
August 03, 2009

Readers' Choice: Best Weight Loss Blogs

A few years ago we asked Cranky Fitness readers to let us know which were their favorite weight loss blogs.

As of 2012 the list was getting pretty darn old and many blogs had folded.

Sorry for the extra click, but please check out the New, Improved and Much More Current 2012 list of Best Weight Loss Blogs!

And thanks for visiting Cranky Fitness!


  1. Im here to say HEY and demand, errr, as that next year we do have a red carpet and get MizTer JOEL MCHALE to MC the event for us.

    That man is snarktastic second only the the Crab and the Merry.

    thanks for the love as well,

  2. Interesting post! I read a lot of those blogs so good choices. I don't know where I will find the time for more!

    Guess I should have nominated myself but did not even think of that. I am not the best for sure but at almost 52, well lots to offer & years of being at this game... a learning experience! I will thank you for mentioning me in a post not too long ago though!!! :-)

    Love Joel McHale though. The Soup is sooooo funny!

  3. Nothing to contribute, but Hi!! and Happy Monday.

  4. I've been reading Roni's blog for a few years, and always appreciated her absolute honesty (what did I REALLY eat today) and her focus on health, not just weight. Glad to see her on the list.

  5. Thanks for the compilation! It's always good to find great new blogs to read :-) Appreciate your effort in this, know it must have been a pain in the a$$ to do!

  6. Great list...and now I know what I'll be spending the rest of my day doing - reading! (Good thing I already worked out!)

  7. Thanks for including me!

    There are a lot of blogs that I'm not familiar with, so I'm going down the list!

  8. Holy Shnikes I made the list!


    I'd like to thank the Crabby Academy for including me on this list - I'd also like to thank all of my loyal readers (You six know who you are!) and my wonderfully supportive husband who barely remembers that I even have a blog until I get some free swag sent to me to review. I'd also like to thank my agent (who is as yet unnamed and unknown).
    *cue exit music*
    I also need to thank Little Debbie becasue if it weren't for her, there would be no weight loss blog in the first place. Thanks LD - I owe ya one!!
    *cue loud exit music*
    I also want to say hi to my mom and my best friend Dinah in Montana. Hey!
    *enter long vaudeville hook*
    Okay, I guess that's all! Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

  9. Great list! Thanks for compiling it! I look forward to checking out some new blogs... Happy Monday! :)

  10. SUCH good reads! That list is seriously making this Monday better (and almost promises that I'll get zero work done, but will be really happy and inspired because of it).

    And thanks to all who voted for FBG. We loves ya! :)

  11. It was a pleasure to just be nominated....

  12. I'm sad I didn't see this earlier, I totally would help self nominated mine
    CHECK IT OUT!... maybe I can be a late add ;)

  13. Ooh nice list! So many up there that I read & adore. And so many that I didn't know of! It will be a blog-filled day for me.

    Also I'm diving in here and nominating Fit to the Finish... consider it no longer self-nominated :)

  14. Wow, great list. Thanks for gathering all of that together! My blog isn't a weight loss blog, per say - but I like mine a lot. :D LOL

    Oh, and have a great Monday!

  15. Oh wow. Wasn't expecting that. I'm totally honored.

  16. I may be way too late, but I'd like to nominate 2 more!!

  17. Oh Wow thanks so much to whoever nominated me! That's so exciting!! Thanks!!!! I love my readers :-)

  18. Having fun, losing weight and making the Cranky Fitness list - it just doesn't get much better than this! Many thanks for the love and sending it right back atcha!

  19. Oh, neat! I was thinking I needed some new blogs to read! (Yes, really. I'm not being sarcastic. STOP LAUGHING. ;D)

    Thanks, Crabby!

  20. This is a nice resource, thank you. I didn't see the post asking for nominations, but I would add Feed Me, I'm Cranky to this. I actually discovered the blog from Cranky Fitness' favorites! :-)

  21. I read a lot of these too. I wish I had nominated Diane's site Fit to the Finish because it's too good a site to just have to been self nominated. I guess because it was relatively new.

    My other favorite is Living Healthy in the Real World. Sagan is absolutely amazing! She should definitely be on this list too!

  22. OOOh! This is the perfect thing to get me back into things after my vacation! So many blogs to read! I'm as happy as a clam ^.^

  23. :-(((((((((((((( !

    That's cause you didn't have a swim suit part to the competition!

  24. Thanks for including my blog on your list. I'm blown away! Thanks to the person or persons who nominated my blog. Must go check out some of these that are new to me.

  25. Would love for people to check out mine at Currently its about me doing the P90x program. I have a long way to go though so it will evolve.


  26. OMG!!! I can't believe someone nominated little old me! :) Blush! I am sitting here just smiling from ear to petite ear! Thanks Crabby!

    And I LOVED Jill's reaction to her nomination. Hilarious!

  27. HOLYCRAP!!!
    I'm on the list!
    Well, gees, whoever nominated me ...WoW
    It's my birthday today.
    What a wonderful gift!!!
    I'm speechless.

    Thank you, Crabby!

  28. Thanks for the list. They really help! :-)

  29. I'm so excited! (((blush)))

    To be included in this great list of bloggers and fellow fat-fighters is really an honor. Thanks for including me and thank you, Crabby, for working so hard to get this info out there.

    Much love to who ever mentioned me for this.

  30. I see me and just for that, I'm going to to post a bikini picture.
    You'll all be sorry.

  31. Thank you for taking the time to compile the list! Not only am I honored to have been nominated, but I'm also really excited to check out ALL of the others on the list and meet new people - including you - and reading new blogs - including yours! Hello!

    Thanks again :)

  32. The real lesson here is to pick a decent blog name.
    Something like A#1 or AAAA Thufferin Thuccotash.

    Then I'd be at the top of the list. However, I don't really consider my blog a weight loss blog. It's more like a don't-gain-it- all- back- even- though -you- feel -like -shooting -people- some- days blog.

    My word verification is TAXES.
    Nice work.

  33. Wow...who knew so many people like sauerkraut??

    Thanks so much Crabby and Merry!! it may take a while, but I will be checking out all the blogs listed and noted in the comments...after I see POD's bikini pic.

  34. Hey guys, thanks for the mention!

    If anyone has any ideas of things I can do to make it better, drop me a line! :)


  35. bloody HELL! Mine's on there!!!!


    *wanders off to think of a post*

  36. Thank you very much, both for the inclusion AND for compiling the list. I see some "old familiars" and some brand-new-to-me blogs!

    You're very kind, if delightfully cranky. :)

  37. wow! i'm so excited that i'm on one of the lists :) Thank you so much for whoever nominated me and for all my amazing readers! I can't wait to read some new blogs too :)

  38. Wow-wee! How cool! I made the list?!
    This is great - can't wait to visit all the blogs on this list I don't read yet!

    Jenn @ Watch My Butt Shrink!

  39. Very cool, we are honored to be on the list! Looking forward to checking out all of these fabulous blogs.

  40. You like me! You really like me!

    *blushes, loses ability to put together coherent thoughts, allows self to be led off-stage by tall thin supermodel type*

    Seriously it's an honor to be included with these fabulous blogs. A big thanks to whomever nominated me (let me know your address and I'll send you the cash pronto). ;)

  41. Great blogs! I read most of these!

  42. I hope the following is appropriate for me to post here; I really appologize if I am over stepping any boundaries regarding commenting here...

    I have just started a blog and am simply asking for anyone interested to swing by. My end goal in this request is to gain support in my weight loss journey by building an online community that I can be accountable to, rather than just myself. If you feel like visiting and checking it out please go to: and feel free to comment. Thanks in advance!

  43. Thanks for the love! It must have taken a lot of work to put this together. Thank you!

  44. If you are a busy office worker, heres a simple yet effective guide to creating a healthy office lifestyle. It is an easy to follow routine that can be followed while you are in the office and do not need any extra time at all to exercise. This is no magic bullet or medicine. You have to move your body.

    check it out at:

  45. is excellent for weight loss. It's where I found great advice for calorie counting and my NEW LOVE, 100-calorie caramel creme snack bars.

    I'm talking yum heaven.

  46. Very Important Topic! Like the listings of different Blogs.

    I have resources for healthy eating and weight loss on my websites and blog.

    I recommend the book, Healthy at 100 by John Robbins.

    -glenn :)

  47. Another great blog I found. this lady lost 100 pounds and now is a diabetes advocate. A must see. I visit her blog often because I need motivation. I am diabetic and have 75 pounds to lose.
    I visited some of the blogs listed and really liked them.

  48. Conversely Incorrect Weight Loss is when weight loss is achieved by losing both fat and muscles. This can be done via dieting/jogging/swimming without incorporating resistance training.

  49. Hi my name is Joe Todd and I love your blog trying get to get mine where yours is

  50. Wow, what a great list!! Thank you for poutting it together and thanks to whoever nominated my blog :)

  51. Got to think of using this as my guide and share it to my friends. Great post!

  52. Great Blog! I have enjoyed all the useful info. Keep it up.


  53. I would like to suggest as a favorite blog.

  54. This was most helpful! I passed it on to a few teammates to go along with their current organic supplements!


  55. This one is SO FUNNY:

    This woman is trying to lose weight while she is trying to fix the rest of her life along with getting her daughter through her senior year!

  56. How can I get my friends blog nominated for next year?
    Her blog is so worth a nomination. I have lost over 50 pounds from her tips and inspiration.
    Leave a comment how it's done. Here is her blog:

    Let me know when you get a chance.

  57. his is really interesting; awards being given to readers. Yehey! But I have to give you the props for creating such a well-thought guideline lol hahahaha

  58. This is an incredible list!! I just started a blog documenting my own weight loss journey on my way to 100 pounds lost (currently at 85 pounds down) and was googling "weight loss blogs" tonight to try and find some inspiration. I came across this list and I know I am now going to be totally hooked on a bunch of new blogs cause these are all so great!!! I would be honored if any of you would check out my own weight loss blog and read about my story. I find the support from the online community of people going through the same thing to be unmatched!
    My blog is at:

  59. (*channeling my inner Kanye*)

    Yo Cranky, I’m real happy about your list and I'ma let you finish, but *Bitch Cakes* has one of the best weight loss blogs of all time! One of the best weight loss blogs of all time!!!

    :) Thanks and great list by the way! I'm up to my neck in "to read" blogs.

  60. Actually, I googled to try to find some other great weight loss blogs and then I saw that mine was on there. WOW! :)

    I am so unbelievably touched that I was nominated! And now I have oodles of blogs to check out.

    What a great day! :)

  61. Each of every blogs about weight loss are all informative and helpful to those who are frustrated to lose weight. I'm glad they benefit others with their posts. Sharing is the best way to communicate. :)

  62. Great info here also

  63. Great compilation of awesome blogs - a nice and simple way to find more nice weight loss blogs.

  64. Nice comments..very interesting viewpoints.

  65. i found this new one, it's pretty good so far .. she's only 19:

  66. This is awesome, and I like your list!

  67. Nice job keep up the good work. I've also found some wonderful info. on weightwiper.blogspot for anyone who's serious about losing weight and staying healthy.

  68. A great compilation of weight loss blogs! Very helpful for us seeking weight loss tips!

  69. Hello, my name Is Evandro. I'm just trying to help people getting informed about weight loss. Here you'll find news about this theme that could help you or someone you love. Regards,

  70. Yah all have great ideas about how to loose the weight,thanks.And Happy New Year in advance

  71. Well said post. I love it. Now get my incite on things goto or

  72. I'm losing 15 1bs. in 30 days. See what I'm doing.

  73. Hello-Great blog. One of the best I have seen. Best Wishes.----Larry Streeter.

  74. great info here. there's a website you might want to check out that you can use to analyze and figure out what you're eating and build healthy meal it out, seems like it could be a real aid for weight loss. thanks

  75. I know some of them and they are fantastic! A lot of very useful information about health and diet!

  76. Having a read the blog i dig the community!
    Simple Equation to weight loss put less in than you put out.
    Resistance exercise is great for increasing your metabolic rate for hours and hours after your work out is done and the extra muscle mass will chew through more juice as well

  77. Thanks I appreciate this list as I'm on my own weight loss journey and love to read what others are going through. I'd love it if others also had a chance to read my blog. It's new but it's got character.

    Thanks and good luck to everyone on their respective journeys.

  78. Wow! So many to choose from for inspiration! Thank you. Two of my friends and I just started a blog to encourage one another.

  79. Your blog contains realy very nice information, hope the links you have provided here will do the same.


  80. What a list. I'm a newcomer to the weight loss website owners. Looks like I'll have years to climb this ladder. I suspect I can't even visit all these sites in the next year or 2! Great info me thou in terms of improving my own site.

  81. Thank you for your efforts. We really appreciate it:)

  82. This was really a very informative topic, in which this gives relevant reports about the best things to do in order to have a successful planning of losing weight.

  83. Wow! I hit the jackpot on weightloss blogs. Thanks!

  84. Very interesting yah! I'll definitely go check'em out, each and every blog on the list. Hope they are good blogs though..

  85. I love your blog, we all can use a little extra help when it come to weight loss.
    I think that this weight loss Review site will help others to lose weight.

  86. I love your blog! You are my role model.

    When I ballooned to over 300 pounds, I found that weight loss professionals had a lot of knowledge but mere information wasn't helping. I became an RN when doctors misdiagnose my daughter. So in learning the limits of the experts, I knew that my pursuit of weight loss needed a better vehicle. So to that end, I created MOVVE!™ a process that got me to achieve my goal weight by increasing my communication skills, emotional intelligence and ability to create a goal driven support team to help me reduce my tonnage. After all, knowing the ingredients in a recipe is of little use without applying the right sequence, the right heat, when to stir and add those secret spices that makes the final finish worth all the effort. I found that this MOVVE!™ process is the BEST recipe and tool belt to help change any dream into a goal achieved.

    I am now sharing this MOVVE!™ process to help people become that thinner, fitter and trimmer person they’ve always wanted to be. Check out my new blog called MOVVE Make Weight Loss Work at I look forward to helping folks overcome their pitfalls and failures as they share their challenges. So when it comes to weight loss and better health, get on the MOVVE!™

    I hope to be worthy to be added to your list.

  87. If you are someone who would like to lose some weight but is tired of all the dieting fads, then you should definitely check out the website “30 Days to a Slimmer You,” which cuts through all the dieting nonsense and will teach you how REAL people lose weight!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. I don’t know what it is about your site, but I find myself coming back to it all the time! The information is so helpful for everyone looking to get healthier and even lose some weight. I must say you really nail all your points and can see you have a lot of knowledge in this area.

    Weight Loss Blogger

  90. How right was Howard Stern about Gabourey's weight being a health problem? Take our poll.

  91. Hi Cranky! I really like your site. You have a wealth of information and good tips :) I decided to share my weight loss success since I now found a program that has actually worked for me for the long term. I've lost 53 pounds and I've had the weight off now for almost a year. It's easy to follow, inexpensive, and you use REGULAR FOODS, not a bunch of pre-packaged stuff. You'll see results quickly and naturally. I recommend this to every yo-yo dieter out there. Check out the website @

    You can also check out my blog and my story at

    Let's keep in touch

    Jennifer Bratt

  92. Thanks for sharing helpful weight loss blogs. Even i am also fitness loving person and member of that keeps me fit and healthy,i got nice abs in less than 2 months. Trainers there suggest some good exercise to loss weight.

  93. Thanks for posting this list. I love the topic of weight loss and am passionate about helping people lose weight, as well as reading good blogs of others doing the same thing. Thanks again.

  94. I visited a few of the blogs, very inspirational. Hopefully my blog will make the list this year.

  95. Wow. That's a great list. A lot of those, I've never visited, so I'll have to check them out!

  96. There are a lot of blogs that I'm not familiar with, so I'm going down the list!

  97. Thanks for all the info. Most very helpful. What up 7456mad geez. Anyway hello everyone. Have a safe weekend. Don't forget about your mothers

  98. There's a good bunch of weight loss blogs on the UK's National Health Service website. Great post from a 'CurvyGirl' on how she couldn't resist a toffee apple pudding. They're at

  99. wow!!!!! really useful blogs for weight loss.

  100. Hey its great to read your posts, these are very informative...


  101. Simply amazing stuff! I love reading other's success stories and personal weightloss blogs! I love the red carpet idea! I wonder if you could get Joan Rivers to host?!? ; )

  102. Love this post!! Man I read so many blogs, I had no idea all of these were also out there!

    I better get my protein smoothie and start reading!


  103. Thank you very much for sharing these Readers' Choice: Best Weight Loss Blogs! I hope my blog will also be there in the future. Thanks!:)

  104. Being overweight is a curse for corpulent people. As a consequence of obesity, a large number of cardiovascular disorders and hypertension setbacks are arising in the adolescent generation. Diabetes of type 2 is widespread in the children aged 7-10 years

  105. It's always nice to find new blogs and information on weight loss.

  106. Great list...and now I know what I'll be spending the rest of my day doing - reading

  107. Some of the blogs are close and some of them don't have updates anymore..Some of them are good. By the way, thanks for the list..:)

    Well appreciated!

  108. here is our weight loss blog!

  109. Kindly Visit our Blog also

  110. Great weight loss blogs list. Very useful blog. Keep up the good work. Thanks

  111. i have many weight loss articles which would help all of us. The articles are quite ezee to understand and apply practically in the daily life who want to loose their weight or fat..

  112. Hi my name is Lacey and I have been struggling for the right advice about weight loss. After so many failed diets I decided to get a professional to help me create a website with all free weight loss advice from real people with real results. We have heart healthy food advice to vegan diet advice. Come by my site for great advice and blogs!

  113. Really fantastic stuff i really like this post and list is is amazing...

  114. Hi may name is Terry, I've had weight issues basically since I was a kid. I have seen what works for one person might not work for another.

    Hence I have created my own blog just on this issue where you will find something 100% guaranteed to suit "your" habits and needs. I know this with the tons of great feedback I am getting and continuing to receive. Check it out for yourself, you have nothing to lose except ... what you always dream about.

  115. Hi Crabby, thank you for making this blog and compilation, I'm sure there are so many out there that needs help and I intend to help them too. Come to me for some advice and I shall help you with that, I promise.

  116. That was a great list, and I visited many of those sites and bookmarked them. As a person who is always trying to lose weight, I'm always searching for good weight loss information.

  117. i look forward to seeing what other people are doing. I just started a new one I hope to chronicle on my path to fitness.

    feedback welcomee

  118. well...
    very nice and informational article...

  119. Interesting post.Weight loss topic is the most popular one.Weight loss can be maintained but its not at all an easy job.Its true that eating habits and lifestyle routine are more responsible in gaining weight.And we should understand the difference between good calories and bad calories. Goodcalories are quickly used by your body while your body finds it hard to burn empty calories.

  120. Thanks for the great resource. I myself am addicted to Lyn's blog, Escape from Obesity, so I was glad to see it on one of your lists. I check it every day because I relate to it so much.

    I just started blogging myself at

  121. Always keep your goal in the back of your head, and look out for the little things you can do to help your results, and you will find that fat loss is not as hard as you thought it was.I've lost 102 lbs since 2008 with the diet solution program

  122. I'm just unable to stop myself from saying this: THAT house looks like a dream!
    Those 25 pics just got me. I have no words :-)

  123. What a great list! I'm adding a bunch to Pinterest so I can keep track of them all.

    Hopefully my blog will as inspirational once I reach my healthy lifestyle goals.

  124. Check this guy out.

  125. Heii , great list. Thank's for your efforts.

  126. Wow what an awesome list! I will definitely be checking these out. Thanks for sharing!

  127. Wow, great list. Thanks for gathering all of that together! My blog is also a weight loss blog, please add my blog, would be happy if you do so

  128. i got these msg when i click third blog listed here
    Blog has been removed

    Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

    please update the post

  129. Thanks for the list. Looks like some good ones that I haven't yet seen.

  130. Thanks for the list. Looks like some good ones that I haven't yet seen.

  131. Some good questions there. I think popularity is the best way to do it.

  132. also has some great information for weight loss. From diets to excercise to things you shouldn't do.

  133. for a great weight loss plan check out

  134. I am on my friend's computer right now and saw the list. A blog that my friend started has been absolutely motivating to me and many. His blog is Very honest with photos, very real and very moving. He is also a phenominal writer. I recommend to check out his blog!

  135. This is very educating on how to lose weight.
    Thanks a lot

  136. Thanks a lot for the great list; this blog here has real weight loss video testimonials:

  137. This is all good stuff. I would like to share another site that may be of help to some of your readers. You can check it out at

  138. this is a good article. i really love to read it.. it helps people to lose weight.

  139. www.bsmith584.bodybyvi.comMarch 1, 2012 at 6:46 PM

    I work for Visalus and they have a meal replacement shake that tastes like cake. It offers quick weight loss which promotes motivation. I have lost 36 lbs. in 2 months. Please check it out at

  140. what a great blog!! i really like it! awesome!

  141. Losing weight is hard, but it is achievable as long as you never give up! :)

  142. Losing all of my excess weight was one of the hardest things i have ever had to do, keeping it off was just as hard but with a strong will power and determination it is possible, stay focused!

  143. I had trouble losing weight, too. But I finally found the system that worked for me and my friends. I have free info about this on my site at

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. I love to read weight loss blogs. They inspire me to get into the gym. Which reminds me, I really should get off this computer and hit the treadmill.

  146. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. great article! thanks for posting!

  149. I think eating when you're hungry is perfect. It seems like I snack all day, but I'm not really hungry, I'm just looking to do something. However, if you make healthy recipes, it's possible to lose weight!!

  150. Losing weight is tough, I have 5 great tips on my blog how to lose weight fast

  151. Really nice post. I liked oyour honesty there.

    Transformed my life for the better! The rewards are priceless!

  153. Hi all I'm new to this blogging thing and I've just lost 30 pounds and was featured on the Rachael Ray Show in a bathing suit for the first time ever!! Please follow my blog

  154. very nice post...
    thanks for sharing this

  155. I am a 44 year old 226 pound housewife who is working toward a goal of running (walking... being pulled along?) :) a half marathon in Memphis on December 1, 2012. My blog is not always upbeat but always honest. It is not an easy journey but I will not quit.

  156. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  157. Hi, as a 30 something coming back from a fourth knee op wanting to run again there are some great resources here to help me lose the weight first!


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