January 30, 2008

Fitness Fantasy: Adult Playground

Cartoon courtesy of Joy of Tech

Oh dear.

I saw this cartoon and I laughed--but dang it, I've always had this little fantasy that someone would open up a new chain of gym-like facilities that were just big playgrounds for adults.

(And no, I don't mean the X-rated version of "adult," though no doubt the porn googlers will find their way here, what with words like "adult" and "fantasy" and "equipment" and "swinging" and all.)

No, what I mean is an actual play ground with fun adult-sized equipment. Is it just me or do any of the rest of you walk by kid's playgrounds and wish you could take a turn on the swings or the merry-go-round? I would, except that most of the stuff is too small and adults aren't generally allowed. I'd hate to break something or get arrested as a suspected child kidnapper or something.

So what would we put in our adult playground? There's got to be better ways to combine fitness and fun than elliptical trainers. Maybe we could start with some adult-sized swings and slides and rocking horses, throw in a rock-climbing wall and some pick-up kickball games. Or how about some of these?
  • Pedal-powered bumper cars
  • Or pedal-powered roller coasters? (Not real scary ones though, okay?)
  • Trampolines combined with bungee cords suspended from above so you could really go flying
  • Mini American Gladiator contests
  • Bigger, crazier pogo sticks
The problem is, when I start to try to figure out how this would work so I can start a franchise and become a trillionaire, the logistics get a little complicated.

Would you sign up for equipment? Would there be time limits? How would you keep your heart rate up if, god forbid, it was time for the merry-go-round but other people were hogging it? Or would you have to pay a fortune to ensure that only a few people were using the playground at the same time so you wouldn't have to share?

Would you need helmets and pads? Would boys and girls play together? What about liability issues...

Sigh. Maybe the cartoon is right after all and playgrounds work better for kids.

What about you--would you go to an adult playground to work out? What would you want to see in there?


  1. I probably would go to an adult playground.

    Some 15-17 years ago Mike and I went for a late walk one warm summer night and wound up at a playground at midnight. So we played on the monkey bars and the slide and teetertotter and climbing stuff (I don't know the name)and had a blast.

    We've occasionally played a bit at other playgrounds in daylight when no one's around.
    Hanging from the monkey bars is good for some back problems. Sigh. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's medical.

  2. Cranky what a great idea! I don't know if they are everywhere but around here (Dallas-Ft.Worth metroplex) we have places called Pump it Up that are filled with inflatable slides and bouncing houses and other really fun things and they mainly rent it out for kids' parties. They charge a bundle too but that way your party gets to play without walk-ins cluttering it up. Maybe we could have adult parties. Oh man, here come the googlers.

  3. YES. YES. YES.

    This is why I love being a mom. "Hold on honey! You need me to come down the slide? (sigh) Okaaay, I guess so!" But pretending like it's a chore only lasts so long, "No. I said scoot over! It's mommy's turn!"

    That is, of course, on a day when I'm not overly exhausted. And when the playground isn't crawling with other kids. And it's not winter.

    pedal powered rollercoasters sound awesome. I've always like those huge slides at fairs with the burlap sacks.

  4. Neighborhood Gladiator, that would be awesome.

  5. I would TOTALLY go to an adult playground. (Though, I have to admit, that's probably me on the slide, checking my email.) My friend and I used to go swinging at night, so we didn't have to kick any kids off the swings, way into adulthood. For my birthday last year, I got to play at Go Ape (http://www.goape.co.uk). I like to play.

  6. I'd go. I'm always bummed when I take my neice to one of those big kids tents full of balls or puffed up with air. No adults allowed. *sigh*

    One week in college we set up a gladiator thing with pillow wrapped sticks and helmets and it was a blast...I'd sign a waiver to do that. Or hang off a rope to slide across a ravine over a river? Cool...kids get all the fun stuff!

  7. Me! Me! I want to go to the
    Cranky Playground
    too.. wait up, you guys!

  8. So you guys are all as immature as I am, hooray!

    Hilary, that video is hilarious. Thanks so much for posting it!

    Folks, do check it out--it's a perfect illustration of why perhaps we're better off leaving the "fun" to the kids.

    And Norabarnacle, Go Ape looks like fun! (But I wouldn't want to go there on a "corporate day." I tend to hate company sponsored bonding experiences.)

  9. "Hey, where'd everybody go? Wait for me-e-e..."

    Crabby, have you been reading the Bag Lady's mind again? She's been trying to figure out where she could go to hang upside down to try to ease the pain caused by the degenerative disk disease in her back! Fantasies of hanging upside down from the monkey bars have been dancing in her head.

    Of course, in the weather we've been enduring, she'd pretty much have her pick of any playground around...but she knows from experience that a winter coat is an impediment when it falls over your head and exposes your belly to the elements. Brrr!!

  10. Like this, maybe? (Don't know how to ensure link is clickable.)


    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  11. And I don't know why the link was truncated....
    Try again.

    If this doesn't work search bbc.co.uk for manchester and playground

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  12. I tell you what, I work in film, and I've heard some folks say that the Dreamworks studio lot actually has an adult playground - or at least, they did at one time - I don't know if it's still there.

    But I would TOTALLY go to a playground - much sooner than I'd go to a gym! And the idea of pedal-powered roller coasters . . . ::::drool:::: That just makes me haaaaaaappyyyyyyy . . . .

  13. Speaking as someone who uses her own children as an excuse to play on the playground, I would DEFINITELY go to an adult-sized one! As for the logistics, well, that's what lawyers and consultants are for, right?

  14. When my kids were in occupational therapy at a clinic, I would sit in the observation room with the other parents, and we'd all talk about how much fun it looked, and that we wanted to go on the giant swing, and ride the zipline into a vat of squishy balls (sorry Googlers, different kind of squishy balls), and would they maybe just let us try it once? 'Cause you KNOW all those therapists were giving it a go once the kids and parents cleared out!

  15. clickable link for Mary Anne:
    Park hosts pensioners' play area

    I think there may be a market for this kind of thing. Did you know there's a Chuck E. Cheese for adults now?

  16. Hi Crabby! I'm a usual lurker, but I have to say...I love this idea! Actually, I've been floating this idea for many years now, usually the response from other adults being, "Oh cute, that would never work."
    But just think: things that spin, bounce, swing...sounds a lot like a workout, but a lot more fun. I have been a late-night playground devotee, too, but it tends to be frowned upon by the neighborhood watch folks. Boo.

  17. I would love a "big kids" playground! When I was a teen, we'd go drinking in the park, and we always ended up on the playground. Now, other than using the swings when I go to the park with my Brownies, I miss the playground because I'm too tall/fat/creaky-jointed for the kiddy-sized equipment.

  18. Water slides. Can you imagine the gym swimming pool with water slides?

  19. OMG I have ALWAYS dreamed of such a place! Tramolines and cheerleading classes, learn how to swing from a trapeze or roller skate on a twisty turney track! Rock climb or take a tumbling class, learn how to belly dance or do the tango. This gym has been on my mind for years. Sign me up Crabby and gimmee the platinum membership baby! I wanna do it all!

  20. That's a brilliant idea! I'd love swings and trampolines (indeed, one of my secret wishes -- though I suppose I'm revealing it to to the world now -- is to one day own a house and garden big enough for a trampoline JUST FOR ME.)

    Rebounders somehow aren't quite the same...

    A giant ball-crawl would also be fantastic.

    Let me know when you open the first one, Crabby! ;-)

  21. So, I worked as a counselor at a Community Center summer camp this past summer, and let me tell you, it was definitely the whole 'you fell and hurt yourself at the top of the climb tower and you can't get down? Man, now I have to climb up and get you.' It was great, although I do have to admit that the equipment is waaaaay too small for adult bodies, but I had a blast...

    We've been getting Dave & Buster's commercials in P-town and I WANT ONE!! The boyfriend is from the south and he says they are fantastic and worth the whole day spent inside...We do have a place called Players, which from what I hear is pretty cool, but I haven't been...

    OK, I really need to go find some swings now, but damn the northwest rainy days...UGH!!

  22. I wanna play too! Just think how good a swing would be for your abs, well almost a total body workout if you do it right.

    You have to have monkey bars to hang upside down from though.

    Unlike when we were kids and had to fall to the hard ground, I think you would have to add lots of whatever they put down for kids these days - foam, rubber, whatever. I don't understand it for kids, after all that was part of the playground was getting a sore bottom when you fell, but with us old folks we would need the cushioning.

  23. I would be all over teh SeeSaw especially after watching one of the beginnign episodes of BL. I say incorporate some of their challenges into the playground. You could make it a circuit with a timer like Curves (never been but heard that they time you). I might check it out if the fees were low. I do think there should be fees because you need money to help clean everyting so that it stays sanitary (we don't want it to turn into a public bathroom environment) and up to par.
    I like the idea :)

  24. Haha, I'd sure go! Every time I pass near a playground, I always think it'd be nice having fun there, but of course, it's so small... (Although I wonder... I'm only 5 cm taller than at the age of 12, and less heavy... So if I fit in at the time, maybe I can still fit in now? LOL)

  25. Our neighborhood has a big old hill leading to it and a little jungle gym sits on the hill. Some days, I do the hill up and down 10 times as my workout. About halfway through I take a break on the swings. It perks me right up. :)

  26. Mini American Gladiator contests

    Someone must open a foam-weapon-based arena immediately.


  27. There's actually an adult kickball league where I live, and I think there are others out there, too. I think it sounds like a blast!

    When my kids were toddlers and I took them to Gymboree, I constantly had to fight the urge to get on the equipment. I think you're on to something, Crabby.

  28. A few years ago we decided it would be fun to crawl around one of those play area things at our local McDonald's, Kery. Basically, we went straight from the "out door bathroom" to the showers to clean off from the "stuff" the little ones left behind to shall we say, flavor the area! We do not plan on repeating this adventure :-)
    Dr. J

  29. That is such an awesome idea! I'm on board. :) I love to play on the plagrounds. Don't forget to put up a tetherball.


  30. That is such an awesome idea! I'm on board. :) I love to play on the plagrounds. Don't forget to put up a tetherball.


  31. Y E S ! ! ! Not only yes but heck yes.

  32. Tetherball?? Did someone say Tetherball??

    I haven't seen one of those in YEARS!!

    I'm down!

  33. Just googling my daily dose of porn and ended up here... no, of course, I'm kidding, I come here every single day. I think this would be an awesome idea. It's pretty rare that grownups can go anywhere for free fun anymore. I tried swinging recently with my nephew and found that my ass did not fit comfortably like it used to. I would be all over adult-sized playground equipment!

  34. I know this is not quite the same thing, but your post reminded me of something. In the teeny, tiny town that I grew up in, there was a little park with a duck pond where people used to go for wedding pictures and picnics in the summer, and skating on the frozen pond in the winter.

    At this park, there was something called The Family Fitness Trail. It was a trail through the woods, and along the way there were activity stations. I don't remember most of them now, but it seems to me one of them was tires on the ground that you had to run through, like an obstacle course. And high monkey bars that you were supposed to hang from and swing from one end to the other. I don't remember a lot because I think I only went around the trail a couple of times - I lived in the country, so there was plenty of space for running and playing outdoors, not much need to go to a park.

    I have no idea if it is still there, or how much it got used, but I think it was a neat idea.

  35. I think the one thing you really need in your playground are those giant sumo wrestling outfits. That way people can hide their bodies AND work out! Hahaha.

    Seriously though, I with all of you who adore the idea. I do play on playgrounds and kids tend to hate me for it... oh well!

  36. I have a recurring nightmare about falling off a swing and bleeding to death. No adult playground here. I'll be like the lady talking about the therapist suggesting non-competitive sports except I won't be on the swing.

  37. What an awesome idea! I'd definitely check it out. Aren't we supposed to "make fitness fun," after all? :)

  38. There's an adult dodge ball league where I live.

    I'd love an adult park/playground - by the time I was eleven, I was too tall to really enjoy public playgrounds, which sucked. I loved the big rings that you can hang from - like the ones gymnasts use, except these create a sort of a 'hanging bridge' that you can use to pass over sand. Watch "American Gladiator" to see what I'm talking about.

    The summer camp I went to as a kid was Heaven: all the playtime you could fit into a day. And many of the counselors were 22-29 years old. I always think about going back as a counselor (while I'm still young enough), just so I can be a kid again for a summer.

  39. Wow, what great comments everyone! (I'm on the road and was internetless since yesterday morning, so it's awesome to come back and find out what a playful bunch of folks we have here!)

    Some very cool equipment and game ideas here too. I'll have to hire you all as consultants and we can start a playground empire!

  40. Elder specific and multi-generational playgrounds have been operation in China and Japan and Finland for a while. One just opened in Manchester, England and in Berlin last spring. I've been trying to find playground equipment manufactured in the U.S. for the 65 and older crowd who probably do not exercise now. It must be beneficial, easy to use and FUN. Can anyone help me? Ideas? Thank you.

  41. I think an adult playground is a fantastic idea. I'd go in a New York minute. I sneak a ride on the swings any chance I get. I would love to see one in my area.


  42. Not only yes, but Hell, yes!

  43. I'm an over 50 graduate student at Portland State University. I recently visited the Okanagan in British Columbia and learned they are receiving equipment for this very purpose. I'm formulating a paper/project on this topic. Any suggestions would be welcome. We need a place to play as we 'ripen' and this may be one avenue to avoid the isolation of our natural maturing process. Thanks.
    Julie Lockerby

  44. Finland understands the importance of play for all age groups and has adapted childrens play equipment so older adults can use it too. They encourgae their seniors to crawl through tunnels and slide down slides, etc. I have done lots of reseach in this area and I'm in touch with a gentlemen in B. C. who put together a "Wellness" park in his community. It is rehabilitative and also for fitness. I agree more outdoor equipment for adults should be just plain FUN!

  45. i was just sitting on yahoo messenger tellin my friend, how i wish they had an adult sized playground so i googled it and came across this. someone totally needs to start a chain of these. also does anyone remeber that show that came on nickolodeon "GUTS"? where the kids had to all sorts of tasks like paddle a boat across the water with jets, mini bungee jump off these huge steps grab an object and jump back, obstacle courses, and then the end was a huge rock they had to race up. and then there was another show legends of the hidden temple. another kid show but stuff that would be just as fun for adults to have, maybe not to race against each other ALL the time, but to incorporate in some way would be totally cool.

  46. YES, I would love an aduly playground. In fact, the reason I found this page is I've been trying to find an adult playground for my 18th birthday party... but they don't seem to exist! Agh, maybe I'll have to resort to McDonald's playplace.

  47. You know, I've been looking for such a thing. Maybe like a DZ or something. That's what brought me here.

  48. well, lets think about it. What other types of fitness are there? Social and mental. Even if the playground didn't really have /physical/ benefits, wouldn't it be great to have a chance to act like a kid again and really loosen up your mind and relax?

    And think about it, where do most kids make friends? Playgrounds! It'll be great for networking!

  49. I love this idea! I have had it for quite a few years now. I found this site by googling adult jungle gyms. I was looking to see if this type of thing actually exists. I have often thought of making one but the insurance alone wouldn't make it possible i think.

  50. I have been gathering ideas to start an "adult playground" for 5 years - since graduate school. I just now started a business for bootcamp fitness until I get enough money to get 'playground equipment". Some ideas include a giant staircase, fireman's poles, sand pit, football training stations like tackling dummies, different shaped monkey bars, rockwall to boulder across, a net to throw/kick/hit balls into, etc. My inspiration is all of the reality show 'challenges' out there.
    Are there any investors interested in starting this? I will relocate! Near a bigger city or even a great nature area like mountains, lake, ocean, etc if it is near an airport. contact me...jarecess@gmail.com

  51. i'm trying to do this topic for my major design for uni...and everyone has been giving me funny looks about it...i'm so glad that there are other people out there with an interest in playgrounds...its great!!!!

  52. We sell play equipment to pediatric medical facilities (PHUNZONE for tots and toddlers) but have been receiving inquiries for "adult" play equipment focusing on the seniors including geriatric facilities. Hard to locate any equipment suppliers specializing in that market - seems like the golden years kids want to have fun too. Needs to be taken to the next level.

    If you know of any existing facilities or manufacturers using or making senior specific play activity equipment, let us know info@phunzone.com

  53. I would totally do this. Its an idea I've had in the back of my head for years. I'm 6'6 and I very quickly out grew the equipment at my school because it was just the wrong size! Most people I've talked to about it have said they'd definitely do it too. I found your post while looking for information to see if anyone'd actually done it yet, hehe. Maybe I will.. I'm in melbourne, we're not competing are we? ;)

  54. I very agree with your story. I am a student from Amsterdam who is working on my final project for my study Design for Public Spaces. I have notice that the playgrounds in Holland are way to safe for kids. I find them not creative for there own good. The design of the the so called castels are way to finished. I have lived till my 10th year in Wayne NJ USA, so I have grown up with the old good, may called now as not safe equipment. It was fun to see how high I could climb and how smart to be to get down, even letting go was the easiest way but not the least painfull way. But that is the way to get to know how to handel in difficult times. I agree that it is great for parents to take there kids to the playground, let them play around and let the parents keep an eye out on the kids. But can the watching time be more fun for the parents too. It is a kind of get together place for all ages. For my study I want to design a playground that can be used by adults, teenagers and childeren. I belive that the equipment can be more dangerous if it is also can be used by older people then childeren. My inspiration is brought by Claes Oldenburg, a Dutch designer who now has an exhibit in the Whitney museum in New York. He makes normal things ten times bigger. As I would like to do the same to rubber tires, slides, benches, picnic tables, swings (for two people) climbing bars etc. I feel that people dont get out very often and have a need to meet other people at the same time they let there kid play or when, as I speak for my self, have the need to feel like a child again. Do you feel the same as I, or do you understand my idea of making this public “playground” space?

  55. That sounds like a great idea, Melanie. Good luck with your project. Someday I want to swing on a giant swing!

  56. check this place out in Emeryville, CA http://www.athleticplayground.com/

    It's pretty popular in the Bay Area

  57. This has been an idea I've had on my own for [i]ages[/i]. When was at least a teen or kid, I imagined my house having horizontal ladder bars along the ceilings with occasional ladders up a wall. That way, a person could crawl along the topside of them or handwalk along the underside. As a highschooler, I babysat twins whom I needed to get into the mall's child indoor playground; they wouldn't let me in without a kid. As a young adult, I had the ideas regularly of an adult playground with adult-sized equipment, but I never did more than think about it. (This coming from a nationally recognized city for Parks & Rec.) I always loved playing on playgrounds as an adult (I'm 32 now), and would LOVE to have multi-level surfaces and bars to climb on, swing on, and so on. I guess a Parks & Rec person should be suggested.

  58. I know this is an old post, but I too have had the same idea for a few years now. Gyms and fitness clubs have taken the element of play from us adults. Being active shouldn't be a chore. It's what are bodies are designed to do. Adult playgrounds are the answer. Spend a half hour or so at the playground, and you won't have even noticed that you've worked out. You're just doing what you're supposed to do...move! So, if anyone's still listening (or reading), there's no time like the present. Let's get 'er done!

  59. I work in a school nursery. I'm younger than most of the teachers, so I find myself climbing up the ladders and flying down the slides like the other children. However, there's always an issue of safety and most of the parents there look at me like I'm crazy because there's usually a huge smile on my face. Playing is FUN! Why can't adults continue having fun? There needs to be a DZ Discovery Zone, Chuck E. Cheese, or Play Place for adults. Social experiments have shown that people get more out of tasks when they are FUN. Going to the gym nowadays is a task. But if you're promised that your friends will be there, there will be a big pit of colored plastic balls to jump into, and lots of cool music- of course you wont hesitate to be in there 24/7. There needs to be some sort of fun revolution.

  60. We lived in Taiwan for 3 years, and down in town was a great playground for older adults with the coolest equipment ever! Twirly things to work your waistline, things to work your legs, things to work your arms, etc, and all the most fun I ever had. We used to go in the evening with our kids and we all really had a great time!

  61. Absolutely! I recently graduated from high school, so I can still get away with playing with playgrounds for a bit, but not for much longer. I think it's prejudice, personally.

  62. American Monica in Egypt:
    I was an exchange student to Australia and while on a huge tour of the country we came across a playground for adult. Everything was mamoth size. I have been trying to find photos of the play ground because I forgot to take any while I was there because I was having so much fun. I have been searching online and found this site as well as a adult playground in Katanning Western Australia. Katanning is not the adult playground I played on so I am still looking for playground we went to on our bus tour.

  63. Yes Yes Yes, I was just thinking about this last night (which led me to this article lol) and I think it would be a great idea. I want adult-sized monkey bars - they're such good strengthening exercise, and so much fun! I think it could work, somebody just needs to make it happen. =)

  64. What a great idea!! I thought of this the other night which led me here. Contact me if anyone is interested in trying to make something like this happen in Southern California. I would probably take the approach more of an "activity center"(special occasions, corporate events, bachelor parties etc.) and less of an adult playground/gym model.


  65. Pedal-powered roller coaster?

  66. Wow! This is hillarious and so true at that. I played with my daughter's Wii two nights ago and I'm still sore. Maybe I should sue my daughter like the man in the comic..hmmm..

  67. I was just talking to my friend about this yesterday. We both want an adult park. Surely this would be a cool thing in So Cal right? I can't even find an indoor trampoline park here! Those seem cool. There's GotJump.com in Co and AZ and HouseofAirSF.com in San Francisco. My friend and I will probably just go to a park when nobody else is there.

  68. Open open one in BOSTON! I'm SURE there are PLENTY of people who'd be overjoyed to have you try this idea out on,... like ME!!!

  69. I've been hoping for this exact same thing! I *loved* the playground as a kid and I've often wondered why no one has made this a reality for adults yet. People are always talking about the importance (and effectiveness) of being active in a way that you enjoy. What's more fun than a playground?

  70. I am sooo into this idea! O definitely think some one could make a bundle with an adult jungle gym franchise with kickball, dodgeball, adult four square, capture the flag, obstacle courses, mazes, anything to stay and active and have fun and not be counting reps!

    BTW, there is a place in Houston, TX, called Iron Sports that I haven't checked out yet, but apparently has ropes, crate stacking, adult obstacle course and some kind or jungle gym. I am going to go check it out this week and hope it fulfills my desire to climb up and over stuff and play around to get in shape and tone up and release stress and work on my balance and body awareness and experience new things and challenge myself without having to go climb a mountain or something.

    I think someone will latch onto this idea and it will become the national chain of fun it needs be!

  71. Being an avid fan of playground fun, I'd be there in practically a heartbeat!

    Here in Columbus, there used to be a DZ-esque chain called "Leaps and Bounds"- and believe you me, I had fun by 'em. I went there mainly for a friend's birthday.
    It was like the McDonald's PlayPlace (McDonald's also owned L&B), but on a much grander scale.

    If there isn't one built in the new Columbus Commons, I'm going to go insane with nostalgia!

  72. haha, this is an awesome idea! the amount of time i miss playground when i was a kid...

  73. I thought that I was the one who thought this idea up. I am the young grandmother of 13 kids and needless to say I spend alot of time at the park at the playground. I even produced a fake commercial with my grandson at 3 running fast on the playgym with me chasing hime with the camera going down the slide and at the end, it say's, Don't go the the gym, rent a 3 year old. 1800-kids for you. I would definitely go and it should be free and put up by the city and the rules all the same as the kids have. Just be nice. I live in New Bedford, Ma. near Brooklawn Park in the North end..Go the youtube, Partners in Crime Pilot and you can see that commercial in my new sitcom. Thanks for reading

  74. I know this is an older article, but I just found it because I was wondering if such a thing existed! An adult playground would be so fun! I would definitely go if there was one around here (Southern California). Thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one who has though about this- your ideas are great!

  75. I have been hoping for an adult playground. This could be a great therapy for stressed, over-worked, depressed, or just plain bored adults. A free place to gather and release frustrations, stress, and rebirth imagination. A place of fun and freedom. I enjoy myself when I take my children cause I "assist" them, but wow to have a place for my size, that would be fantastic.


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