June 08, 2015

Time to Change Up Your Game?

photo via x-ray delta one

By Crabby McSlacker

So when it comes to health and fitness, I'm generally a big advocate of showing up and doing a shitty job of things rather than not showing up at all.

Something is almost always better than nothing.  A grudging, sluggish 10 minute workout that you actually DO is way better than the 90 minute kick-ass workout you can't motivate yourself to tackle, right?

And yet, other times, we may have to take a look at our goals, and what we're doing to accomplish them, and ask a tough question:

Is continued half-assed showing up really getting us what we want?

The "showing up" part is always good!  But if months and months go by and despite your best efforts you can't seem to find much sense of flow or joy in your endeavors, and if it all seems unduly effortful and dreary, sometimes you have to question if you're showing up at the right place.

Those invisible chains of habit can bind pretty tightly, and we can fail to realize we have the freedom to wander new roads and visit new destinations.

I.e.:  Do you loathe the treadmill but spend many bitter hours a week trudging on it?  Maybe it's time to show up at Zumba or aqua-aerobics class even if you will likely feel inept and pathetic for the first few weeks.

Or:  What if you are a writerly sort who seeks a creative outlet and have been blogging about health and fitness for eight years, and absolutely love the awesome people you've been connecting with? But let's say, purely hypothetically, that you are no longer finding the post-writing aspect fun and energizing anymore. What if, in your heart of hearts (an organ not documented in any physiological references I've ever heard of, but whatever), you would rather be working on your novel instead?

Phoning It In

photo via James Vaughan

I go through cycles with blogging.  Sometimes I'm full of energy and wild schemes to add features and network and collaborate and build a social media empire and achieve world domination! Other times, I can't seem to motivate to do the minimum to keep up appearances.

Astute readers may have noticed what part of the cycle I've been in lately.

I've already cut back to posting once a week, and have been relying on generous guest post writers to keep this thing afloat.  I've totally ignored twitter and facebook, and have been lame about replying to comments and visiting other blogs.

And yet, it seems even all that isn't quite enough slackitude to allow me to dive in and make the kind of progress I'd like to make with the whole fiction thing.

On the plus side: when I do make time and sit my butt down to work on the novel, I feel weirdly energized and excited. Making shit up, it seems, is an empowering tonic, and has brought back more sense of creativity and flow to my slothful middle-aged brain.

photo via x-ray delta one

Will anyone ever read the stuff I'm working on?  Who knows.  But I'm having hella fun with it.  I'm just not getting around to it often enough.

I'd really like to spend the kind of time it takes to write a novel other people would actually enjoy reading, on purpose, not just dutifully skim through because they're a friend or relative and I've whined and pouted sufficiently to guilt them into it. There are so many ways to write a terrible book! And not nearly as many ways to write a good one. I expect it's going to take spewing out lots and lots of terrible before enough good accumulates to make the whole thing worth reading. Anyway, we shall see.

New Year, New Directions?

Yeah, so it's not January 1st.  But I was born on June 8th in 1960--you do the math. Even if it's not a universally recognized New Year, it is for me. (And for Julianna Margulies and Kanye West and Frank Lloyd Wright among others, although I'm not thinking ol' Frank has much in the way of plans for celebrating).

So long, Frank Lloyd Wright...

Oh crap, that was dumb.  Now I can't get that Simon and Garfunkel song out my head. "Architects will come and architects will go and..." Acck! Shut up with the architects already. 

Anyway. So my birthday present to myself?  Shifting priorities a bit, to align a little more closely to where I'd like to be headed at this point in my life.

(And ok, it's not going to be the only present. Let's not forget the lounging around and the cocktails and decadent desserts and massage, etc, plus all kinds of spoiling that the Lobster generally provides. For me, birthdays are all about self-indulgence).

But yeah, "Happy Birthday to Me" means probably a bit less blogging for the time being.

So What Next for Cranky Fitness and the Slow-Moving Crab?

photo via x-ray delta one

Here's the thing: I don't want to lose you all! I'm extremely fond of all the regular commenters here, (and who wouldn't be as Cranky Fitness commenters are the best in the land)?  Plus, I sense the gentle presence of quite a few kind and clever lurkers. You may not comment, dear lurkers, but I know you are out there and you are very much appreciated.

So some sort of compromise seems in order. I'm thinking somewhere pretty far along the lameness continuum, but still somewhat short of outright blogicide.

A post once a month perhaps?  One in which we all hang out together a little more in the comment section, like in the old days, and I don't scurry off so fast?

Plus guest posts, plus sporadic product reviews and travel round-ups, and perhaps some occasional self-serving Life and Wellness Coaching promotion. Because yes, I still do that, and yes, Cranky Fitness readers make the most awesome coaching clients you could imagine, and yes, it would be pathetically stupid of me not to remember to use the one free and effective marketing forum I have to pitch a service that actually helps people get a lot closer to where they want to be in life.

Monthly Goal Check-in?

For a while there, Cranky Fitness was doing a monthly "Goal Post" in which there was some sort of contrived theme I'd yammer on about for a bit, and then we'd all check in on how things were going with our own goals.  (Or just with our lives in general; not everyone feels compelled to be striving towards things all the time).

I kinda miss that!

So, and this is me pleading here... would anyone still be up for continuing to visit Cranky Fitness in in its new even more slothful incarnation, until I get my novel written or get bored with it or get my blogging mojo back, whichever comes first?


So, does anyone have any goals they're working on?  How's it going? Or, thoughts about game-changing? I.e, is there something in your life you might want to cut out or cut back on in order to put energy elsewhere?


  1. Oh you know I pilaf and agree with this. And I'm trying to live it. I will be dragging you into my goals more than you could have ever hoped :-) all too soon!!

  2. Oh good Carla, you always have the most interesting stuff going on, can't wait to find out what goal you're contemplating!

    Pilaf=? I'm thinking you've either acquired some hip new slang term I'm too old to know about, or else autocorrect is f--cking with you. But rice of you to stop by!

    1. I read her sentence about three times before the light went on and I said "aha! autocorrect"

    2. I see the error, but can't figure out what it is supposed to read, but "rice of you to stop by!" had me rolling around! LOL!

  3. Decadent desserts must be part of the celebrations! Happy new you-year!
    And write the novel!!! It wants to be wrote, it does.
    I just started to read the new 2015 edition of Getting Things Done, and somewhere in there he says that most people don't spend all that much time doing things that are important, interesting, or useful. I thought about that, and even at its most frustrating, at my job I usually am hitting two out of those three, if not all three. (Also at home, where I have more control over my activities.) So aim for that.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

    1. Two out of three is great Mary Anne! I'm pretty good at spending time on the "interesting," it's the "important" and "useful" I've never quite gotten around to. Ah well, I'll just say I'm something of a specialist.

    2. Important, interesting, and useful…wise words when it comes to living life!!! Thanks, Mary Anne!

  4. First of Happy Birthday to you! I hope your new "year" is a great one!

    Goals I suppose I have some of those things. Last year in October on my birthday (new Year to me too) I gave up processed foods and adopted a new motto of eat only real foods that have/had a mother or come from plants/trees not factories. Adopting that lifestyle caused/ allowed me to lose from 163 to 148.5 w/o trying, dieting per say to hard. So my goal such as it is would now be to maintain in the 140's. Also I am trying to cement lifting weights 2x a week PERMANETLY into my workout routines which is much harder to do than seems like it should be.
    If all of that was is not enough at the age of almost 51 I am thinking of what my life is going to be like when my husband is able to retire in about 10 or so years from now. Looking at doing some extensive traveling and giving up living life in suburbia. I don't know where we will end up but I doubt we will stay here in Florida. Now aren't you sorry you asked what our goals are? LOL

    1. Not sorry I asked at all Susan and thanks for stopping by!

      I too have to really struggle to do weights a couple times a week, it sure is one of those "easier said than done" things. Yuck! But it really does seem to help with body composition.

      And congrats on your weight loss and healthy eating! And yay for travel and planning ahead for retirement and bailing from suburbia and adventures of all sorts!

  5. I shall be here to the bitter end, Crabby. Happy Birthday and get on with the writing. Or not, as you see fit.

    1. You were there from almost Day 1 Leah and your awesomeness has been much appreciated!

  6. I will keep visiting - I am similarly slothful with my own blog, so I certainly can't throw stones. :)

    I am currently picking away at getting my garden in (whenever we have a sunny day, which is not often enough). If I'm not getting my outdoor garden exercise, I am trying to do yoga or pilates or whatever I happen to feel like. Plus, Husband and I are continuing on the never-ending task of de-cluttering and, getting ready some new floors to be installed (hopefully soon).

    Wishing you a very happy birthday!

    1. Toiling in the garden SO counts as exercise in my book, so with that plus yoga and pilates etc you are doing great JavaChick! And decluttering.... shuddder...

  7. Happy Birthday! Go drive the speed limit today - wait...is 55 still a speed limit anymore? Out here we go 75 or ride a horse. Not really...and obviously I digress. Hope you have a lovely celebration!

    Blog when you want. Damn, some days I wish I could drop my regularly scheduled posts and do that. You've already set a precedent, and we regulars manage to discover when you post, so I'd say do what you want - geez, I've been pulling the "I'm 50, I can do what I want" reasoning for two years now - it's about time you started! ;)

    1. I think I'll adopt your motto Shelley! I'm 55 and I can do what I want!!

      Um, you think the IRS will buy that come tax time or do I still have to file?

  8. Happy birthday!

    I am one of those who subscribes by email, so I am reading whatever your ol' RSS feed is sending out to me. And I did like the monthly goals dealie.

    Having said that, I am actually rather goal-less right now. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to accomplish here. That's probably where I should start this month!

    1. Well OTF, if you are goal-less I suspect it's because there is nothing obviously majorly screwed up in your life that needs addressing, which is good!

      But if you are looking for a challenge, I suggest something relatively easy and FUN!

  9. As one of those quiet lurkers and an aspiring novelist who hates every goddamn minute of the 30 minutes a day spent on the treadmill (which is, literally, two feet from my desk...two feet...just...staring at me) I can relate to this blog post. I'll still be here when you decide to post again. Meanwhile, I was irrationally relieved when I read it, because I'm fairly new here, and I kept thinking, wtf is up with all the guest bloggers?? So. Happy birthday. All Geminis are whack-a-doos, but you probably know that ;-) Good luck with your fictional endeavors, and if you ever need some fresh eyes on your work, I'd be more than happy to give you a crit-read. Unless you're writing about angst-ridden vampires in love with werewolves. Then you're on your effing own. My email is kaolmsted70@gmail.com (and no, I'm not worried about publicizing this) if you'd like to talk fiction.


    1. "Just say No to angst!" I'm with you there.

      Mary Anne in Kentucky

    2. Kimmer!

      OK, I'll keep this brief because it's the third time I've tried to enter a comment on my own f--cking blog and something seems screwed up this morning.

      Anyway, would LOVE to get some critical feedback when I'm further along! (Things still shifting around a little too much at this point in terms of plot, characters etc). And I'd be happy to reciprocate-- your comment cracked me up, and I'm betting your novel in progress would be a fun read.


    3. Any time! I'll look forward to it, and thank you...

  10. Monthly goal posts are good for me, and I subscribe by email so getting notifications of the new post is easy for me.
    Hope your novel will be available on Amazon or similar! I would love to read it, can't wait.

    1. Thanks Fliss! And if I can get the damn thing written, i will make sure it gets on Amazon, and will no doubt pester poor Cranky Fitness readers to take a peek. So thanks!!!!!

  11. Death Ride GrandmaJune 8, 2015 at 2:26 PM

    Once a month? Great! I sort of miss those goal sessions, too, although I am not sure why. After all, my name here is, once again, my goal. Death Ride 2015, here I come. But this is really, truly the last time. I have promised to do some bike touring with my training partners next year. Phew. But at the moment, a short ride is 50 miles with 6000' of climbing. 5 more weeks and I'll get back to just riding for fun and touring. Well, actually, we'll head to Europe where I plan to climb Mont Ventoux and Alpe d'Huez and a few others, but no pressure on the time!

    Your blog posts are fun, but if they're not right for you right now, then coach yourself into doing exactly what I assume you'd advise your clients to do: set your priorities and go for it. We'll be delighted to see you here when inspiration strikes!

    1. You see, Crabby? Blog posts, novels, we're cool as long as you just put words in a row.

      Mary Anne in Kentucky

    2. DRG and Mary Anne! Thank you!!

      DRG, I just have to laugh at how incredibly active and determined you are and I really, really hope the Death Ride goes well this time! And the European touring sounds more fun, if still, in my mind a bit grueling. Will be very curious to hear how it all goes and maybe even a few pictures? Have fun!

  12. My goal is to do some sort of regular exercise beyond what i already do, which has become pathetically little. And yes, i will read what you write, whenever you decide to write it. The idea that there is someone else out there who gets as cranky about the fact that we have to exercise as i do will always keep me coming back for more! Plus i like you and how you write.

    1. Messymimi, you always seem so active with the busy life you lead, I have to suspect there's some serious "functional fitness" already happening. But yeah, it would be great if you found something fun that added to that without making your days totally impossibly packed. Thanks so so much for being a regular here!

  13. Ha! Thanks, Mary Anne. I get enough mopey brooding from my 11 year old...Kids today. I didn't become sullen until I was 14 *sigh*


    1. I didn't become sullen until adulthood, when I suddenly had too little time to READ! (I discovered in grad school, buried in journal papers to read, all about things I was fascinated with, that if I didn't read a little fiction every day I got very grumpy very fast.)
      Mary Anne in Kentucky

  14. I miss the goal posts! (Wait...is this football?) Bring 'em back! Also, in this day and age of most people using feed readers, slowed down posting won't keep us from stopping by when we see a new post pop up in our feed!

    My goals: Crushed one yesterday - ran my leg of our marathon relay, AND I knocked 2 minutes/mile off my PR. Not sure what the heck got into me there. Other than that, I'm currently just trying to dry out from all the rain/flooding and enjoy the summer. I've made a conscious decision not to make goals for my personal life beyond "get out and do stuff, enjoy the kids being kids, run a whole bunch." It's been a nice weight off my to do list.

    1. Holy crap bdaiss, two minutes per mile off your PR? Was a grizzly chasing you? That's incredible!!

      And I like your approach--goals schmoals, go out and do stuff! It sounds like you naturally gravitate to the kind of healthy activities others might set as goals. Its not like you're a "Go out and party all night and wake up in a puddle of barf" kinda gal, for whom "do stuff" could be more of a recipe for trouble. :)

  15. Crabby, I have been subscribed to your blog for years, and I always enjoy reading it now matter how often or seldom it appears in my in box. You just do what's best for you, and I will look forward to reading about it when and if you feel inclined to post.

    Lurking Laura

    1. Yay, another de-lurker, thanks so much for stopping by Laura!! And I really appreciate you hanging in there despite all the weird cycles and ups and downs and whatnot. I suspect I'll still be back and forth with this thing for years to come, so thanks so much for your patience!

  16. GEEZ, LOUISE! ... I mean McCrabby... I've used my birthday, which is the day before yours... As my New Year Resolutions Day for several DECADES now... And it works well!!! I actually wrote about this in my book... And one summer, I knocked off six of my ten objectives, just boom, boom, boom! I'm so much more energized when I have a "lesson plan" or list! And I, too, put several things down this year that involved writing.... As with you, it makes my heart of hearts SING WITH JOY to watch how the words add up each day... So here's a gauntlet for you... Let's BOTH refocus and commit to making the things we love come before the things we think we "should" do... Let's stop "shoulding all over ourselves" and ENJOY THE RIDE! Big hugs, fellow Gemini!

    1. Windy McB, HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry I didn't realize but hope it was a fun one! And I hereby accept your challenge and will shamelessly use you for inspiration. Your determination and positive attitude are always quite motivating, thanks!!

  17. I Will always continue to read what you post, Crabby, and it makes sense that you would devote the majority of your time to the thing that makes your heart sing right now. Plus, when there's a novel at the other end, we readers will get to enjoy that. Sounds like win-win to me!

    1. Thank you so much Emmaclaire, it's hard to explain how much your support means to me, but it really does mean a lot! Thanks so much for taking the time to encourage me in my somewhat crazy endeavors!

  18. I hate when I lose my comment. Darn it.

    Goals - I need a goal to make some new goals. I am wallowing and drowning a bit, time to impose some direction.

    I would like to cut the CPA out of my life. What the hell was I thinking? But I am hoping in the end this will all make sense because I have come awfully far already. But I swear (melodramatically) that exam is killing my life.

    Have a great birthday. :)

    1. Oh damn, QD, I hate when blogger acts up. I've lost several comments today and its my own blog!

      And the CPA thing does sound like a HUGE time and energy suck. But gotta say from an outsider perspective, it sure sounds impressive and like something that would ultimately be a smart move if you can get through it. And yeah, you've come SO far already, passing all those exams. Sure hope it gets easier though. And thanks for the birthday wishes!

    2. I passed the CPA exam right after college...and promptly have never used it since (also, I don't have the experience hours to be licensed in my state anyway). You have my sympathies, I spent A LOT OF TIME studying for that thing.

  19. Happy Birthday Crabby!!
    I subscribe so I won't be missing any posts. I'm grateful for any posts that you make whenever you make them.
    I guess my goal is to make a killer effective list of goals that result in a total life rejuvenation or I could just move into the basement and play computer games from the lazy-boy. No! I have to fight the pull of sloth and mindlessness!

    1. I vote for the killer list rejuvenation list! Or no, maybe the video games? NO!!! No Lazy Boy mindlessness! ( I know from having traveled both roads which destination rocks and which one sucks, good for you for staying strong Cindy!)

  20. I will be here when you are. I remember the goal posts and recall that my goal was the same every.single.month. I achieved my goal, which was to meditate for 365 days in a row. Yay me!!!

    I am currently mid game-change as I am going to live at an ashram in The Bahamas starting in early July. Wheeeeee!!!

    Hope your birthday was wonderful!!!

    1. Kimberley, you were such an inspiration on the meditation and I couldn't believe it when month after month you stuck to your guns! (I'm not 100% alas, and have especially sucked lately at sitting meditation, but at least spend a little part of most days cultivation mindfulness, especially when out walking.)

      I am SO CURIOUS about the Bahamas Ashram and hope to hear more about that!!

    2. Kimberly, I do hope you will report back from the ashram. After a year of daily meditation you should be in shape for it.

      Mary Anne in Kentucky

  21. Wonderful post. I hoping to achieve my own goals myself - and your blog is very inspiring to me right now! Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks so much Jordan!!!!

  22. We'll be here! So important to figure out what YOU need and want and find a way to make that happen :)

    I was dragging my feet when it came to exercise for so long, until I realized that I just missed doing fitness classes. Now I'm exercising all the time and LOVING it. I'm kind of kicking myself now that I didn't figure it out sooner...

    And the same thing happened with my blog. For a good year or so, it just wasn't what I wanted it to be, and I just wasn't enjoying it properly. Doing a rebrand helped me so much with that and made me excited about blogging again!

    Sometimes you just need to do something different or new, or overhaul the old to make it fit with who you are NOW :)

    1. So cool, Sagan, that you found ways to reinvigorate both exercise and blogging! And I love the notion of rebranding. (As long as there are no hot irons involved).

  23. I am not sure if this is what is going on with you, but perhaps, like me, you are just ready to go in a different direction in life? As you know, I've been struggling too. I even added that RV stuff to my blog. I am still not feeling it though. Perhaps it is just time for me to move on as well.

    I followed another blog for years and years. The person only posts once or twice a month these days. I still go back and check to see how he's doing. I don't even think I have EVER commented on his blog! But I am a loyal lurker. If your blog slowed down, I would still read it when there was something posted. That is why I subscribe to your blog....this way I don't miss any postings.

    I also read another blog that maybe posts every other month if I'm lucky. However, the content is so entertaining that I don't mind waiting. As generous as your guest posters are with their information and time to share, I want to read YOUR words and thoughts.

    It is your blog Crabby. Those of us who enjoy your writings and bits of humor and wisdom, will keep reading as long as you keep writing....even if it is only a few times, here and there. :)

    1. Thanks so much for being a Loyal Lurker Sherri! I really appreciate that you hang in there and always have such great stuff to say, and are so kind and supportive of this quirky little blog.

      Will be curious about your RV trips, so hope you don't bail on blogging entirely!

  24. I understand what you are going through because I am a professional procrastinator myself. I believe that one day we are going to actually do what we need to do.

  25. I am delighted to have Crabby once a month instead of not at all. Would be pleased to read the novel eventually too, so if this is what it takes, count me in. Thanks for be willing to hang in there with the blog!

    1. Hi Cathy, so pleased you stopped by! And thanks so much for the encouragement, and the patience, and the kind words. Really appreciated!

  26. I think you know we are always here when you come back - you have done it before & we are still here cause you have great posts! :)

    I am always working on something to get out of the hole & still am... I plan to blog less this summer too & as you know I already cut balc! :)

    1. Jody you are always such an inspiration, hope all your plans and dreams come true!

  27. I once had goals, but reached them way too young so I've been directionally oriented ever since. Meaning striving to make significant inroads in my quest for self-actualization, and maybe grow up one day, though I can't imagine why.

    Maybe if you had a job, you wouldn't have time to worry and think so much, lol

  28. Know thyself, right? Be happy and write what you want, when you want. I'll be here to read it. There are far too many things we HAVE to do in life. As for the other stuff, does it feed your soul?

    Goals? Hmm. . . Surviving my job into retirement into a big one. But that's a long way off, unfortunately, so I suppose I need a new one. Keep doing what I'm doing health and fitness wise to survive into retirement healthy enough to enjoy it. Is that different enough? And I started knitting for relaxation (needed some of that) so I'd like to get much better at it.

    1. Genie, that's cool about the knitting and of course about your continued committment to being kick-ass healthy and fit.

      But hmm, you seem so much more a "thriver" than merely a "survivor' so I'm betting you manage to figure out some interesting tweaks to the job piece of things in the coming years. Just a hunch!

  29. Change my game? I'm trying to get some game right now. I feel frustrated with myself right now because I wanted to be so much further along in my goals by June. When I find my game, and I start losing weight, which is my goal before my 17th wedding anniversary in July, I will let you know. Thanks for the post.

    1. Aimee!

      Thanks so much for stopping by and sorry that you're hitting a discouraging patch. If it's any consolation, the few people who are actually as far along as they want to be with their goals are total freaks, although freaks I admire very much. Most of us are in some state of compromise between ideals and reality.

      So DO NOT GIVE UP!!! You just may need to break things down into smaller, more manageable pieces and lower your expectations a little until you get more momentum going. Making one small swap of a healthy food for an evil one, or adding a tiny bit more activity, all can add up over time.

      But it sucks how slowly it goes sometimes!

  30. Crabby,
    Wonderful post, and belated happy birthday! I'm also glad to hear that your writing process has you excited!

    I like the idea of checking in with goal progress! It's good to have accountability, especially when I'm generally a solo exerciser.

    As per your topic, one of my strengths as an exerciser, luckily, is very high persistence. This can be a weakness, though. Even though I can make up programs with little trouble, I sometimes stay too long with one routine. So changing up does matter!

    I've been an a Tabata kick for some months. My goal is to get a very high conditioning level - I used to be more biased towards strength, but the heart wants what it wants, to mangle a popular cliche. I want to get up to 16 straight sets, and stick nasty burpees in there once per every 4 sets. I'm up to 12 sets, and have 2 burpee sets in there, so it's coming along great.

    Perceiving slight stagnation, I am very slowly adding a random pullup or two at home when taking a work break (I used to do loads of pullups), and a 1-leg-squat or two as a workout finisher.

    I'd love to hear tidbits of your writing in process, but I know that's more personal and really asking too much!

    Thanks, Rock On!

    1. Acck! Dave you are a beast with all those tabatas, I'd be puking (and swearing, and sobbing). I so admire your determination! My interval training is much more modest. I've discovered that if I try to push to do more than 4-5 intervals of 30-90 seconds each, (depending on how long I've spent in recovery), twice a week, that I start to feel too miserable and drop the whole thing. So the fact that you're going for such a high level of intensity is inspiring and impressive, even though I ain't going to emulate you!

      Thanks so much as always for your thoughtful and fun comments here, you really add so much to the community and i hope I don't lose you through the slow period!

      As to the writing process--while it's energizing and fun overall, I tend to have a little amnesia about the ups and downs involved. There are times I realized that I've gone off course and have to toss out huge portions of what little I have, and times when I lose confidence in the whole project and worry that i should start over from scratch, but then, at least so far, I manage to figure out what the sucky part is and try to salvage the non-sucky aspects and soldier on. But its slow going--even if I stay determined I'm not going to be one of those people who churns out chapters in a speedy fashion. And hey, thanks for asking!

    2. :-) I am a bit hardcore, but not necessarily that tough... after each burpee set I do less intense items. Anyone who can do 16 tabatas of burpees (or maybe hard sprints) would be world-class, I'd say!

      It's all good, a great illustration of tailoring workouts to preferences, needs, and tastes! I believe there's something for everyone if they can just find it.

      But yes, writing discipline is a much trickier one! For me, exercise is cake in comparison. Keep up the good work!


  31. I defintately agree that you have to be doing something you enjoy. The 'best' exercise program is one you're actually going to do, so pick something you can enjoy.

    My current goal is putting on more muscle while putting on the least amount of fat as possible. Or hopefully even losing some fat.

    1. Thanks Ben, appreciate you stopping by, and good luck putting on that muscle!

  32. Happy Belated Birthday! I tend to do all my blog reading catch up in one fell swoop, so I usually don't notice when a blogger hasn't been posting regularly. Also, it's your blog so do what you like! Novel on, Crabby, novel on. :)

  33. Hello long-lost blogger friend! Glad to see you're still at it! Will check back in. :) And Happy Birthday!


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