
September 26, 2012

Gaiam Giveaway!

So, hi there! I'm finally crawling out of my dark cave-like hole (blinking furiously and weaving a bit), attempting to re-enter the bright light of Real Life again. The first Cranky Fitness eBook has been sent off!   It should be coming out sometime in October, unless the publisher takes one look at the first effort and says, "Reeeaaally Crabby? Reeeeallly?" In which case who knows.

But it's been a while since a giveaway, and this one is kinda fun! It's from Gaiam, and they'd like to introduce you to the Gaiam TV channel.

They are kindly supplying a 3 month subscription to their streaming video service as a prize to a random winner, on which you can watch any of nine billion or so exercise videos. (OK, that number may be approximate).

It's not just exercise either: they also cover personal growth and travel and relationships and sustainability and a ton of other topics, in case you'd like help with meditation, metaphysical questions, or have a pressing need to troubleshoot your compost pile. (Seriously, they have that covered).

AND THAT'S NOT ALL! (to quote my favorite line from infomercials). For this giveaway, they're also tossing in a yoga mat or some stretchy bands or other similar accessory from their catalog for a value up to $60.

Wanna find out more?

Who Can Win?

The good news: the streaming video subscription part can be won by anyone! The bad news: I'm afraid the part of the prize that manifests itself as a physical object in the material world requires a U.S. mailing address. But non-U.S. folks who have a generous streak could still win the 3 month subscription and then designate a U.S. person to get the exercise toy, and make someone of their very own choosing happy! Or I could do that part for ya.

What is GaiamTV?

First off, let's be lazy let Gaiam speak for themselves with a quote from the site:

"Gaiam TV is the first streaming Internet TV channel designed to integrate your devotion to a lifestyle of health and sustainability (also known as LOHAS) with your rapidly expanding digital lifestyle."

What's Especially Cool About it:

Their offerings look pretty darn extensive; they've got over 2,000 titles.  If you're curious, it's really worth a look at the scope and depth of their offerings over at the Gaiam TV site. And they promise, pinky swear, that they will be adding new stuff all the time.

Even if you don't win, a subscription runs a fairly reasonable $9.95 a month and you can stop any time.  You can also try it for free for ten days and see if it gets your draggy LOHAS off the couch. If you don't like it, you can cancel before your ten days are up and not be out any money. (However, I believe it's one of those deals where they take your credit card first to verify, and may throw a few cents on there and then subtract it back off again. Don't freak out but also don't forget to cancel if it doesn't knock your socks off).

How to Win the Free 3 month subscription and the Fun Fitness Accessory

Just leave a comment below!

If you want to mention what would be playing on your "dream" personal TV station constructed specially for you, that might be fun to read, but really, just say anything other than leaving a spam comment for some cheesy website or product. I reserve the right to delete those even from giveaway posts.

If you're not paranoid about spambots you can also leave your email address and go about your business. But otherwise you'll need to check back Oct 3rd to see if you won and email me by October 8th to claim your prize. (My Email address is cleverly hidden over on the Schmooze page, not that I still don't get thousands of spam emails a day but whatever).

Winner selected by random drawing, but if the Random Person misses the deadline I reserve the right to quietly give the prize to any commenter I choose.

Hope everyone is having a great week, and good luck on the giveaway!

Critter photo:


  1. What a great idea! I love workout videos but get bored really quickly, this way I could do something new every day

  2. I think I am gonna win that. It is in the Karma Kards. I go to the doc that day to get cleared to stretch and jigger up my innards. And Gaiam Shall Lead Her To The Exercise Promised Land of No More Sausage Roll Belly...

    My person Dream TV Station would be where goodies would steam across the screen and I could reach in and grab them and eat them but the calories would be like vapor. That or streaming puppy pictures. I am a simple girl. Now where did I put that drool cup?

  3. This is an awesome give away; I'd love to try it. It'd be great to have the variety!

  4. I'm here. I read. Great idea. No need to enter me in the contest. Thanks.

  5. Oooh, I am VERY hopeful for this one - would be perfect since I travel four days a week and can't usually take classes!

  6. Pretty impressive about the book, Crabby! That's hard work. I've written some chapters for books and know the task!

    No need to enter me.

  7. OOO.. I'd love a new yoga mat. My husband cut up my last one for arts and crafts. :|

  8. Yes yes me please! Let's see...dream TV station just for me...a diverse selection of crime/mystery shows, quirky shows with good writing, oddball documentaries, and house hunting/makeover shows. I'd watch that channel 24-7!

  9. Cool! I could use some accessories. Like a new yoga mat. My yoga mat is gross.

  10. This would be amazing, especially given that as of a few weeks ago, Netflix removed all the stream-able workout videos from their site. I don't have cable and I travel a ton for work so I really miss having such easy access to workouts!

  11. My exercise equipment is limited to a cheap set of dumbbells and some ankle weights. I would really love to have the equipment mentioned above.

  12. Awesome I totally need a yoga mat, I've been doing my yoga on my regular exercise mat which is a bit thicker and it makes yoga a little difficult.

    So glad you are back!

  13. LOHAS???? LOHAS?!?!? I'm laughing too hard to think up any alternate interpretations,
    Congrats on the book, and let us know what the publisher says, censored if necessary. : )
    Two months ago I would have said "Streaming videos? Bah, humbug!" from the land of slow connections. Now, however, the limitation would be on my time. If this were three months of someone else unpacking for me I would be right on it.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  14. Hooray book! Great news! I would love this prize.. I have a long commute to work every day, but I need exercise to stay sane! Anything that would allow me to workout at home and spend a little more time with the ones I love would be wonderful :)

  15. So happy to hear about the book! Yay! I hope it's just the first of many....

  16. This might actually make me woman up and do yoga consistently.

  17. Hi Cranky!

    My dream channel will have all of my favorite workouts but only to my favorite music and the instructors will keep reminding me what an amazing job I'm doing and how absolutely fabulous I look!

  18. I would love something like that!!

  19. Sounds like a great way to try out different types of workouts!

  20. Id love to say "no need to enter me" but I want I want I want :-)

  21. I've done free trials with other online video sites but never end up continuing with the subscription. This looks promising though! I hope I win :D

  22. I've done free trials with other online video sites but never end up continuing with the subscription. This looks promising though! I hope I win :D

  23. What would be super cool is to have Johnny Depp teach me a nice deep stretch and strengthening class on Gaiam TV. If that wouldn't motivate a girl to workout, I'm not sure anything will. Sigh..

  24. Okay, I'm in. I wouldn't mind winning.

    That's so cool about your ebook. I can't wait. I love ebooks as they're on my phone, therefore, I always have my book with me.

    Also, I enjoyed your post/blog/thingy about how to quit. Yeah, I read that one today too. Very fun read. You are a gifted word-smith. Is that a word? Anywho, thanks for that one.

    Keeping it together,
    Bob Ben

  25. Fingers crossed for your book. 3-mos free subscription would be fun to try!

  26. That's awesome! As fall hits, I quickly grow too lazy to make it to the gym every day, so this would be great to have!

  27. Gosh I would love to win this. I have been hearing good things about the website and with the wide selection of videos no way I can get bored.

  28. Commenting again because I got an error message. I would love to win this, and I have been hearing such good things about the website.

  29. This is a great contest and just in time for the ugly weather of fall!

  30. Congrats on the E-Book! I also just read (late as usual) your great post on quitting. I was very close to doing just that on my last remaining vice, then fell off my Pegasus. (He is quite disgusted with me as you can imagine.) I am going to keep trying on that though.

    No need to enter me on this give away though. I have to find other things than yoga to do with this new hip of mine. Shhh, I might even join a gym! Don't tell anyone though 'kay?

    1. Ah, your Pegasus understands and is patiently waiting for the next time you wanna take him for a ride! And I'll keep the gym plans hush hush. :)

  31. Congrats on the E-Book! We miss you around here though. :-)

    I think the concept of Gaiam TV is pretty cool. I use, which I think is similar, but I love being able to have instruction at home, since it takes away the excuse of not being able to get to the studio.

  32. Yes, please! The Gaiam TV subscription would be a welcome (and needed) distraction from my Netflix addiction! It might be a better idea to do some yoga rather than watch every TV program that has ever existed:)

  33. I have been a yoga slacker for a while now. This would be a great way to get motivated again.
    Congrats on your e-book. Looking forward to it!

  34. Congrats on the book. My favorite tv channel would be all my favorite dance movies. I'd love to try Gaiam tv.

  35. OOH Great idea! Thanks for the opportunity to try it out!

  36. I would love to have a station named "Becky's Exercise Station that will get her out of bed, make her tea, walk, potty, and feed the dog, and somehow bribe/motivate Becky to do something. Anything."

  37. My ideal TV channel would run workout videos constantly until it monitored that I actually did one, then it would broadcast episodes of Top Chef, The Big Bang Theory, 30 Rock, and The Office.


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