
March 20, 2009

Almost Home!

This is not an actual post but a big THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by while I was slowly wandering my way cross-country. And also a big THANK YOU to Merry and all the guest posters who kept things health-and-fitness related while I was posting silly vacation pictures!

We've got a few more long days of driving and a few more nights of Wal-Mart parking lots and I'm not anticipating much wireless. If I get a chance to write a real post then you won't be reading this. But since you are... it means we're somewhere on I-95 heading north trying very hard to jump around at rest stops and eat healthy snacks like fruit. Or what the heck, perhaps we're sitting on our butts all day and stopping at McDonald's for those damn 99 cent hot fudge sundays--towards the end of a trip we are more likely to say the hell with it, we'll be good again when we get home.

It's been a great trip! But come Monday, I hope to be rested and ready to resume normal health blogging operations. Your patience has been much appreciated and I look forward to catching up with everyone.

See Y'all Soon!


  1. YAY!!!!!!

    Id say we missed you but *I* got to see you :)

  2. Glad you guys are making good progress! Have a safe rest of the trip!! And make sure to say--to hell with it at least once before you reach home :)


  3. As much as I support vacations...I'm glad you will be back soon!

  4. I actually loved seeing so many pictures of y'all - so cute!

  5. Glad to hear you are almost home, and I hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly!

    Looking forward to having you back in the saddle again.... err, back at the keyboard again!

  6. Much as I loved the vacation pics I am looking forward to you being home and posting.

  7. I think we can call the strawberry sundae a healthy snack though, right? Enjoy the rest of your journey!

  8. I surely have enjoyed the vacation photos, but glad to know you're almost back. :)

  9. Next time, Cleveland.


    *just planting the seed*

  10. (And Kentucky. Another seed. We have fall color later than New England, you know....)

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  11. Glad the trip is going well...y'all made me want to buy a jump rope with your pictures!

  12. Plus, you're always welcome to travel to Kentucky and Cleveland by way of Oregon ;)

  13. Awwww, you're in Bisbee (or were), I love going there. That town's great to hike around in, lots of hills. :)

  14. Glad you had such a good time!

  15. gotta love those Walmart parking lots!!

  16. Welcome home (almost)! And, I must concur, those 99-cent sundaes are AMAZING. Wow... now I want one - thanks! haha

  17. Hey travel safe...we sure do miss your cranky take on things!

    P.S. I think I'll start a campaign for Walmart to have wireless in all their parking lots.


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