March 09, 2015

Altra Zero Drop Giveaway Winner

Note: A real blog post is coming up tomorrow, or perhaps later today if get my act together, but in the meantime, we've got some business to attend to.

As you may recall, we've had a "sneaky second chance" drawing for the Altra shoes, and the Random Number Generator has chosen a winner!

Congratulations, RKM!

Please contact me by end of day March 16th to claim your prize, by emailing crabby mcslacker at gmail dot com, and I'll set you up with the Altra folks.

And thanks everyone for your comments!

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo! I just sent an e-mail. But it's hard to tell from your post if it's crabby.mcslacker or crabby_mcslacker or exactly what the e-mail address is.


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