easiest to name. In a world where so many drugs are pushed onto the market for the sake of pharmaceutical company profits before their effects have been fully tested, resulting in the recalls we're all familiar with, it seems disingenuous to try to suppress less lethal drugs like marijuana, whose users get up to far less destructive behavior than your average out-of-control drunk -- and which is as drug, furthermore, known to have palliative effects on the pain associated with life-threatening diseases like cancer and AIDS. I like the notion that legalizing most drugs that are currently illegal will put an end to several kinds of crime. But I'm not so sure of the human consequences. People who have addictive personalities will become addicted, legal or illegal, and remain a burden on the system that must mop up after them, as well as a source of tragedy. I had a friend who used cocaine and died at 32 of an aneurysm; hard not to connect the two. I had a neighbor who abused methamphetamine until his paranoia escalated to such a disruptive level that he had to be evicted. As usual we tend to focus on the symptoms rather than the underlying causes -- the social reasons for the ennui and hopelessness that cause a certain type of personality to cede control of their senses to a drug. Reasons like income inequalities, crappy education, and the vilification of poverty that results in lack of opportunity. Easier to put on some hollow Just Say No campaign.
ReplyDeletepsssst you've been tagged as one of my ladies in waiting :) come see the new castle! Lady Rose
ReplyDeleteI can beat that.
ReplyDeleteGoogle nutmeg and hallucinogens
Verrrry dangerous, totally unregulated and cheap to buy...
"Um, drugs are bad...umkay."
ReplyDeleteI know there are many reason why people want to lose control of their minds, but that does not make them good reasons. I am not saying I am any better. After all, I lost control of my eating. I have no good reason for doing that either.
Sorry all, was out last night and didn't get back to reply to the last few comments in a timely fashion.
ReplyDeleteThomma Lyn,
Why thank you! I shall visit your place ASAP and see what this is all about!
Saliva/Sylvia--(sorry! :) )
Yes the adsense people were annoying me. So I just switched to Amazon which will probably have equally badly matched choices, but I believe those bad matches will at least have some input from people's own Amazon accounts if they've chosen to sign up with them. (More on that this weekend!) Thanks so much for stopping by.
Thank you so much for that thoughtful and articulate comment. And good point about all the underlying and unaddressed socioeconomic reasons for serious drug abuse.
Lady Rose--
Will visit soon and see what this is about! Thanks for thinking of me.
Talia, hi!
Well I do hope they don't start banning nutmeg on us, as I need my occasional pumpkin pie slice whether or not it makes me hallucinate. Thanks for the visit!
Hi half man,
Well, you make a good point about people who lose control. But I don't think everyone who experiments with drugs necessarily has bad reasons, or is doing a bad thing, depending on what's taken, the circumstances, and how careful they are. I know lots of people who handle their cocktails, marijuana, or even hallucinogens like mushrooms in a way that doesn't threaten the quality of their lives. But there certainly lots of potential for danger there!'s a topic I can go on about...biochemistry is my thing.
ReplyDeleteHaving been a bit of a late blooming hippyish sort, in college I will say I've tried a few expanding things things including this. Being a biochemist I'd always read up thoroughly on things before taking them, and many things have never passed my lips, as I deemed them to be too dangerous or not work the risk. I have enjoyed many happy experiences on a few mild things and although I wouldn't recommend anything to anyone (everyone is unique), people need to be informed about what they do. I'm constantly amazed that people read all up on their prescriptions when they get them...should they not pay the same attention to the other thigns they consider putting in their body??
Having said that I've tried Salvia once, it was interesting, but not something I'd say I'd want to try again...very intense short burst of things not working properly. Too strong and it was not something I particularly enjoyed.
To me, this drug is a perfect example of the problems with drug regulation right now. All drugs should be treated equal - I balk at when alcohol and cigarettes are legal, and other things less/equally harmful and non- addictive like say weed, LSD is illegal. Sure highly addictive things should be kept from us for good reason...but the kicker is alcohol and nicotine ARE highly addictive - it's a double standard.
Honestly...if someone were ill prepared to try something like Salvia, or ANY drug fro that matterit could be a very damaging thing. Some people's minds are not able to handle altered reality and can't handle hallucinations or other drugs well at all, especially if they (for some reason) were not aware they wer etaking it. Plus, some people are either addictive personalities or they mentally are quite unstable to begin with - not somthing you should add other chemicals to.
And I question the need to try something like this more than once or twice...I honestly wonder what are you getting out of it? Having been there and done that and moved on...I say what's the big deal? There's more to life. I have to say...real life is so much more satisfying on it's own, it really is. I've friends who never moved on and their life is stifled and lopsided because they aren't all they could be. They've never taken on life as it is in all it's greatness and looked for all the natural things in life.
I feel we need to give kids intelligent info about drugs so they'll make intelligent choices- To respect their bodies and what they put into it. To get joy from life in and of itself and not use other things to fill gaps in themselves or to make "fun" out of nothing. For example, if you tell people all drugs are bad and evil and kill you and they smoke a joint they may think -hey that was OK, what else have they got out there? If we're honest and upfront with them they'll actually listen to what we ahve to say, ask us questions and make intelligent choices. They are still forming their personalities and what they want and like...they don't need any drug interfereing with that.
And as adults, if we need that, what does it say about us...?
I hope if I have kids someday I'll be able to be balanced and intelligent. Legalise and regulate, and inform people. You'll get better people in the end I think.
*whew* stopping now.
Wow, Geosomin, what a great comment!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your sharing your experience with salvia, too. I totally agree that education and informed choices are key, and that by lying to kids and claiming all (illegal) drugs are deadly and evil, we blunt the messages about the ones that are truly Bad News. Thanks for all your thoughts!
This morning I say to Mrs.J," I was just reading about a new hallucinogenic plant on the Internet called 'Salvia'." Without a blink, she says," You mean the ones with the purple flowers I just planted last week in the front yard?" HaHa!! Bless her soul, what can I say??
Well Dr. J, good thing the Mrs. got the purple flower kind of Salvia and not the hallucinogen kind--you don't want the gophers and deer to be tripping out and getting themselves into trouble!
ReplyDeleteThe web has a fabulous resources
for anyone considering using Salvia or just curious about it and it's effects. It is not a party drug in any way shape or form.
You know, this makes me laugh somewhat. So many of the drugs that are dceemed "safe" have some horrible, scary side effects but yet we trust the FDA and take those drugs anyway. Obviously Salvia must have some sort of side effects (the article says there are none) because ALL drugs (legal and non, street and prescription) had side effects. So I would think more research ought to be done. But then there's more important things the government should put it's money toward.
ReplyDeleteI laugh too because I know of psycotrophic drugs, totally legal and "safe" that can cause hallucinations. For that matter if a bipolar person is incorrectly labeled as depressed and just gets an anti-depressant (and no mood stabilizer) then that easily causes manias so extremes that all sorts of hallucinations are involved. I know this from personal experience. And heck, those hallucinations lasted much, much longer than a "few minutes to an hour". So I don't know. whether the drug is deemed safe or not, I would stay away. Why waste your time and money for a high that might only last a few minutes anyway? Natural highs generally last longer than too....
Hi Meg,
ReplyDeleteGood point about the side effects of legal medications, especially when not carefully prescribed! And as you mention, there's a big difference between "there are no side effects" and "we haven't found all the side effects yet." Anything that you take to cause hallucinations is going to do something to your brain! The question, for the well-informed individual, is whether it's worth it for the experience. For the majority of us, it's certainly not!
I personally have not tried it. It's also known as the Divine Savior....
ReplyDeleteI do know a few people that tried it and they told me that the effect really only works if you are in a darkened room and as soon as there is light, the effect is virtually gone.
As a College Prof I am privy to this kind of info.
ReplyDeleteA student of mine - who had admitted to trying lots of stuff told me that using Salvia Divinorum (5 years ago - not new) gave him the most intense "religious" experience he'd EVER had. If I was still a young man with no wife and kids, I'd give it a whirl.
Thanks, Blah blah and Anonymous College Professor for sharing your Salvia info!
ReplyDeleteCrabby often writes about things she knows nothing about, so it's always interesting to find out what others have heard.
I've used it a couple of times. Based on my experience as well as other descriptions on the net, this stuff basically makes you dream while you are still awake. So I would liken it to sleepwalking, sleeptalking, or even a night terror experience.
ReplyDeleteSome key points that aren't obvious by the phrase "it makes you dream", are the following things that aren't alarming in regular dreams but tend to be frightening in a salvia-induced dream only if you don't treat it as a dream:
They are bizaar (like many dreams)
You accept the experience as real (as you do in dreams, no matter how bizaar).
You have no recollection or awareness of your "real" life during the experience (as is the case with most dreams).
Given this description, it is more a novelty experience than one that people would get hooked on. So I cannot see it becoming a societal problem.
And just to be clear ... the weird part is that you are dreaming while you are still awake!
ReplyDeleteThanks Chris,
ReplyDeleteI think this might be helpful information for someone thinking about trying it.
I would find that pretty frightening, myself, but some people might not. I'd also worry about people in a temporary waking "dream" state getting behind the wheel of a car or walking through a window or something. Thanks for the info!
Hence the strong advice to only use it in the presence of a "sitter", or someone clear-headed who can make sure you don't do anything like walk out a window or drive. (And not someone who is going to laugh at you or distract you from the experience unnecessarily.)
ReplyDeleteA clear headed "sitter" seems like excellent advice. Thanks, Chris.
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm a teenager who reads your blog! : ]
ReplyDeleteI've also heard of Salvia Divinorum. Some kid in my area did it and killed himself, so now they're trying to outlaw it. The law will be named "Brett's Law", after the kid who killed himself.
A few other kids I know tried it and said it was really expensive and didn't do anything. Which is enough to make me not want to try it. Oh, and the whole hullucinating thing.
Hi Dana,
ReplyDeleteI'm with you--seems really smart not to try it. Because it sounds like STRANGE things can happen and people can get into real trouble. Not something I'd do either. Thanks for your comment!
I have actually used Salvia before, and because there seems to be a lot of information and misinformation going around, I always think it's best to share my experiences and let people make their own judgements and decisions. Personally, I would rather know something, than not know something, and one of the things I decided I wanted to know was how Salvia affected me.
ReplyDeleteI smoked a small amount (1/2 g) of 30 times refined leaf-and-root mixture(the equivalent of 30 leaves, I'm told) through what is known as a gravity bong, (basically an accordion-like bag with a small bowl for burning what your are smoking through), and experienced a powerful, though extremely short-lived (10 minutes and I was more than completely sober, in fact I've hardly ever been more in control of my faculties before) *trip* in which all perception of color disappeared, complete loss of depth perception, in fact I could only see depth side-to-side, an amazingly intense checkerboard pattern on everything I saw, and uncontrollable fits of laughing. Perception of time went out the window. When I closed my eyes, the checkerboard patterns continued, though now they were very colorful. The effects I've described lasted only 5 or 6 minutes, according to my friend who was keeping an eye on me, since I'd never done it before, and I was dizzy and extremely good natured for 5 minutes after that, although I couldn't speak very clearly. I was sober almost instantly afterwards.
I am not a recreational drug user, the only thing I do on a regular basis is drink a few beers after a particularly hard day at work. Sometimes I like to "take a break," as they say, from reality and I'll try something I've never done before, like sky-diving or a drug I've researched and am convinced is safe. I would not recommend Salvia to anyone who does not keep an extremely open mind. I hope my information has been helpful to anyone who reads this. Salvia is not dangerous, nor is it addicting.
Hi Dirtycooker,
ReplyDeleteSorry it took a while for me to get back here; hope you're still around somewhere.
So thanks so much for sharing your experience--sounds very intense! That would scare the beejesus out of me, but it sounds like it was fine for you--good thing you had a companion, though.
This post gets googled a fair amount, so others will appreciate you sharing what it was like for you.
Note to Minors: Don't Do Any Drugs Yet! This whole discussion is just for Those Over Eighteen. Your Young Brains are still forming and are too precious to risk messing up with recreational drugs. Ours are already Old and Crappy or we wouldn't even be talking about it.
Hey Crabby- I enjoy spending countless hours at your site and this is something I HAD to post on. I guess I do fall into the recreational-drug-user-who-also-works-full-time-and-reads-blogs category although I'm growing up rather quickly these days. So yea, salvia- I've never done the stuff, not a fan of hallucinogens, but my husband did and let me tell you that was the WORST thing I have ever seen. He lost complete motor control; we're talking fell out of his chair, could not string coherent sounds together, I thought he was dieing experience. And he's not completely inexperienced in the hallucinogen department so I'm sure this wasn't some abnormal effect. Point being, I'm prolegalization (or anti-regulation?) but we need MORE information before we start legally selling drugs. There was NO such warnings on this s**t! Thanks for letting me put my 2 cents in!
ReplyDeleteHi Emily!
ReplyDeleteWhoa, that does sound scary! I totally agree about the warnings. Information and informed choice about recreational drugs seems a much more sensible approach than either ignoring them entirely or throwing people in jail for life for using them! And thanks so much for reading this very silly blog and leaving a comment.
Hi Crabby - I'm afraid I'm waaaaaay behind on this one, but I tried it once at a friend's house and actually had great fun. It was my first experience of a hallucinogen and I had very intense visions for about 5 minutes, accompanied by uncontrollable laughter (of which I wasn't aware). I would it really interesting and a worthwhile experience, although it was very scary for one of the friends with me, who didn't know what to expect.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very nice site really well put together i like it. I also found this other site it has some great info as well
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I've tried Salvia. fisrt time, i smoked a little bit, and felt amazing and talkative and high but without any body high. So i didn't smoke enough i thought. i smoked more, kinda freaked out. okay, but second time, great time. :)
ReplyDeleteme and my girlfriends laughed and laughed.
anyways, i haven't done it for a year or so, and i want to. but i never feel gutsy enough to do it.
it wont be a problem.
while your at it, support Marijuana Decriminalization
I don't think it should be banned, even though it's not something I'm brave enough to try myself.