
January 22, 2009

Salsa is a dance? Core Rhythms giveaway (US/Can)

Another review? Merry, what were you thinking?
I was thinking that I needed to balance out the last review with a positive one.
(Can I mention here that the vast majority of PR people are all kind, professional, polite, and nice to work with?)
I reviewed the Core Rhythms Starter Pack, a 4-DVD set featuring Jaana Kunitz and Julia Powers. There's a Kick Start DVD, a Quick Workout, a Full Workout, and a DVD called "Latin Dance Made Easy."

Have to confess, the title of that last one made me nervous. I liked the instructors, Jaana and Julia, but they were definitely slim and flexible, like lithe greyhounds.

Me, I resemble a different kind of greyhound.

Also, I had thought that salsa was something you ate with chips while you were waiting for your enchilada. Not the hippest chica on the block, in other words. I wasn't sure how they could turn me into a hot Latin dancer, but I was curious to see whether I liked the DVDs.

They passed the first test. My new criterion for whether I like a DVD or not is how much talking takes place before they start the warm up. In this case, I estimate it to have been about 12 seconds. Very impressive. Also impressive was the enthusiasm both women displayed. I got the impression they really thought these exercises were fun. They took the time to explain the movements, using the backup dancers as demonstrators. Most of the moves are similar to those in belly dancing, lots of emphasis on using all the core muscles around your waist, but the Latin dance rhythm gives the workout a different tone.

Below is the quick summary. If you click on the Read More, you'll see the full review and details about the giveaway, which incidentally is open to Canadians.

Good: The workouts were fast enough to get me sweating, but not so fast that I felt I couldn't keep up.
Better: The Latin beat made me want to get moving
Ugly: In most of the DVDs, there was a huge close-up of a dancing torso in the background; it was both distracting and surreal. (See the picture at the top of the page to get an idea of what it's like.)

Also, it was also really cool that these DVD workouts were bi-sexual.

Um, no, not like that.

What I meant was that while most workout DVDs are exclusively women-centric, these workouts had male and female backup dancers. In the Latin Dance DVD, Julia taught the woman's dance moves and her husband demonstrated the man's dance moves.

The workout DVDs all have front and back views, so you can watch the instructors from different sides to follow along easily.
The Help section of the Full workout was really cool. If you are following the workout and can't remember how to do a particular movement, clicking Help pauses the action and shows a video clip demonstrating the movement. I approve of this.
The Quick Workout DVD is good for days when you don't have time for the whole enchilada. A 20-minute workout can still work up a sweat, and this one qualifies.
I loved how the Kick Start DVD had a 'split screen' option so you could see a close-up of the torso one one side of the screen while following the instructor on the other. (This DVD did not have the huge surreal dancing torso in the background.)

The Kick Start is designed to show you the basic moves, while the Quick Workout and Full Workout use the moves to make you sweat. The Latin Dance DVD doesn't give you an aerobic workout; it's a dance video designed to train you in basic Latin dance moves. Which it turns out you've been learning all along unbeknownst.

It was fascinating to try the Latin Dance DVD after going through all the core rhythm workout DVDs. I could see each move as it had been shown earlier: the Salsa, the Rumba, and the Merengue. [Note: Some of the other DVDs demonstrate the Samba but the Latin Dance DVD shows the Rumba. Most of the moves in the Rumba are familiar from the workouts.]

While I was sweating off the calories, I was also learning Latin dance moves! Who knew? (Um... probably people who'd read the fine print on the box, but I'm not that kind of girl.) It's difficult for me to think of myself as having "slinky hips" but so long as the drapes were shut tight, what the hell.

I noted some complaints while I was doing the workout.
- The full workout, I complained at the beginnning that it felt like I was marching in place half the time. However, by the end of the workout I'd scratched this note out. I think the marching was phased out in favor of Latin moves about halfway in to the routine. I do remember stopping and feeling the muscles in my core section. It seemed easy while I was doing it, but the workout did have an effect.
- With the Quick workout, I have a note complaining that the exercises were absurdly easy. Again, by the end of the workout I wasn't complaining. My muscles were.
- Yes, the two instructors talked throughout, but at least it was about the workout. They were good at cueing you for the next move.
- Really, the only complaint I have about these DVDs is that dancing torso in the background. And since I can ignore it to concentrate on the instructors, this isn't a huge drawback.

Core Rhythm DVD Giveaway -- U.S. and Canada!

The people at Core Rhythms are so cool that they'll even ship a copy of the Core Rhythms to Canadians (as well as to USians). Clearly, they're worried about how cold it is in the Frozen North and want to send hot Latin rhythms to keep you from getting frostbite.

To win this DVD set, please leave a comment about how you see yourself: Hot Latin dancer? Or the other kind of Greyhound?

The giveaway ends on Thursday, January 29th at Midnight, Rio de Janerio time. Which by an odd coincidence is 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. ('Cause I ain't staying up 'til Midnight my time to meet up with Mr. Random Number Generator, that's why.)

Note to Anonymous: Hmmmn... either Anonymous has entered several comments, or different people have left comments anonymously. If you would like to leave an anonymous comment, but want to be entered in the giveaway contest, could you please leave a name (thanks Sara and Messymimi!) or other means of identification in the comment? A code word, a recognition symbol, e.g. "I'm the anonymous commenter who will be standing by the clock in Grand Central Station at 11 pm next Tuesday, wearing a red carnation." Something like that would be very helpful. Thank you.

This contest is now closed. Sorry.


  1. Cool!! I wanna wanna try. Seriously, need to learn to move with rhythm. Help.

    Extra cool feature that it shows you the move in slow-mo if you're all confused, as I'd likely be!

  2. I have watched this infomercial in complete curiosity SO MANY TIMES. In my head, I am completely a suave trained dancer. And there are no mirrors in my house so I will be able to continue that illusion no matter how I look doing this!

  3. I'm neither a hot Latin dancer (I'm almost giggling as I type that one) nor that particular kind of greyhound. I'm closer to the latter though, so perhaps a small SUV. However, I do have rhythm in my hips so maybe I should move myself farther down the scale, though I don't have rhythm anywhere else, so maybe not. :)

  4. I am not a hot latin dancer nor a grey hound. Maybe I'm more resembling of a mexican spinning top.

  5. In the mirror I am a Greyhound bus, but in my mind I am a hot Salsa dancer! I love to dance, and it makes workouts fun.

  6. I see myself as a man in a hot Mexican town during siesta time with a huge sombrero keeping out the midday sun. Oh, wait, that was my winter fantasy. I mean I can be as sleek as any other person that needs serious spare tire repair.

  7. I'm too awkward to be able to call myself the dancer but I'd still like to try and learn the moves!

  8. you could say i have rhythm, i got my moves from all my 8th grade dances, woot! Usually i just copy whatever Beyonce or the Spice Girls are doing i do fine!

  9. Me me me! I want some Latin rhythms to warm me up in the Frozen North! I don't really see myself as a Hot Latin Dancer or a Greyhound though...I most resemble my cat in that I want to nap on the couch with a blanket until winter goes away.

  10. The TV commercial for this looks like fun! Of course TV commercials make constipation look like fum

  11. In my head without anyone around i'm definitely a hot latin dancer!! However in reality i usually think of myself as very short, totally uncoordinated!

  12. i have no rhythm, but i'd let a floating torso try to teach me.

  13. Definitely the other kind of greyhound. But I've tried Zumba a few times and my gym has started offering it, so I'll get to go a lot more often, and it was ridiculously fun, as this dvd sounds like. I'd love to try it.

  14. So if you don't see yourself as a hot latin dancer, try hula hooping!

  15. Latin = Mexican = tequila!
    thats about as much exercise as I manage unfortunately, if only the body was as motivated as the mind...
    First time commenter but long time reader (in Australia). Love the blog and the honest reviews, have been watching the infomercials for ages but needed a trusted opinion. Thank you :)

  16. ooo, I want this! I'm neither, but I like to pretend I'm a hot latin dancer and I'll definitely make my husband learn the dances too!

  17. Oh, me please!! I've hit a major BLAH in my workouts. I can't afford a gym and it's been too cold to get outside, and I am completely fed up with every single workout I've been doing in my tiny little apartment for the past 4 months. I need something fun to carry me through to Spring and outdoorsy time!!

  18. Listen... if they can make me move like a hot anything instead of a greyhound bus I'm going to nominate them for some kind of an award!

  19. I'd like to be a hot Latin dancer, but I think I'm more of a greyhound *sigh*

  20. This looks really cool!

    Me? Definitely the other kind of greyhound. But I have hips. They just need to be retrained. :-)

  21. This sounds like a lot of fun - count me in on your list please!

    I would love to have a dance based workout...I have just imagined myself as a hot Latin Dancer and I think "yes. I need to strut my funnky stuff". And it's good for me too?
    Cool :)

  22. I'm more of a golden retriever (friendly, loyal, trusting, short attention span) than greyhound, but I'd be interested to see how silly I look trying Latin Dance.

  23. Ooh! I could use some latin heat to defend against january in minnesota, when it is too cold to even walk the dog. Seriously, I am going stir crazy and I somehow lost all my exercise dvds when I moved, so this would be awesome! Plus I could learn to dance!

  24. I'm more bus than racing dog. But I think the buses are more aerodynamic than I am.

  25. Yes! Please send some of your hot, Latin rhythms to me stuck in the cold, frozen North. Last week, it got down to -22°F around here.

  26. I'd love to try anything that helps me move more gracefully than a bus.

    And once I'm trained into a hot little minx of a dancer, I will take my Boy out dancing...I just need one of those cool skirts...


  27. While I'm at a good enough weight not to qualify as a bus anymore, the muscle tone and moves of the other kind of greyhound are not there. This workout could only help.


  28. Hey, I'm not the only greyhound in the group! That's encouraging :)

  29. Oooh, me. Like others in my head I'm a hot latin dancer and in the mirror I'm close to the Greyhound bus image.

  30. I have potential to be a good dancer, but I could never see myself dancing in a group class until I was more graceful.

  31. I'm half-Latina, but never learned all the right moves. Count me in!

  32. Merry,
    While I may think I'm a hot Latin dancer, I'm really just a white girl who needs some serious help. I would love to win this DVD, especially since I'm going to Mexico soon for vacation and need to brush up on my dance moves while getting ready to rock my bikini! :)

  33. I would love to try this out. In my mind, I am a hot latin dancer. I can not comment on how others see me. LOL :)

  34. Oh definitely the bus kind.. with lots in the baggage compartment.

  35. gah. I dont want to stare at belly button lint. Im all for bisexual videos, though so perhaps its worth a shot.

    I sound like a pron addict.

    Kelly Turner

  36. I am definitly shaped more like the bus kind of greyhound then the dog kind. Luckily, I think those dogs are ugly and I wouldn't want to look like one! If I had to choose a dog to remsemble (oi), I'd probably pick one of those Irish Setters that are long and lean. Hee. This is fun!

  37. I wouldn't try these. They'd be wasted on me. My house is tiny.

    When will you be reviewing the DVD 'Slutty Sexercise for Seniors'?

  38. Um, POD? In about 30 years. Sorry.

    What, your house is too tiny to fit a huge dancing torso on your TV screen? ;)

  39. I feel like a hot Latin dancer with no outlet! The one Zumba class available at the Y meets at a time that is inconvenient for me. Of course, I could always just dance around my house in my pjs but who wants to do that when there are DVDs that will teaching you dance AND work your core muscles.

  40. Not a bus, not a greyhound--more of a Jeep. Definitely with four wheel drive, so I could shimmy.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  41. I am a carpet panther!

    Er, at least that's what I would be thinking as I close my eyes and dance to the DVD.

  42. I would love to be a the sleek canine variety, but I must admit I'm more like the bus. Not that I'm huge, but I'm sure I could stand to learn a few hot moves... LOL

  43. Sign me up - I love salsa.... even make my own tortilla chips to go with it!
    Oh, wait - you mean the dance? Love that, too!!

  44. Merry, I'd have to sit on a chair and do the dance. My TV is enormous. It's tiny to match my tiny house.
    (not really)

    Don't you have to move around to do the dance? Was I supposed to read the whole review?

    Please review "Provocative Pouncing for POD People" DVD and let me know what you think.
    Hopefully we get to sit in a chair and pounce.

  45. Wow this sounds fantastic! Ever since we watched "Mad Hot Ballroom" I've wanted to learn those Latin dances. I bet I could even get the ScottieDog to do them with me!

  46. Provocative pouncing? I love it!

    I'd estimate you need about 5 x 5 of 'moving around space' but don't quote me on it. (English Major = not gifted in the Math department. I'm guesstimating.)

  47. Apparently there have been some complaints about the informerical that you see on T.V. There's a website that lists complaints, called something like core rhythms scam. I didn't mention this in the review because it's not really relevant to the workout. Might want to get this through Amazon or something like that instead.

  48. I'm more like a Mexican jumping bean, but yeah, i'd give this a go...count me in!

  49. Ooh I really want to try this! I'm totally the hot Latin dancer. Except I'm not Latin. Or a dancer. But I'm confident enough to go with the hotness.


    Also I'm so very very cold up here in the frigidness that is Canada. So am in need of this dvd!

  50. When I was in my twenties I went to NYC for the weekend. We had dinner at a spanish restaurant and they had salsa dancing. An older gentleman asked me to dance. I was a basic girl from the suburbs so I was sure I was going to make a fool of myself. But, AND I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP, he told his lady friend, "See. Some of them can dance." I am a closet salsa queen.

  51. Greyhound bus all the way, sigh...

  52. I love dance-based workouts. They're always entertaining, and some of them actually work! Ha! I'm glad you liked this one. I might have to check it out down the line. (But don't enter me in the drawing, because I don't live in a place where I would use it at the moment.) :)

  53. In my head I'm Shakira.

    Outside my head, I'm probably more like George Lopez.

  54. Don't know what I look like, but I know I always feel like a hot salsa dancer on the dance floor.

    (Does anyone remember the first Charlie's Angels movie when Cameron Diaz was at the club? In her head she was a diva, but then we'd flash to the perspective of the other dancers and she her giggling like a dork and gyrating hilariously... that's me....)

  55. i think i see myself as more latin dancer ... even though i'm more built like a greyhound.

    anyway, this would be cool since it has the man's part too - the boy wants to actually learn dance. this would be a painless and cheap way to do it!

  56. I tried belly dancing, why not this?

  57. I would like to think that I might look like a hot latin dancer with the DVD, but I have a feeling the greyhound might still have a frequent appearance in my life.

  58. Would love to try this!

    Like others, I'm a hot salsa dancer in my head, so I would love the outside to match the inside!

  59. As much as i am not a sweet latin dancer, my greyhound-like manfriend loves salsa, and i think two buses dancing to salsa rhythm would be AWESOME.

  60. Jill is cracking me up with her Shakira/George Lopez comment! :>)

    Clear the decks!! I want to Salsa too. Count me in; add my name to the wannabe Salsa chicks.

  61. I would love to have a warm (hot) DVD to add fire to my cold evenings. (I couldn't help myself).

  62. I'm more of a greyhound myself, unfortunately. But I'm getting there.

  63. I am a hot latin dancer when no one else is watching or if I've had a few glasses of wine :)

  64. Definitely NOT a greyhound. In my mind, I'm a lithe and muy caliente Latin dancer.

    It helps I am, actually, a Latina. But I haven't danced in years (as a going out on a date with hubby thing) due to my adiposity. Oh, and that bum knee.

    I think it's time to get reacquainted with my dancing roots.

    The Princess

  65. I could use some bi-sexual latin dancers in my life, couldn't we all. It would definitly spice things up. Ha! I crack myself up : ) But seriously, no greyhound here.

  66. I`m lithe, sleek and as graceful as a panther! Well, at least in my mind. Reality more closely resembles a Newfoundland dog.

    I definitely could use some hot salsa lessons.

  67. Doing a salsa video in my house may actually not be as embarrassing as it was when I attempted to do salsa in public. Salsa dancing is where the man picks his partner. Since I can't salsa well, a man isn't picking me for a partner. Perhaps perfecting my skills will enable me to find a partner!

  68. Definitely not a hot Latin dancer - I have to kickbox at home because I am so uncoordinated

  69. Ok, I seriously NEED this! I'm half latina, but have NO rhythm whatsoever on the dance floor, although I love to try. I not as efficient as the greyhound you depicted in the photo, being a bit clumsy, and uncoordinated, so I'm gonna say I'm more like the not so little train that could...I just keep trying and saying "I think I can, I think I can..." even against all odds.

  70. Hmm...definitely the other kind of greyhound! LOL!

  71. I'm the other kind of greyhound too, but aspire to have rhythm and moves some day! I will cross my fingers that I win!

  72. I think I'm a hot Latin dancer but my moves are probably more like Elaine from Seinfeld. However, a few glasses of Cab and who cares, right? The dancing torso might give me nightmares, but otherwise it seems like such a fun workout!

  73. I see myself as the hot salsa dancer, as much as a mirror would surely prove me wrong. In the words of the Spice Girls' song, Do It, "Don't care how you look, it's just how you feel..."

    I keep seeing commercials for this DVD and I'd love to try it out.

  74. I see myself as a hot latin dancer...a very pale latin dancer, hidden under layers of...insulation.

    I've tried on numerous occasions to get friends to join me for bellydancing classes, to no avail. So I'll dance in the confines of my apartment behind close venetian blinds.

  75. I'm definitely the other kind of greyhound. I'm not a natural dancer.

  76. Ah yes. In my mind I am the champion ballroom dancer. I watch "Dancing With the Stars" and think "PHF!!! I could TOTALLY do that better!"
    In reality, I'm really good at flailing about.

  77. I'm neither .. lol .. but I would have to say more on the greyhound side :)

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. How about a Latina who often moves like the other kind of Greyhound? The infomercial makes this look like a lot of fun. Hopefully I won't fall on my "pompis" while trying to do this!

  80. I can't dance but like to pretend I can!

  81. You know that whole "dance like nobody is watching"? I dance like that all the time. Usually followed by hysterical laughter from my friends but hey, I like to entertain!

    My rhythm comes and goes but I love latin dancing so pick me pick me pick me please!

  82. I'm kind of a combination of the two........I love to dance and think it's a great workout. However, I'm not quite the "perfect dancer type." This would be an awesome dvd!

  83. This sounds like alot of fun. I'd bet I can even get my hubby to participate!

  84. I’m all gassed up and ready to go. Without a doubt I’m a greyhound and oddly enough my boss actually complimented me, comparing me once to a greyhound bus because my walk always showed that I had a mission and destination where I was headed. I am solidly built and willing to make the journey. Dancing is such a fun motivating way to exercise and I feel it is the right direction to move me where I want to go. Honestly, last night I was looking at this set in the store for $40 where I live. I really, can’t afford it, and I stood in front of it for a long time, something told me to wait. I have seen the infomercials many times. This morning I looked it up online and found the silver ticket. How awesome! This is my chance. I so much want this and want to share it with my stepsister too.

  85. While I would definitely have considered myself a greyhound bus six months ago, I've been religiously doing aerobic videos (mostly step) since then and I think I'm actually starting to get a groove! lol I love the videos that incorporate salsa and other latin moves (mamba, etc). I would love a copy of this dvd!

  86. I reckon I'd be the bus kind of Greyhound :(

  87. Rhythm is my middle name.
    Please count me in.
    God bless our troops!

  88. I think this would be a great way to help me stick to my new year's resolution to get fit and the DVDs look like so much fun! I'm a dancer in my head but in the real world i'm just awkward:)

  89. I would love to give this DVD a try and I'm the Queen of the @ Home Dvd Workouts. I've always wanted to try this it looks like fun

  90. As long as I keep my eyes closed and avoid mirrors, I definitely feel like I'm the queen of salsa when I'm dancing.

    Mirrors I can avoid. But when I try dancing with my eyes closed I often step on a cat. Or a child. So that doesn't work very well.

  91. I'm a good dancer, so I'd like to pick that option, but my body's a bit out of shape, so I guess I'm in between :)

  92. Oh, I'm DEFINITELY a greyhound bus... but I'm a greyhound bus with rhythm! I've always wanted to try out a dancing DVD... count me in!

  93. I'm a greyhound bus with a hot latin dancer trying to get out! Sounds like a cool giveaway!

  94. I am definitely the other kind of greyhound I think. Hence being excited about the giveaway.


  95. If I get this DVD I will be a hot Latin dancer.


  96. My girlfriend Deondra was in one of the Core commercials and she swears by this workout.

    I would love to try it too!

    Thanks! Les~

  97. Ooo! Sign me up! I love to dance and have been eyeballing this video already.

  98. I am definitely the "other" kind of greyhound - but the infomercial for these really convinces me that I can be the Hot Latin Dancer type greyhound!

  99. I just took my first "Latin Spice" class at the gym and was appalled to see myself in the mirror when we did turns. Even when I felt like I was getting it, the mirror showed that I was not. So...I'm trying again this week. Practice makes perfect, right? Plus, it's def a great workout! Woiuld love to be able to do it at home too.

  100. I'm more like a retired greyhound who has discovered how much fun it is NOT to chase rabbits. I could use some fun inspriation. Pick me!

  101. I don't think I qualify as any kind of greyhound--at least the bus is hard and I'm anything but! Although I would love trying this video. I think it would work great for me too since every workout would be like doing the dvd twice! The first time would be me and after each move all my fat would swing over to do the move too.

    I truly believe it's simply a matter of finding the right moves and "I" won't have to exercise at all--I'll just get enough momentum going that the fat will exercise itself off!

  102. Dear Cranky Fitness,
    It's great to read an honest review of the Core Rhythms dvd. I really like the "back view" option on these workouts. It's like copying off of the skinny girl in aerobic class. She always knows the moves before the instructor does, plus she's moving in the same direction as you are.
    Thank you,
    The greyhound bus lady

  103. hmm, I would say "my hips don't lie", but my torso can't find a beat if it was standing right in front of it banging the drums.

  104. I am currently a greyhound bus type but working as ardently as a middle-aged german-american klutzy type can to become the sexy Latin dancer. That DVD would sure help me with my "moves".

    Suellen in Mooresville IN

  105. I sure am not a hot latin dancer OR a greyhound. I am more like a St. Bernard. But even a St. Bernard could probably dance better than I can! So, these would get me started on that journey.....the journey to dance better than a dog could!

  106. I guess I'll have to be a cool Latin Dancer, as my cats have a strict no dogs allowed policy for their house.

  107. 'm going to Mexico soon for vacation and need to brush up on my dance moves while getting ready to rock my bikini! Should be fun

  108. You know how sometimes you'll go out dancing, and there will be this person that clearly doesn't know what they're doing, but dances to every song and is obviously having a blast?

    Yeah, that'd be me.

  109. The Core Rhythms does work if you do the moves correctly. I have used it for about 6 weeks and the bulge on my back underneath the bra and close to the waist is almost gone. I'm still working on my muffin top. I really like it.


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