August 24, 2011

FitBit Giveaway!

For our next installment of Let's Bribe Readers Back to Cranky Fitness, we've got another great giveaway this week: a FitBit!

This one is sponsored by Stack Exchange Fitness and Nutrition, (more on them in a moment). They've kindly agreed to include readers from Canada and Europe in the fun, so they're eligible to enter too!

Plus we've got a winner to announce from last week's Jungle Gym XT contest.

First off, who won the Jungle Gym XT?

Wow, was that a tough choice! So many heart-wrenching pleas, hilarious comments, and even an awesome poetic Ode to Cranky Fitness! So many deserving winners, and just one prize! I actually began to miss the bossy old Mr. Random Number Generator--so he's back this week.

(And as a side note: I hate the human tendency to assign a male gender to almost every inanimate object or animal we encounter, especially those we're supposed to identify with. And don't even get me started on Disney, Pixar, etc and the "male is normal, female is 'other'" messages they constantly corrupt young brains with. Yet... in this instance, I can't help thinking it's a Mr. Random Generator. But maybe that's just me?)

Anyway, two comments came in that I had to flip a coin over:

Jackie O, who works in a hospital and would share the Jungle Gym with other midnight shift workers to work out between patients and stay alert and fit; and DPO, who wanted to include one in a care package to troops in Afghanistan. The coin flip came up Jackie O, so she's our winner!

And it would be really cool, Jackie O, if we could post a picture later of the Jungle Gym in use at the hospital! And as usual, please email to claim your prize by end of day Friday August 26th or it will go to another winner.

Now, onto our next giveaway:

So Who is Offering Up the Fitbit Prize?

That would be Stack Exchange Fitness and Nutrition!

So these folks host a Q & A type site for fitness and nutrition information. You know how you sometimes have questions, like, "how do you do a burpee without barfing?" or "how many minutes on the elliptical will it take to burn off one... two... three cupcakes?" And then you try to google that question and you find a bunch of lame answers by people who have no idea what they're talking about?

Well, the Stack site is different. It's collaboratively edited and offers advice and answers from physical fitness professionals, trainers, and other athletes. The emphasis is on quality, and they seem to get tons of really interesting questions, and it's FREE, so be sure to check 'em out!

Now About that Fitbit:

Isn't it tiny and cute and adorable?

If you go over to the FitBit site, you can read all about its awesomeness.  But basically it tracks your movements throughout the day and gives you instant feedback, and also comes with online tools to help you chart your progress. Oh, and it can also give you information about your sleeping (or lack of sleeping) habits. 

To quote from their website: "The Fitbit Tracker’s super sensitive 3-D motion sensor tracks your day down to details a pedometer can’t catch, giving you access to the exact steps you take, calories you burn, distance you travel, and even showing you how active you are throughout the day."

So, want to win a FitBit? Just leave a comment and Mr. Random Number Generator will pick a winner next Wednesday. Then be sure to check back before the end of the day Friday September 2nd to claim your prize!


  1. FitBit sounds pretty cool. I would so use it.

  2. This would be awesome for me and the hubby to share. It would be interesting to know just how far we each move around in a day. Please Miss Random number generator, pick me.

  3. Oooh, I've been reading about these all over the internets, and would LUURVE to give it a try!

  4. I would love to use this; it's so small it would even fit in those tiny workout pants pockets!

  5. I would love to give FitBit a try, beyond tracking my movements during the day, the sleep tracking aspect seems really neat!

  6. I've had my eye on the FitBit for a while, would be really interested to try it out and review it!

  7. What a cool looking gadget! I'm always curious about the "extra" movement you get throughout the day that isn't always counted as steps.

  8. What an awesome idea, I would love to try it!

  9. I would love to try it also - looks better than the pedometers I have tried in the past!

  10. This is me holding up a sign that reads "Will comment for FitBit (but not food).


  11. What a useful tracker - I'd love to try this! Pickmepickme! : )

  12. I want the FitBit!

  13. That is so cute! I would love to try it out. And I'd love to have my husband try it to see what it says about his sleep patterns - I think he doesn't get good sleep but he likes to ignore things until they become Big Problems.

  14. I need all the help I can get for sleeping!

  15. I would love to try the FitBit! I've been trying to keep track of my activity, but don't have a lot of options.

  16. A friend was just raving to me about his FitBit. I'm curious how many calories I burn off running around at my job. My guess is "not enough to skip as many workouts as I do."

  17. Oh hey, awesome readers, a quick question:

    So I published a version of this post earlier, found several typos. So I fixed 'em and reposted. Only to see more errors! So I edited and reposted AGAIN. Does this mess with those of you on feed readers? Are you getting multiple copies of the same post?


  18. I've always wanted to try something like this - maybe it would be TMI but who cares - it looks interesting.

  19. YAY I am very excited about the random number generator for this contest... I suck at coming up with good enough answers to get chosen otherwise :)

  20. I would love to test the Fitbit for the Fitness blog :D

  21. FitBits are fun! I've wanted one for a while, but you know, I'm a cheapskate and all :)

  22. That's the coolest thing! I would LOVE to have one of them!!

  23. I wanted to chime in as a current FitBit user - I love mine! I'm a bit of a fitness gadget geek and this is one more tool in the arsenal to make sure I'm actually getting my activity and steps. No more pretending!

  24. These are super cool. I've had my eye on one for a while, but I'm a big ol' cheapie when it come to buying things for myself. Now if the kids needed one. . .

  25. No multiple feeds for me Crabby, go ahead and correct all you want ;) Just make sure you put me down for Mr. Random to pick for the FitBit, it sounds so cool!

  26. Sounds like an awesome way to track activity without having to wear an annoying armband.. crossing my fingers!!

    xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

  27. I would love a fitbit to use when I'm rocking the P90x! ;) Seriously, I would definitely use the fitbit way more than the p90x!

  28. Oh that sounds like a neat device. I'd love something like that.

    No multiples on Google Reader. I think that it continues refreshing to the current version of your post up until I open it. So your typos don't even show unless I catch it before you do. And I didn't. ;)

  29. I want a FitBit! Pick me, Mr. Random Number Generator!

  30. I've had my eye on FitBit for a while. I would really love to give it a try. I feel like it would make tracking & reaching my goals much easier.

  31. Are Canucks eligible? If so, I would love to give this a whirl.

  32. All the things I love about a pedometer without the clunky form feature that I don't. Count me in! Plus I don't have to be funny or altruistic in my comment, since we're back to the RNG. Full on greed, right here.

  33. Ooh, fitbit! I've wanted one for a while, if only for the sleep tracking part. Never could justify the price though. Please pick me!

  34. These are all the rage at Crossfit!!

  35. Sweet. The fitbit is also hooked into which is a fitness achievement/reward site I use. I'd dig getting one.

  36. I'll just leave that comment right here and maybe when I come back there'll be a Fit Bit in the same place?

  37. This would be great to use! Sounds awesome:-)

  38. OK, ya lured me back. ; )

    Count me in for the FitBit goody giveaway.

    Princess Dieter aka Mir

  39. I have been wanting a FitBit - saw an article about them recently

  40. Hey, awesome, thanks for the chance to win a FitBit!

  41. FitBit sounds like an interesting gadget. I would love to use it.

  42. Wow, crazy! I just read a review for this over on LifeHacker. Dear Mr. RNG, please love me! :)

  43. Sounds pretty cool. I would love to try it.

  44. I heard of the Fitbit about 5 months ago, I'm very intrigued, it seems easier and less expensive than the bodybugg.

    I would of course love to win it. I would promise to take a picture of me walking in Hawaii with it when I go on vacation next month. From NH to that's good. HA!

  45. I have heard about Fitbit, What do you all think. Im thinkning about affiliating with them at my blog Any suggestions?

  46. Man, with the age stuff & it fighting me all the way, I would love something like this to tell me exactly what is going on each day although I am sure the age hormones will still screw it up!

  47. I'd be so curious to know how much I do and burn off in a day as a labrat. Pick me random robot dude!

  48. :o, I wouldn't mind having one of those.

  49. Wow, the FitBit sounds great-- thanks for the chance to win one!

  50. I would love one! I'm just trying to get off my arse and run, ha, since February, this would really motivate me!

  51. I just read how the Fitbit can also help you track your sleep. That would be just as helpful to me as tracking my exercise, considering I think my poor sleep is keeping the pounds on!

  52. Would love to have this!

  53. Oh man, I'd love to try that! It's so tiny and awesome.

  54. Oh, Mr. Random Number Generator, Pick Me and I will love you forever!

  55. I only had one post in my feed reader so apparently you can edit, repost, edit and repost again and I'll never know ;)

  56. I guess if everything I do feeds to Facebook, I figure it should work the other way round! Thanks for the redirect. I love reading your posts but usually get them in my email so don't come to the site itself too often.

  57. I would love one of these - been looking into getting one for a while now but money is short!

  58. I would love one of these - been looking into getting one for a while now but money is short!

  59. I think it would be fun to see what I burn on a non-workout day with all the little things.. and then try to ramp that up!

  60. This would be awesome to help me keep track of how much I burn when I do my 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, NFL Training Camp on the Wii and my regular walking. It would also be awesome to keep track of my lazy @$$ days of WATCHING my 3 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30 and NFL Training Camp on the Wii while I devour a bag of Frito's on my couch and laugh as others sweat and can't breathe. LOL

  61. I'd love a fitbit to help me recognize just how much I sit during the day. It would be a kick in the butt and would get me to just. move. more.

  62. Please, Random Number Generator, feed my gadget lust! (I have two pedometers: one has a non-replaceable battery; the other has a dead screen.)

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  63. Pick me random generator (: Would love one.

  64. As a rabid exerciser and lifelong insomniac, this little baby would come in real handy...

  65. New gadgets always motivate me to move more!

  66. Sounds interesting. I'm a pedometer addict...I can only imagine this would compound my habit. :)

  67. Sounds like something fun to try --and eye opening too! I'm currently sidelined with a stress fracture in my tibia, so would be nice to track what I actually can do at the reduced level I'm working at.

  68. This thing sounds really neat, I'd love to try it out!

  69. I need this more than life itself!

  70. My arse and I would thank you for a FitBit!

  71. Would love to win a FitBit. Here's hoping the random generator gods are smiling on me.

    Thanks for sponsoring this cool offering!

  72. I would love to try one! Enter me please! :-)

  73. i think the fitbit would be the perfect way to measure and monitor my activity, and a geeky way to encourage me to get more active and well, fit!

  74. I've never heard of FitBit until now. But now that I have, I clearly can't live without it.

  75. I LOVE the idea of a fitbit!!! I have tried so hard to win one due to money being tight. Fingers crossed!

  76. fun fun yes please! I dont have any fitness gadgets to my name yet...

  77. My Wife wants one really bad!! So here we go!!!!

  78. this would be a life saver

  79. Desperat for a changeAugust 29, 2011 at 2:02 PM

    Come on Random Generator

  80. I would love a FitBit! They are amazing!!

  81. Ooh, I just read about the FitBit on another blog today and would LOVE to give it a try!

  82. I would love to try the FitBit!

  83. I have been looking at these for a couple of months now. Soooo would love to win one. I'll be saving my pennies otherwise.

  84. This fitbit business, it has lured me out of my long time lurking. Please be kind Mr. Rng!

  85. My fiance has a fit bit and I'm constantly bothering him to get me one (he got his through work as part of an experiment).

  86. I would love a gadget like this :)

  87. My mom is into all this fitness stuff. She always wants me to join...and i'm like, nah. Guess this is the least I could do for her.

  88. I would love a fitbit! Pick me please! :)

  89. I would love to win a FitBit! I've been trying to enter giveaways and save money to buy one, but nothing yet.

  90. Oops, almost forgot. I looked at this before as a cheaper alternative to the Body Bugg, but decided it was too spendy too.

    Come on, Mr. Number Generator!

  91. FitBit sounds like a wake up call as to how sedentary many of us really are. Also, my husband has type 2 diabetes, and this device could provide valuable feedback. Thanks for letting Canada participate in the contest!

  92. I'm in! I would love to try this out and think I'd prefer something that didn't involve an armband.

    Heaven knows, I need to be more conscious about getting movement in, other than my fingers on the keyboard!

  93. StrugglingwithweightAugust 31, 2011 at 3:44 PM

    I have been struggling with finding something that motivates me. I am a stay at home mom, so it's hard to be held acountable for anything I do. With this thing I could link up with my friend that has one. This could be exactly what I need.

  94. Any feedback on the Fitbit? It sounds like a very cool gadget. I've always wondered how "active" I really am. I think as I get older I've slowed down versus my metabolism slowing down.

  95. I would love this and use it daily. I can't believe I'm just finding out about these now, holy cow!


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