March 19, 2014

Giveaway: Rick Hanson's Hardwiring Happiness and The FBG's Anti-Diet Book!

Rick Hanson Hardwiring Happinessfit bottom girls anti dietBy Crabby McSlacker

So today we have a giveaway featuring 3 copies of each of these fine books...

So SIX Winners!

Plus the giveaway includes Canadians!

And yeah, this is the weirdest blog post formatting ever, and I shudder to think what happens on a mobile phone, but I couldn't figure out any other way to not put one book "on top" and the other "below."

Both are well-written helpful books by writers I'm already quite fond of: The "Fit Bottomed Girls," (Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead), and Rick Hanson.  So it would bug me not to treat them equally--even though I know the authors themselves don't give a f... um, fig! who goes on top.

At first glance these titles might seem to have nothing to do with one another. So one might wonder why on earth I've combined them for this giveaway.  (Aside from the fact they have the same publisher, which I did NOT know until after I already decided to put them together.)

But there's actually something interesting they have in common:

It's The Whole Mind vs Body Thing!

Ostensibly, The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet is about how to improve your Body.

Jack LaLanne
Photo: wikipedia

While Hardwiring Happiness is about how to improve your Mind.

photo: wikipedia

But what I love about these authors is that they, like clever Cranky Fitness readers, are hip to the fact that the whole Mind/Body division is a false dichotomy. Right?

The Fit Bottomed Girls do not approach "getting the body you love" as many so many diet/fitness books do: solely as a series of things to eat or not eat, and a list of exercises to do or not do.  They emphasize all the mental aspects of healthy living, from motivation to self acceptance to avoiding self-defeating behaviors to bonding with others.

And likewise, Rick Hanson's approach to rewiring your brain to achieve greater happiness and peace of mind is so powerful in large part because he incorporates basic physiology into his explanations and simple practices.  When you can actually appreciate the ways that changing your thoughts and behaviors can change your body's chemistry and your brain's very structure, it offers a much more grounded, science-based framework for embarking on psychological self-improvement. (Which can help you feel much less like an ass if you tend to feel self-conscious when embarking on any woo-woo personal growth stuff).

Anyway, to get a little more specific:

The Fit Bottomed Girls ANTI-DIET Book:

Some of the many reasons you might want to read this book:

  • There are a LOT of great ideas for how to be more fit and healthy, improve your body image, and live a more balanced life.
  • Much of this advice can help you lose weight if that's a goal, but it never feels like a restrictive, bossy, scoldy "diet" or "weight loss" book.
  • The steps are broken down into 10 minute fixes so you can pick and choose where to focus and not get totally overwhelmed.
  • The tips and discussions are all based on either science or common sense. So you can actually trust what you read and not find yourself rolling your eyes at crazypants notions or insanely unrealistic advice.
  • The focus is positive and empowering.
  • But there is a lot of acknowledgement of the real challenges and difficulties involved in changing old habits, and there are tons of real-life practical strategies that can help.

And guess what?  The book is not officially launched yet, and doesn't go on sale 'til May, so if you win, you will get to read an advance copy! You will be first on your block!

"Uncorrected Proof! Not for Sale!" How sexy is that? 

But if you don't win, consider pre-ordering the Anti-Diet book because you get a bonus free thing! The FBGs “Little Book of 10-Minute Fixes and Recipes.”

Rick Hanson's Hardwiring Happiness

Hardwiring Happiness is one you definitely want in your library! A few reasons:

  • More happiness, contentment, calm and confidence? What's not to like?
  • There is a solid scientific foundation for all of the suggestions and practices, so you can feel reassured you are not dealing with some screwy new-age nutball, but rather with a respected authority in neuropsychology.
  • Yet all the sciencey things are explained and translated in a very approachable way and feel very common sense and graspable.
  • There are lots of specific, simple practices to choose from. You can dabble or dive in!
  • Rick writes beautifully, and incorporates many real life examples you can relate to. Plus he has a sense of humor about his own challenges and foibles and does not come across like some "I've got all the answers" a--hole.
  • There is no pretense that this is all easy or quick, and sometimes Rick can almost read your mind in terms of anticipating obstacles, objections, and potential slackitude.
  • The book made the NY Times best-seller list, and there's a reason for that.

But probably most importantly:

This stuff really works.

I know because I've been following Rick for a few years now.

My Go-To Geek Guru

And while I'm still a quirky cranky contentious creature, I am WAY happier as a result of taking his advice and working hard (well, for a McSlacker) at the practices he suggests.

And also, before we get to the giveaway stuff a quick nod to... Books for Better Living which I discovered through the publisher of both these fine books.  It's not just a marketing vehicle, and in fact is extremely quiet about any books that might be available by some of their knowledgeable contributors. But it has some really useful content on meditation, fitness, food, relationships, happiness etc., so check it out!

Giveaway Rules:

Has anyone ever noticed I run the weirdest giveaways on the web?  If sponsors are silent on details, I like to rig things to encourage both random fly-by commenters but also, if I have multiple copies, sneakily rig things to favor those who actually put some effort into the whole commenting process, either in this post or in general. I do that by creating a small pool of finalists based on merit, and then randomly choose from that pool.

Note: this extremely generous giveaway could be horribly humiliating if I have more book copies than entrants! I rarely get more than a couple dozen comments on giveaways anymore, and that often includes me pumping it up.

So, here's the deal:

1. One copy of each book will be given totally at random, so if you just put down any kind of comment, you can win.

But additionally...

2. One copy of each book will be set aside for those who report some sort of sharing activity--twitter, facebook etc.  While this sharing slightly decreases your chances of random winning if it brings in more entrants, it hugely boosts your overall odds of winning because almost NO ONE ever bothers to do this and you will be in a very small subgroup!

3. And finally, one copy of each book will set aside for those who put some thought into their comment and let me know why they'd want a free copy of the book.

Giveaway winners will be announced a week from today, on Weds the 26th (which, holy crap, is the day I take off on the first leg of my trip, yikes!) based on comments made by sometime Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning.

Are any of you guys working on your Body or your Mind or Both? Wanna Free Book?


  1. I have dutifully shared to my health nut Faceblech group, so maybe we'll get some extra comments! I very much dig reading about mind/body stuff because I've seen the improvements in my own over the past few years. It seems to me like greater progress is achievable when you consider the link. Both books sound like great reads. :-)

  2. I have the FBG book on pre-order so I don't need to win that one. I am definitely looking forward to reading it when Amazon flings it to my doorstep!

  3. Thanks for running this giveaway! I would love a copy of the FBG book as I'm at a bit of a crossroads in my fitness/wellness journey. I lost 35 pounds about 5 years ago and had been comfortably cruising along in a state of maintenance until last fall, when years of self-denial (willpower) and discipline wilted in the face of a good deal of stress. I'm doing my best to normalize, but I'm realizing that I have some unresolved issues concerning food and dieting that need to be addressed in a positive way. I hoping the new book will help educate me further on mindfulness and the body (I see them as irrevocably intertwined; to work on the mind without the body is to be incomplete, and to work on the body without the mind is only dealing with half the problem as well).

  4. What a fun giveaway!!! I tweeted about the giveaway!
    I have just recently started reading the Fit Bottomed Girls blog - they have lots of great stuff.
    And, I think if we could figure out how to hardwire our minds we would be set for life!!

  5. Oh, I really want the Rick Hanson book! I have wanted to get to know more about him based on your earlier recommendations, but they were for podcasts or videos you buy or something. I can read very quickly and have little patience for learning by listening, so a book would be great. Also, until I saw the picture here, I thought this was the "Man in Motion" guy, who turned out to be Rick HansEn. I have a lot of respect for him, but figured he had developed motivational skills through overcoming adversity, and adversity just makes me grumpy and unmotivated. A guy who explains neuroscience is way more up my alley. That way, when I fail to improve, I've at least enjoyed learning the geeky stuff!

    The Fit Bottomed Girls book sounds really lovely, upbeat and respectful, and the world needs more books like it, but the most positive response I ever have to food-related advice is to remove myself from hearing distance.

    Your trip sounds amazing! Have a great time!

    1. If you picked me, pick someone else. You've generated lots of interest with this and I am lucky enough to have funds, so I went out and bought the Rick Hanson book myself.

  6. I love the title of this blog "Cranky Fitness". I know nothing about it and its author, but foresee that will be changing soon. I too have the book on pre-order. By the way, the FBG site is offering a chapter as a free download. As to the false dichotomy of mind/body, tis true. You can separate the black cookie from the white cream of an Oreo, and you can toss the cone after you eat the scoop(s) of ice cream, but you cannot cut the mind away from the body and still have your "game on".

  7. Wow what a great giveaway. I seem to yoyo a lot with my motivation. I think this is mostly because our family is so busy but I don't like to make excuses and I think both of these books would really help me along my path to a healthier lifestyle. I want my kids to learn from me and follow that path as well.

  8. I would love to have a copy of either (or both!) of these books - because I am a psychotherapist, and everything I read that's useful gets passed along to my clients... So actually this would be benefiting a whole lot of people!

  9. While i don't have Twitter or Facebook with which to share this, i can tell you that i would love Dr. Hanson's book. The past couple of years i have seen some results with experimenting on my own brain to change how i think and respond, and having some science and other ways to implement these changes would be wonderful.

  10. I am always working on my mind and body and consider that I will never be done until I draw my last breath. Reading a free book counts as working on one's mind.

  11. This is so funny... I was just about to get the Rick Hanson book (I'm pretty sure because I saw it in your ebook last week)... So now I'll wait just in case I win it.
    The other one looks really good too.
    I'm also sharing now.

  12. As far as the books go, I would love one for my ever expanding library of go-to books on healthy living, weight loss, and exercises. Since I volunteer teach at a local senior center, I like having resources to go to when preparing class presentations. Also, since YOU endorse both books, I KNOW they must be exceptionally awesome!!!

    I would like to know more about what you said: "Canadians are included in the giveaway". What do I have to do to win one of them? Do I get to pick and choose the type of Canadian to win? I wouldn't want one like my brother-in-law. Are there any personal trainers that are Canadian? May I have the chance to win one of them?

    Thanks for your wonderfully wacky cool giveaways!!! I might even share on FB because I really like getting free chit. :D

    1. My personal trainer is Canadian! I found him on this website when he was a guest expert! His name is Dave Smith and his website is "make your body work dot com" I'd like to win him but alas he is married.

    2. OK, so I try to stay out of giveaway post commenting 'cause it messes up the random number generator, but you guys are hilarious.

      BTW, I promise that none of the Canadians included in the giveaway are Justin Bieber.

    3. OK that was Crabby, duh, wrong account...

    4. Why is J Graham so Crabby? teehee! And shuddering at the horrors of Bieber…ick.

    5. I'll go for the random drawing. Thanks!

  13. I desire the uncorrected proof that has the Kool-Aid stains and cake crumbs on it. PLEAZZZE!!!

  14. I would love to win Hardwiring Happiness as I already follow Rick Hansen and have his other book Just One Thing which has been lifesavingly helpful to me on the "Tend to the Causes" one thing. The other book sounds great too.

    I use a pseudonym on Facebook ( Bob Ben is not my real name either, but a funny mistake made by Google Voice translation) will that still count? I can give it a try. I'm not that techie, I mostly have a Facebook to see what my kids are up to. Yes they know it's me. I don't post much on Google + as that one used my real name. Oh, the horror! Someone could find me. Now, that I'm a retired elementary teacher not such a big deal I guess.

    Standing by for the winning email. haha

    1. I did it! I "shared a link" on my Facebook page to this giveaway. There's no stopping me now

  15. Today, I skipped half of my morning run and am sitting at my desk eating reeses. I could probably use some help with motivation :)

  16. I let my husband, who is a dear sweet man, pick the paint color in for the library and he decided on blue! All of our books, most of which are brown or beige, had to be tossed and now we are restocking with blue books. Dr. Hansen's book, in particular , would be attractive, but I'm not picky about my books as long as they are blue.

    (Also, I have the Compassionate Brain on my iTouch and listen to it all the time)


  17. I'd love the Hardwiring Happiness book. Sounds great. I have a great book called the Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt. It's helped immensely - why one's own faults are cute little quirks but other's are just wrong.
    And don't worry about entering me in the draw for the Canadian as I have my own and he's very nice.

    1. Since you already have one, if you win the Canadian can I have him? Or her-- either is fine.


  18. I retweeted your tweet about the books giveaway and started following you on Twitter (@deedeethatsmee). I'd like to win either book but working on my happiness the most so Rick Hanson's Hardwiring Happiness would be great to win. Been following FBG for years and love them to pieces. I know a big thing to change with my happiness is my self talk but looking to learn more strategies so really hope I win! Thanks for the cool giveaway. ~Deb

  19. Hi! I've been following the Fit Bottom blog and am very interested in reading that book. I'm doing Zumba and Weight Watchers, but what they are promising is some helpful body image advice while going through the process. Usually I just email you my comments but this time I've posted and will share on Facebook--can't do the Twitter thing (I think I'm just too wordy :)). Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to win!

    1. I'm doing Zumba and Weight Watchers too! among other things. I've maintained my goal weight for over a year. Good luck to you. Hang in there.

  20. I'm definitely a Rick Hanson fan too - get his emails which are very inspiring and also short, practical, and easy to understand. So I would love the FBG book as they sound right up my street. However I fear my street will not be one of those selected due to me living even further away than Canadians do........

  21. You want to rewire my brain? Will that help 'cause right now I am having the 4PM brown-out. I had insufficient voltages of coffee this morning! I dare not have coffee now or the lights will stay on all night.

    If I remember my Facebook password and/or the associated email I will share your page. I'm lying! When I get home I am going straight to bed so you better not enter me in that portion of the contest!

  22. Man, some people are long winded, but anyhoo I started the Facebook group this contest was shared in. (Score one for me)
    I am broke ass so free stuff almost literally makes my figurative world go round.
    Brains are freaking fascinating and after I lost weight my butt fell off, not literally, but close. I am having to rebuild it (better, stronger, faster) and I am on the look out for any help I can get. Mt friends and group will be happy whenever I stop whinning about my endless squat and lunge regimen. Well, thanks for the giveaway. I am off to do more squats. *sigh* More. Squats.

    1. My butt really climbed up off the floor when I started going to spin class so you might try bike riding along with lunges and squats. Just watch out for butt cramps because nobody looks cool doing that dance.

  23. to hardwire happiness....would be a dream come true. I really struggle with depression and am fascinated by neuroplasticity. and butt cramps are so sucky!! i do "pigeon pose" to treat my bicycle-induced butt cramps... and if i do it daily i don't get them!

  24. I'm great on the physical stuff, but I SUCK at the mental. I love the idea of getting the whole package with this! And since they both come together (and I'll likely do a review of both simultaneously on my blog), I feel like I'll be "forced" into following through and reading the mind connection one :)

    Also: I tweeted about the giveaway!

  25. This is such a fun giveaway! I recently came across the Fit Bottom Girls blog and was so impressed by their content! The title of the book is what actually caught my attention. I'm all for not dieting and having a balanced lifestyle (physically and mentally). I've recently started my own health and fitness blogging adventure and am very excited about where my journey is headed too :) Hope I get the chance to win! If not, I'll add them to my "wish list" anyways!

  26. Wow Crabby - TWO books?!?!

    Hmmm...I've been following your blog for a while now and get a lot out of it. I enjoy your posts and love reading the comments and blogs of your followers.

    As far as sharing, I've got my own blog ( and I share there all the time. Today, I wrote a post that truly was intense for me - not traumatic, but intense and freeing.

    Either of these books would be useful to me as both offer guidance on something I need.

  27. I've been reading your blogs for a while now. I've never posted a comment but I do really enjoy reading them! I'm a huge fan of Fit Bottomed Girls and would love to read their book. I confess I've never heard of Rick Hanson but his book sounds very interesting. I've posted links on my facebook and twitter.

  28. I never refuse free books! Anti-Diet sounds like my kind of thing. (I've looked at Hanson from time to time, thanks to your links, but failed to follow him yet.) If I were to win one of these I would pass it on to my library, where it could reach many more people.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

    1. My library system won't take paperbacks anymore. I don't mean romance novels either. It used to be that they had a leave a book take a book table in the lobby and you could take as many donated paperback novels as you wanted no questions asked and leave books as well.

    2. Mine will. They have a sale table of donated books they don't want, with paperbacks fifty cents and hardbacks a dollar.

      Mary Anne in Kentucky

  29. Ive been longing to read hard wiring happiness ever since I got/grew/be obsessed with HAPPINESS SET POINTS!

  30. I'm sad to say that I have no idea who Rick Hansen is, but I would definitely like to find out! I'm a self-proclaimed information...and motivation junkie, so the more the better. Great incentive and giveaway!

  31. Google +! and a Twitter shout out done. I've been reading for a few weeks now and THis is an awesome blog. Keep up the great work.

  32. (Also: if we win an included Canadian, do we have to pay shipping?)

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  33. The Rick Hanson book sounds very intriguing, as I have heard great things about him and would enjoy getting to peruse his book. And the idea of an "Anti-Diet" is very intriguing to me, just because of the subject!!!! :-) I would love to win either of these great books, and thank you for setting up the giveaway!

    And since I really DO want to win, I tweeted!

  34. I moved across the country last year and have been really struggling with depression, anxiety, and overall negativity. While I do need to get myself to a therapist, perhaps reading Hardwiring Happiness could at least help with my general pessimism.

  35. Based on the fact that the whole Mind/Body division is a false dichotomy I would like to win one of each. Please and thank you. I would also like to win because I am Canadian and rarely get to jump in the pool so to speak.

    I tweeted and shared on Facebook.

    Since I am Canadian and I know about "our" reputation, I can't end this post without a heartfelt and grateful thank you for this giveaway...whether I win or not.

  36. I wouldn't mind winning either book. I'm struggling with balance after finding myself with a real job - read: no more nepotism - a demanding civic leadership hobby AND two dogs that wig out when we don't manage 20+ miles in a given week. I would write more, but I'm off to explore your blog, given that I'm rather known for ... not taking any guff from anyone.

  37. I found your blog and this post through ChanKnits (commenting as SissySees directly above me). I am currently working on changing my relationship with food and realizing there is no diet and I won't magically wake up being 40# thinner no matter how much I wish it would happen. At 50 giving up that dream is shocking! I would really enjoy either of these books, but would prefer Fit Bottomed Girls.

    I will be bookmarking or following (If I can find the follow here button). Off to check out more of your blog. Thanks for a fabulous give away. g

  38. Not a social media creature... so FB and all that other stuff won't be happening! But, need some motivation, so both of these books sound great!!
    Keep up the honest and cranky blogging! You make me think, and I enjoy your writing!

  39. I saw this again in my Yahoo feed, so shared with my Facebook friends (as Deb Dianne on Facebook). I usually share my FBG info with my small group of Facebook friends so hopefully they'll enter this giveaway too.

  40. Great giveaway! I would love the Hardwiring Happiness book. I love self-help, and I also love science, and this seems like a great connection between the two genres. I think I'd really enjoy reading it.

  41. I have just started really promoting HCG at my gym as I have tried out every diet/supplement known to man. This is the quickest and safest of the diets I have seen. You really lose about a lb a day unless your already under 14% bodyfat. I have tried this diet on myself and lost 11.5 as well as my wife who lost 13.5 lbs in 12 days. You can go as long as 40 days, but there is no need. So far I have had 11 clients try it with only one who put the weight back on (due to party lifestyle). I have become a hero to all of these people and only makes my business look better. The only person who didn't get more than 4 lbs was my own mother! However, I think hormone issues could be the cause of that. Anyways, It's great to hear about other's successes. Let me know what you think about a diet review I did...HCG was part of it:

  42. I work on both mind and body, I listen to a bunch of podcasts along the mind topic and Im focusing on varying my workouts and stepping out of routine on the body side.

  43. Wandering aimlessly on the Net, wondering if my own story has any significance - stumbled upon this blog and found "good stuff". Thank you.

  44. MAN do I need to work on my body and mind. Somehow it completely escaped my realization YET AGAIN that I gained 50 pounds (mind you, I need to lose more like.....120). I think the fact that I can't seem to be happy and in control of my weight might be some kind of sign I need these books, considering if I'm depressed I can lose weight steadily!

  45. Not sure if I'm late to the party but hey I'm just excited to have found your website! Great fun! Would love to win either of the books, esp. Rick's since his FB page brought me to y'all! Love his theories on happiness, positivity over negativity, changing our perceptions, so inspiring! Thank you for the opportunity! Cheers!

  46. I really love reading and following your post as I find them extremely informative and interesting. This post is equally informative as well as interesting . Thank you for information you been putting on making your site such an interesting. I gave something for my information. Mind Body Fitness


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