In this case, I don't mean anatomically, I mean psychologically. As in: the "smart" part of you is going "I really need to do this Thing, I'll get right on that tomorrow! (ie., exercise/quit smoking/schedule a colonoscopy). And the other part of you, the part that is stupider but is actually in charge of what you end up doing is all "Ha! Like THAT's ever gonna happen!"
Of course, there's always the helpful motivational slogan popularized by Nike, "Just Do It, Asshole." Hmm. I may be remembering that slightly wrong.
But what if you'd really really really really really really rather Just Not Do It?
I've been struggling with a bad case of of the WTFIYP's myself. I asking myself what my problem is... but it's not the right question. It doesn't actually matter what the problem is. It matters what the solution is. What will get me moving again?
So I'm trying a new approach that's really an old approach that I've talked about a million times in different ways. But what the hell, I wasn't doing it, and maybe you're not either.
Since this is a blog called Cranky Fitness, you can probably guess what it is I've been avoiding.
That's right, blogging. (The Fitness thing is less of a problem).
But it occurs to me that the solution I wasn't using before and am now is equally applicable to exercise avoidance, and many other sorts of avoidances as well.
What Sounds Almost Fun? Just Do That.
It's an example of the time-honored anti-perfectionist principle: "Showing up and doing a shitty job generally gets you better results than not showing up at all."
As you may recall from my review of Elizabeth Babcock's excellent book Why We Overeat and How to Stop, you have to engage your stubborn limbic system with Fun and Rewards in order to get behavioral buy in. The smarty pants cerebral cortex is great at figuring out HOW to do things, but sucks at making you actually do stuff.
So, for example, if you haven't been exercising for a long time, don't even think about approaching anything you dislike. You're not there yet. But if you can't get yourself to stretch a little in front of the TV, or do a five minute freeform dancy thing to your favorite music, or aim a tower of balled-up socks toward a laundry basket across the room and walk around picking up your missed shots, and you have a tiny bit of a pleasant feeling about it: WIN!!!
And note: don't be too quick to say, ok, now I guess I'm starting up again, I have to do something sensible next time.
Screw sensible. Not 'til you're good and ready. The important thing is to change your perception of yourself from someone who Doesn't Do into someone who Does. The actual things are, strangely enough, sort of irrelevant for the short term.
Well, how about the quitting smoking example? How could you possible do something almost fun relative to that?
Well, you could start by getting your brain and your environment ready. Fantasizing how good you'll feel a year out. Setting a date for tapering or quitting. Warning family and friends to hide sharp objects. You could read motivational literature or download hypnosis audios or plan compensatory snacks or pleasantly distracting day-trip destinations. You could add up how much money you'll save and mentally spend it on something awesome. (Note: It's still gonna suck when you actually do stop smoking, but maybe not as bad as you think). Again, the important thing is to change your perception of yourself as someone who Isn't Quitting to someone who's Is Now Quitting. You're just in the Preparation Phase.
So with me and blogging there's the obvious solution to not feeling motivated: Just Don't Do It, and then Just Don't Do It some more, and then keep Just Not Doing It. I'm not making money at this, so why bother?
And yet I've tried quitting, and I'm not happy with that solution either. Something feels wrong when I think of Cranky Fitness as an ex-blog, and myself as an ex-blogger. I want this to still exist, but for that to happen, I have to occasionally put something in here.
It's not like I've run out of thoughts or opinions, I've just gotten out of the habit of taking the time to write about them. I've been back from vacation for weeks now, and the whole "it's summer, no one's online reading blogs anyway" excuse is getting more than a little outdated by the end of September.
(BTW, for those of you who were so kind and supportive about my mother's battle with cancer: she's doing great now! Formerly large tumor is no longer detectable. And after many, many weeks of feeling awful from the brutal but effective treatments, she's got her energy and appetite back. Of course, we're all still nervous about an upcoming CAT scan in November, hoping the little fucker stays gone, but for now, all is good.)
So anyway, approaching yet another return to blogging, I had to ask myself: what might be almost fun? And I thought: how about just dumping a bunch of vacation photos out there with absolutely no relation to health and fitness?
Because we went to Croatia for a few weeks and from there did some day trips to Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovena, and came back with a crapload of picturs. While I did my best to balance Fun and Health and Fitness on our travels, I don't feel like writing about that.
So, in no particular order, here are pictures of old buildings, views, meals, cats, stairs, bodies of water, churches, weird signs, and other miscellaneous stuff.
Missed you guys, did you have a good summer?
Anyway. We had a lovely time.
I still read your posts, Crabby! Your concept of just doing what feels right for exercise struck a chord with me, I need to get more active and am balking at hitting the treadmill.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Fergustana! It does take some creativity (or serious drugs) to make treadmills fun, but it's at least theoretically possible. Meantime hope you find something that IS fun, and really appreciating you stopping by!
DeleteNow you have me wanting to visit Croatia!
ReplyDeleteYour inner child is in charge, so make it fun and it will get done! (That's from Pam Young of Club Organized).
Also, motivation follows action. That sounds counterintuitive, but it is true.
It's good to see you again.
Messymimi,you are SO RIGHT about motivation following action, that was almost what the post was going to be about! Some amazing (and amusing) research findings about it. Apparently we humans have no idea what really motivates us.
DeleteLove the photos and the advice. So glad your mom is doing well, and so happy to see you back blogging.
ReplyDeleteHad a great summer of hiking and acupuncture. Life is good.
Thanks so much Leah, and I've been enjoying some of your hiking adventures vicariously while lurking on FB. You have a way of making sure life is always good!
DeleteI am SO glad to hear your mom is doing well. F*ck Cancer.
ReplyDeleteFunny you should post this. I realized early last week that while I keep telling myself "WTH? I'm doing what I should and working out, why is the scale creeping?" the truth is, my diet has been off the rails. (Summer! Burgers and fries and ice cream and s'mores and eating out!) So Friday I quit sugar again. Gave myself the weekend to eat whatever I wanted provided it wasn't sugar. Today, I'm battening down the hatches and kicking processed crap to the curb as well. Getting old sucks and apparently my metabolism has decided to take another down turn, so it's time to shake things up.
Glad you could have fun this summer! We tossed in a trip to Portland and Crater Lake. And we spent a lot of time camping. That's always good for bringing me back to center.
OMG, I so admire those of you who can do the no sugar thing Bdaiss. My metabolism has also gotten mighty uncooperative, but I prefer strategic indulgence with a whopping side of rationalization to actually giving up sugar.
DeleteAnd Portland and Crater Lake? Awesome destinations!
(BTW, it also occurs to me that I've never explained that I always call you bdaiss not because I don't know your first name, but I always use people's blog handles in case they don't want actual names broadcast to the Populace at Large).
Love your photos! I took pictures of cats when we were in Japan and my husband kind of teased me for it, but...cats! :)
ReplyDeleteWhile my photos are not as exotic as yours, I did have the best summer vacation I've had in a long time. It was hard to come back to real life. And now the weather is taking a definite turn toward fall and I'm not liking that adjustment either. Ah well...Time to settle down and get cracking on goals, right? Forever taking the baby steps...
P.S. I kind of have the same issue with blogging. I don't want to give up altogether, but somehow I lack the motivation to write stuff. I don't even really have people that read mine (except for you! thanks!) but I have found over the years that I really like to have it there to look back at what was happening or how I was feeling. The current kitten-on-keyboard situation doesn't help either. :)
DeleteI always LOVE your cat photos JavaChick so don't hubbie's skepticism ever get in the way of you posting them!
DeleteAnd wow, Japan!!! Never been there, must have been really interesting.
And yeah, I'm with you, something about fall says "time to get cracking", so yeah, it's time for those baby steps again!
Hey Crabby!
ReplyDeleteLove it every time you write a blog. It is just like a phone call from an old friend. Just feels good to know they are still out there!
Blogging for me really isn't an option since I changed jobs a couple years ago. Too busy! Nothing going on with me other than work and my usual fitness, injury, recovery cycle.
These day I am all about letting the should haves and could haves pile up and then figuring out how I can hire somebody to take a big bite out of the backlog.
I'm thinking about taking up acrylic pour painting. Why? Because it is fast. Pour different colors of paint down slap it around and you are done. Creative impulses fed with time for a glass of wine before bed.
Hey thanks so much Cindy, I always love hearing from you too!!
DeleteAnd I love the way you sum up the "fitness, injury, recovery cycle." So true!
Am intrigued about acrylic pour painting! Especially when paired with wine! What could possibly go wrong? :) Sounds like my kinda creativity.
a) that's great news about mom!
ReplyDeleteb) those pictures are beautiful!
I just got through the budget season at work, so late summer was a busy one for me. I'm going to escape for a long weekend with friends next weekend to a small town in Michigan, and this Southern Californian CANNOT WAIT for some fall-like weather!
Oh good, so glad you've got a fun trip coming OTF, and yeah, "fall" is kinda just theoretical when it comes to Southern California. Hope you have a blast!
DeleteHI!! I am still not sure why I don't get consistent emails on your blog posts. I just got this but not some of the others in the summer. WEIRD!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso I am so sorry about your mom! Didn't she have sarcoma like my mom? I am glad she is better!!!
On you - do what is best for you always!!! I am not blogging hardly at all & for now that is fine.
LOVE THE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!
HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs backatacha Jody!!! Different kinda cancer, but in my mind, the only good kind of cancer is the kind that ain't there anymore. And sorry about the weird blog feed issues, but glad they gave us a break this time. Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteWonderful news about your mom, thanks for sharing it with us! :)
ReplyDeleteThe vacation pictures are great - that one with all the steps, holy cow! Beautiful area, though.
I decided a while back that I like to write, so I keep blogging even though my blog is not exactly in the whole "diet and fitness" realm that it started out as. I figure people will read, or not - and that's OK. :)
Your blog is always so entertaining Shelley, and I love that you have a variety of interests and great adventures!
DeleteI LOVE Elizabeth's book I am using it to teach my support group class. So glad your Mom is doing so much better too.
ReplyDeleteI have stopped using the word exercise. I want to be an active person. Now activity can be organized exercising but it can also be something you just fit into your schedule, along with living an active life in other ways.
Our parents and grandparents didn't exercise to exercise, they were active.
Love the photos too. Glad to see you're blogging. I should do that again too. :D
Hey Sherri, great to see you!! And yeah, "active" is a much better word, and glad you're finding opportunities to stay that way.
DeleteAnd so glad you loved Elizabeth's book Sherri!
I am always glad to see you in my in-box, whatever you choose to write, or not. My favorite of your photos today is the cat on the ruins, thank you. Glad your mother is better!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Laura! And goodness, there were cats EVERYWHERE in Croatia, not sure what the deal was, but most of them seemed pretty content. And yes, here's to everyone's loved ones being all healthy and happy!
DeleteI keep thinking of things to blog about, but usually by the time I'm home in front of a computer my brain is too slushy to find words.
ReplyDeleteSo glad Formerly Large Tumor has decided to retire.
(You know how my brain works. I first read "or plan compensatory snacks" as "compulsory snacks.")
"if this post seems a little trivial and tone-deaf after such a horrific event" : horrific events are so frequent (273 mass shootings in 273 days, is it, in this country?) that if you want to avoid seeming trivial and tone-deaf you'd just have to shut up. Don't do that.
Pictures with random cats. Good.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Totally know what you mean about the "slushy brain" Mary Anne, I get that too! Ideas that seemed so compelling away from the computer evaporate into nothingness.
DeleteCompulsory snacks? Sounds like an even better anti-smoking plan!
ReplyDeleteLove love love you and the lobster's travels <3
Missing you too Carla!
DeleteYour pictures are amazing and are taking me right back to summer so thank you for that!! As for the blog, I can commiserate with you. I definitely still want to blog but more like once a month or something - LOL! Right now I basically stick with my Monday post (The Rundown) and then IF I feel compelled to write something else (but it has to be a very strong feeling!) then I do it. For now, it's working. I hope you find your groove because I love your space here :-)
ReplyDeleteYour blog is so awesome so I hope it never dies! But for me even once a week starts seeming like a challenge now that enough years have gone by that I feel like I'm constantly repeating myself. So glad the Rundown continues and I hope you continued to be inspired!
DeleteLove the pics - I am reminded I totally need more octopus nommies in my life!
ReplyDeleteGreat news about your mom - I so admire people who stay the course of treatment and come out the other end.
And you and the Lobster look so very happy and healthy, you must be doing something right!
Thanks Emma Claire always good to see you!
DeleteI confess part of what I love about octopus, aside from it being all tasty and healthy and often smothered in garlic, always a plus, is that the whole tentacle thing totally grosses out the Lobster, which then makes me feel a little badass for not caring what it looks like and scarfing it down.
I thought of you yesterday when I arrived in the big city and recalled meeting you by that disastrous construction zone. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know I love to read your posts whenever they happen. Gorgeous pictures and I am thrilled your mother is doing so well now!!!
I went to the Bahamas. In the summer. Again.
I became a shiny, new vegan recently and it is life changing!!!
Great advice on just starting!!! Doing something to start will always move you farther than you were!
Ah yes, it was great to get to hang out in Toronto! And am always glad to see you in your happy place, is that where the Ashram is or was this a different destination? And you're vegan now too? Wow! Let me know how that goes! Not for me I'm afraid, but I hear great things from people who are well-suited to it.
ReplyDeleteYes, where the ashram is, but I also had some hotel time there too.
DeleteLoving the vegan life so far!