
April 24, 2009

Why Your Last Diet Failed You--And Why This Book Won't Help You On Your Next One

This guest post is written by Charlie Hills, who has a hilarious book out about weight loss that does NOT promise easy, effortless results. Cranky Fitness was lucky enough to be the final stop on his whirlwind virtual tour. Check it out, you could win a copy! (Note: due to the increasingly annoying Blogher ad guidelines, we must do the actual giving away over on our review page. So after you click "read more," make sure to leave a comment over there, not over here, if you'd like to have a chance to win! And even if you already have a copy, check out his post anyway--where you will find the sexiest exercise demonstration pictures we've ever posted! (OK, so maybe we've never posted any before...)

Book CoverI'd like to thank Crabby for hosting the very last stop on my virtual book tour. It's been a great ride and I don't regret the undertaking one bit. I mean, what a great way to rack up thousands of virtual frequent flier miles.

Over the past two weeks I've tackled many food-, diet-, and book-related topics. Yet only now have I realized that in all my yacking, not once has the F word come up. Therefore, now that I've landed at at Cranky Fitness, I feel the topic is at last unavoidable.

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